Am I A Gigolo Chapter 807-808

Chapter 807

Duke Louis took off his jacket and draped it over Leng Qianxue, and smoothly wrapped his arm around her shoulders ……

Leng Qianxue did not refuse, but only looked over to this side rather casually when she turned sideways.

It is just the right time to lock eyes with Night Zhen Ting.

The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers.

Night ZhenTing got into the car, his brow furrowed, not saying a word.

“How about using another identity to contact Miss Leng?” Night Fai suggested cautiously.

“If she really has an interest in Louis, I can’t stop her.”

Night Zhen Ting’s voice was very calm, but his downcast gaze gave away a troubled heart.

Night Fai didn’t dare to speak again, and just had to quietly accompany him to the side.

Soon, back at the spa hotel.

Night Zhen Ting wanted to go back to his room to rest, but instead, he met Ling Yun in the living room on the ground floor.

She was sitting on the sofa, hugging a cushion, waiting for him with an apprehensive look on her face.

When she saw him enter, she hurriedly got up to meet him and gestured in mute, “Zhen Ting, I want to talk to you.”

“Hmm?” Night Tremor paused in his steps and frowned at her.

“I know that I must have given you trouble today, but I didn’t mean to.”

Tears glistened in Ling Yun’s eyes as she explained in a guilty panic-

“I stayed in my room all day and felt a bit bored, so I wanted to go out for a walk in the evening, and when I saw the bodyguard taking your clothes out and learned that they were going to be sent over to the banquet hall, I thought I’d drop them off for you …… I really didn’t mean anything else.”

“Got it.” Night Zhen Ting responded lightly, “Rest early, good night.”

Then, he went straight upstairs ……

Ling Yun looked at his back, her face turned gloomy, lowered her head, and tears fell down her eyes.

“Miss Ling, don’t be sad, the night always believes in you.” The medic whispered soothingly, “Take a good rest, don’t think nonsense.”

Night Zhen Ting returned to his room, casually took off his jacket, ripped off his tie, unbuttoned his shirt, poured himself a gla*s of cold wine and sat on the sofa to drink it.

At that moment, the mobile phone rang, it was the old man of the night calling.

Feeling a little annoyed, Night Zhen Ting simply turned off the sound and did not answer it.

Thinking that Leng Qianxue was still having an affair with Duke Louis, and that there might be further possibilities, he had mixed feelings and complexities in his heart ……

The first thing I did was to take a look at the newest version of the newest version.

The dim light and the lingering purple smoke from the aromatherapy lamp seemed to carry a titillating effect that made him tingle.

He unbuttoned his shirt and left it just as casually open as he continued to drink.

And that’s when there was a knock at the door from outside.

“What is it?” Night Shocking bellowed lowly in annoyance.

When no one responded, the door to the room was pushed open, and Ling Yun, dragging his injured foot, slowly walked in, holding a tray with a cup of sober soup in it.

Ling Yun closed the door and walked over, squatting in front of Night Zhen Ting, placing the sobering soup on the coffee table, then pulling his sleeve and gesturing in mute, “You’ve had too much to drink, this is hurting your body, I’ve made you a sobering soup, have some.”

Night Zhen Ting frowned and gave her a cold look, “Got it, you go down.”

Ling Yun picked up his suit jacket from the floor and hung it on the hanger, then prepared to go out.

And at that moment, she actually couldn’t open the door, and there was no response even when she twisted the door handle hard.

She hurriedly walked over to the sofa and gestured to Night Zhen Ting, “Zhen Ting, the door to the room is locked from the outside!”

Night Shocking got up shakily and prepared to open the door, but suddenly felt dizzy and his body fell down softly.

Ling Yun hurriedly supported him, but because of the lack of strength, they both fell onto the bed together.

Night Zhen Ting pressed himself against Ling Yun, and in his blurred vision, as if the delicate woman beneath him was Leng Qianxue, he stroked her hair and murmured emotionally, “Qianxue ……”

Chapter 808

Ling Yun looked at him obsessively, with softness in her eyes, and when she heard Night Zhen Ting shouting another name, her expression froze and her eyes became complicated ……

However, she did not push away Night Zhen Ting.

