I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 876

She looked as if she was a mental patient who had a sudden attack, and it made people’s skin tingle.

Fearing that she might be infected, Rongshu hurriedly shook off Su Man’s chin and took a step back.

Fu Jingting stood up and walked behind her, blocking her with his body so that she wouldn’t accidentally fall or bump into something while backing up.

At that point, it would be him who would be distressed.

“Wipe your hands.” Fu Jingting fished out a handkerchief from his pocket and handed it to Rong Shu, indicating that Rong Shu should wipe her hand that had just touched Su Man.

Rongshu smiled at the man, “We really do have a heart to heart, I was just about to take something to wipe it with.”

But before she could rummage through her own bag, he had already handed her a handkerchief over.

Fu Jingting let out a low laugh as he listened to her remark about having a heart of gold, “That means that we were supposed to be born together, so even if you don’t say anything, but with just a look from you, a movement from you, I will always know, what you are thinking and what you want.”

And, whatever she wanted, he would be the first to prepare and deliver it to her.

The man’s words touched Rong Shu’s heart.

After she finished wiping her hands, she put the handkerchief away and reached out to give the man a hug of her own accord.

The man was stunned at first, then smiled, raised his arms and hugged her back.

The two of them started to show their affection right in front of Su Man.

If it were usual, Su Man might have gone crazy.

But now, Su Man’s whole person was in a completely manic state, laughing there in a crazy and seeping manner, and her mouth couldn’t stop reciting the words.

But as for what was being recited, neither Rongshu nor Fu Jingting could hear it clearly, the speed of her words was too fast, and secondly, they were somewhat disorganised.

In short, Su Man was really like a mental patient now.

The first time I saw her, I was able to see her.

Fu Jingting gave a hint of a reply.

Obviously, he could also see that Su Man was not pretending.

Rongshu pursed her red lips and said, “She became like this after she said that the hatred between me and her was far more than that. Did she mean to say that there was something else between her and me that I didn’t know about? But, I didn’t know her before.”

Fu Jingting lowered his eyes and looked at the woman in his arms, “Don’t think too much, she just looks sick right now, maybe she imagined something out of her own mind.”

Rongshu nodded, “It’s also possible, but I really didn’t think that she would actually have a mental illness.”

Saying that, she once again looked at Su Man who was still there laughing and going crazy, “Perhaps, she has experienced something in the past.”

“No matter what she has gone through, that has nothing to do with us, in this state, she probably can’t ask anything and can’t have a normal conversation, let’s go out first.” Fu Jingting gently squeezed Rong Shu’s hand.

Rong Shu nodded and gave a hint, being led by his hand towards the door.

When she reached the door of the interrogation room, Rong Shu stopped in her tracks.

Fu Jingting felt her stop and followed suit, turning her head to look at her, “What’s wrong?”

Rong Shu didn’t answer, just shook her head at him, then turned her head to look at Su Man behind her.

Su Man was still the same, her head lowered, her eyes lax, her mouth chanting, letting out odd laughter from time to time, that look, looking quite frightening.

Seeing this, Fu Jingting’s eyes narrowed in disgust, then his big hand hooked the back of Rong Shu’s head and broke her face over, “Well, what’s so pretty about it, don’t dirty your eyes.”

Rong Shu laughed lightly, “It’s not that I haven’t seen anyone with mental problems before, so that’s why I was curious and took a few more looks.”

“Who says you haven’t seen one?”

“I have?” Rongshu froze slightly, “When, how come I don’t know?”

Fu Jingting pulled her out of the interrogation room, “Isn’t Li Chuan the one?”

“”Rong Shu choked for a moment, then cried and laughed, “What? Xiaochuan is just a split personality, not a psychotic.”

“A split personality is, in a sense, psychosis, because it’s a symptom of schizophrenia.” Fu Jingting looked at her, a serious science.

Rongshu rolled her eyes, not bothering to talk to him anymore, but in her heart, she was suddenly a little worried about Li Chuan.

She hadn’t seen Xiaochuan for months.

The last time she spoke, she knew that Xiao Chuan, the master personality, had not yet regained control of her body, and Xiao Chuan’s body was still occupied by the second personality.

Now that some time had pa*sed since the last call, she didn’t know if Xiaochuan had woken up and taken back his body.

But I don’t think so.

The fact that Hoshino hadn’t called would be the answer.

And if Ogawa had recaptured his body, there was no way he wouldn’t have contacted her.

“Thinking about something?” Watching Rong Shu walk slower and with her eyes downcast in thought, Fu Jingting turned and stood in front of her, his tone unfailingly concerned.

Rongshu rubbed her brow, “I’m thinking about Xiaochuan.”

At these words, Fu Jingting was instantly upset, “What’s there to think about him.”

Rong Shu looked at him with amus*ment, “You didn’t bring it up yourself, if you hadn’t, I wouldn’t have remembered that I hadn’t contacted Xiaochuan for a long time.”

“”Fu Jingting’s thin lips opened, unable to speak at once.

It seemed that, indeed, he had brought it up himself.

In that case, he had dug a hole for himself?

For a moment, Fu Jingting’s face stank with embarra*sment.

Looking at the man’s gloomy handsome face, Rongshu shook her head in amus*ment, “Alright, don’t be like that, I won’t mention Xiaochuan that’s all, let’s go, let’s go see Lawyer Wang first.”

Rongshu took the initiative to skirt the topic.

Only then did Fu Jingting’s gloomy face ease slightly, slowly turning from gloomy to clear.

Because he knew that she was deliberately giving him a step down.

And he, naturally, went along with it.

When Fu Jingting and Rong Shu arrived at the police lobby, Su Man’s lawyer was also here, holding up a mobile phone and talking to the other end of the phone.

Rongshu heard him sounding quite respectful and even a bit flattering to the other end, but she did not see on his face that he was respectful and flattering to the person on the other end of the phone.

Obviously, this lawyer Wang was pretending to be respectful to the person on the other end of the phone, but on the surface, in reality, he didn’t put the other party in his eyes at all.

Seemingly sensing that someone was watching him, Lawyer Wang looked up towards Rong Shu and met her gaze exactly.

Rong Shu did not expect him to be so alert, so she first froze, then nodded and smiled at him, not the least bit flustered by being caught in the act.

After all, she had been looking openly and honestly, not surreptitiously, so what was there to panic about?

It wasn’t like she was doing anything unseemly.

When Lawyer Wang saw Rong Shu greeting herself, she did not immediately respond, but instead glanced towards Fu Jingting who was beside her.

Seeing that although Fu Jingting’s face was expressionless, he did not look unhappy, he then dared to return a polite smile to Rong Shu with confidence.

“Come on, go and sit over there, he will come over later.” Fu Jingting took Rong Shu’s hand and pointed to the sofa at the side.

Rongshu followed him over and asked with a wry smile, “What? Not jealous anymore?”

She observed Lawyer Wang and greeted him with her actions, she didn’t believe he didn’t know.

But strangely enough, he didn’t react much.

You know, he was the most jealous of all, the kind who could kill himself with jealousy if she took one more look at anyone else.

But this time he reacted in an uneventful manner, which made her curious.