I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 852

Looking at the worry on Fu Jingting’s face and the look on his face as he tried to do her justice, Rong Shu felt very warm in her heart.

She sniffled and said in a self-conscious voice, “I’m sorry, I lost our dress.”

“What?” Fu Jingting froze for a moment, “You lost your dress?”

So it wasn’t someone bullying her?

She just looked like she was just upset and nervous because she had lost a multi-million dollar dress?

When you thought about it, it wasn’t impossible.

Although a few million was nothing to him, no different from a few dollars, and he wouldn’t bend down to pick it up if it fell on the ground.

But to her, it was a lot of money.

It was no wonder she was like this.

Fu Jingting patted Rong Shu’s shoulder with some amus*ment, “If you lost it, you lost it, we’ll just buy it again, your man I have money.”

Moreover, he had always believed that his money was also her money, and he had long since tied her phone to his secondary card.

She could swipe his card whenever she wanted, for any amount she wanted.

But he did it secretly and didn’t dare to tell her about it.

If he told her, she would have to go to the bank to untie it.

When she heard Fu Jingting’s words about his money, Rong Shu was still blaming herself and feeling guilty, but the next moment, she couldn’t help but let out a laugh.

But after laughing, she calmed down again and raised her eyes to look at him, “Actually, when I said I lost the dress, I didn’t mean I accidentally forgot it somewhere and couldn’t find it, but rather, the dress was robbed.”

“What?” Hearing this, Fu Jingting’s face changed dramatically and he hugged her tighter, then looked down and sized her up carefully, “Are you alright then?”

He didn’t rush to ask how the dress had been robbed.

All he cared about was whether she was hurt or not.

Rongshu looked at the man’s expression of nervousness towards her and shook her head in a touching manner, “No, I’m fine.”

Fu Jingting was still a little uneasy and lifted her hand, squeezing her arm and shoulder to see if she had lied because she didn’t want him to worry.

After all, if she was injured, a squeeze like this would definitely expose her.

But Rong Shu really wasn’t hurt, so no matter how much Fu Jingting examined her, she didn’t show any difference.

Gradually, Fu Jingting was convinced that she was indeed unharmed, and his suspended heart slowly fell back into place, “It’s good that you’re unharmed, now tell me, what is this about the dress being robbed?”

I was just getting into my car when a man suddenly pa*sed by me and snatched the two dress bags out of my hands, and then I went after him.”

“What did you say? You went after them?” Fu Jingting’s face instantly sank, and his grip on her hand tightened slightly, obviously, he was a bit angry at the moment, “Do you know how dangerous that situation was? How dare you go after a robber? Have you ever thought about what would happen to you?”

He was staring at her closely, his eyes had fire in them, and more than that, they were worried and nervous.

Could he not be worried?

She actually had the audacity to do such a thing.

Someone who dared to rob someone in the street, or rob such an expensive luxury item, would simply not be able to do it if they were not vicious.

After all, the amount of money involved in luxury goods would be able to put these robbers through jail.

So, if they were not repeat offenders, if they were not the kind of villains who would risk everything, other robbers, they simply would not do it.

What such a wicked person would do to a woman simply made people not dare to imagine.

When he thought of the possibility of Rong Shu being tortured by that kind of villain, Fu Jingting’s heart was so violent that he wanted to kill someone.

Rongshu saw that the man was too emotional and realized that she had scared him, so she quickly patted the man’s shoulder to calm him down, “Okay Jingting, don’t worry, don’t think about it, although I did go after that man, but I didn’t run after him by myself, I drove after him, he couldn’t do anything to me, I could have driven away at any time. ”

But Fu Jingting wasn’t placated by her, his thin lips remained tightly pursed, “Even if you drove after him, you’re not in danger? Have you thought about it, what if that person knows that you are chasing him and then deliberately leads you towards his accomplice? People who rob in the street like this are usually organised, so if you drive into their territory, do you really think you can drive away without any problems? They have many men, they can stop your car just as well, unless you ignore the lives of people and just crash through, but can you do that?”

Rongshu’s red lips opened, but she couldn’t say anything.

Because, she knew very well that she couldn’t do it.

Indeed, she had been so preoccupied with chasing people that she hadn’t really thought about the fact that that person would have an accomplice and had led her towards them.

She hadn’t even thought about this until Fu Jingting had just mentioned it.

So if that person had really led her to his accomplice, as Fu Jingting had said, then she now

Not daring to think about it any longer, Rongshu shivered, her face a flash of fear.

After Fu Jingting saw that she realized how reckless and impulsive her move to chase the man was, only then did he loosen his taut brows a bit, “Don’t be so hasty in the future, reflect on the fact that before you do anything, you have to think of a way back first, only with a way back, even if what you do is a failure, you can still rise again, but if there is no way back, then there is nothing left. ”

With that, he flicked her forehead.

Knowing that he was teaching her how to handle something, Rongshu took it to heart and nodded in response, “I know, I’ll think about it more in the future, but you don’t blame me for losing my gown?”

She looked at him.

Fu Jingting laughed lightly, “It’s just two dresses, why should I blame you? Do you think that you are not as important as two dresses in my mind?”

“No.” Rongshu shook her head, “It’s just that I lost your gown, I can’t bear to feel sorry for myself, so”

Fu Jingting gently covered her lips, “There’s nothing to be upset about, do I still need a dress? I care more about you than the dress, as long as you are safe, the dress can be bought again, forget what I just said? I have money.”

Rongshu took his hand away from his mouth, looked at him for a few seconds and laughed once again, “You look like a thug like that.”

“A thug is a thug, as long as you’re happy.” Fu Jingting scratched her nose.

Rongshu leaned on his shoulder, “I’ve been afraid that you would blame me, after all, this is a task you gave me, and I can’t even do it properly, so I’ve been very upset.”

“Don’t think of me as one of those stupid men who are incapable and only know how to pa*s the buck and blame women ah.” Fu Jingting lowered his head and kissed her on the brow, “Anyway, remember, whatever you do, I won’t blame you, I’ll always be on your side, even if you kill someone, I’ll cover up for you, bury your body for you, turn myself into your accomplice, and go in and out with you.”

“Go on, you’re going to kill someone.” Rongshu slapped the back of his hand in good humour and amus*ment, but her heart rippled with warmth and emotion.

A man who could say such words, even if such words were just words to coax her, was already enough to move her.

Fu Jingting cupped Rong Shu’s face, “Killing is just a metaphor for me, after all, you can’t really kill anyone either, but the attitude I expressed in these words is true, do you believe me?”