Instead, she cupped his face and offered her red lips on her own initiative ……

“Knock knock knock!”

There was a sudden sharp knock on the door from outside, interrupting Ling Yun’s movements.

Night Zhen Ting instantly came to his senses and shook his heavy head, fixing his eyes to see that the person underneath him was Ling Yun, and he scrambled back away as if he had been electrocuted.

Looking at Ling Yun, he said “sorry” and rushed into the bathroom, washing his face with cold water to wake himself up ……

He soon regained consciousness and came out of the bathroom, seeing Ling Yun still in the room, tugging on his collar and looking at him in a panic.

Ling Yun scrambled and gestured dumbly, saying that the door to the room had been unlocked from the outside.

Night Zhen Ting frowned and walked over to open the door and couldn’t help but freeze ……

“Zhen Ting, we came to see you for a drink ……”

Duke Louis and Leng Qianxue stood outside the door, their cheerful voices coming to an abrupt halt as they looked at Ling Yun in Night Zhen Ting’s room.

“Uh, this, is it disturbing you?” Duke Louis was very embarra*sed.

“Isn’t that nonsense?”

Leng Qianxue was still smiling, but it was a cold smile, and her slightly narrowed eyes were like a scimitar with a harsh arc.

Obviously, there was only a hostile and hateful relationship with this man, but now that she saw this scene, Leng Qianxue’s heart actually had strong anger and hatred, and even, there was a sourness lingering ……

“Sorry sorry, we’ll leave right away.” Duke Louis pulled Leng Qianxue and prepared to leave.

“Have a seat in the study.”

Night Zhen Ting directly took Duke Louis by the shoulders and led him to the study.

“No need for that, it’s not convenient.” Duke Louis wanted to refuse, but he simply could not help himself.

At this moment, Ling Yun came out of the room in a panic, collided head-on with Leng Qianxue, froze for a moment, and then stared at her in a daze ……

Ling Yun had seen pictures of Leng Qianxue in the night family, in the room of Night Zhen Ting and the children, there were pictures of them together, and the mistress on that, wasn’t it exactly the woman in front of her?

No, wasn’t that woman dead?

“You know me?” Leng Qianxue looked at Ling Yun’s reaction and narrowed her eyes in a dark and cold manner.

Ling Yun shook her head nervously and ran down the stairs in a panic ……

Due to her nervousness and anxiety, she almost fell down, but luckily another medical nurse held her up.

Leng Qianxue looked at Ling Yun’s back and narrowed her eyes slightly, for some reason, seeing this woman lingered in her heart with a complex and unspeakable hatred ……

“Miss Leng, please!”

Night Zhen Ting came to invite Leng Qian Xue to the study, at the same time, gave a wink to Night Hui who was downstairs.

Night Hui made a gesture, indicating that he had already dealt with Chao and Kai, and that Night Hui was keeping an eye on Ling Yun and her people to ensure that news of Leng Qianxue would not leak out.

Night ZhenTing nodded and led Leng QianXue to the study.

“Zhen Ting, Qian Xue and I just came to see you for a drink and there is nothing …… to do,” Duke Louis was now on pins and needles and did not want to linger at all, “Since you have a beautiful woman in your arms, we’d better go first. ”

“Yes, not to disturb the good things of the night chief.” Leng Qianxue’s attitude was cold, not even bothering to look at Night Zhen Ting.

“She just went to my room to bring me medicine.” Night Zhen Ting explained faintly.

“Delivering medicine in the middle of the night, unclothed?” Leng Qianxue sneered mockingly, “Do you take us for fools?”

“Haha, we’re all adults, there’s nothing to be ashamed of.” Duke Louis laughed, “But Zhen Ting, is this the Ling family’s first lady? How come Madame Ma and Madame Li said she was your wife, I remember you told me that your wife was a commoner girl ……”

“She is not my wife, I have no relationship with her as a man or woman.” Night Zhen Ting no longer wanted to explain more, “You guys love to believe it or not.”