Am I A Gigolo Chapter 823-824

Chapter 823

As Night Zhen Ting prepared to get into the car, he noticed that Old Master Night’s car was also driving out, with Night Sen pushing the old man out and Chen Chen following beside him.

“Where are you going here?” Night ZhenTing asked.

“I’m going to pick up Longlong and Yueyue from school.” Old Master Night said.

“It’s only past two o’clock, it’s too early, isn’t it?” Night Zhen Ting looked at his watch.

“There’s an open cla*s at school today, I’ll go and listen to it and talk to the headmaster in the meantime.” Old Master Night was very concerned about the children’s educational growth, “When it’s done, they’ll be out of school too.”

“Okay.” Night Zhen Ting helped Old Master Night into the car, and then prepared to carry Chen Chen into the car, but Chen Chen said, “I’m not going, I have science cla*s in the afternoon.”

“Then you be good at home.” Night Zhen Ting stroked his little head and turned to get into the car.

“Bye daddy, bye great grandpa!” Chen Chen waved goodbye to them.

“Chen Chen ……,” Old Master Night said as he opened the car window and poked his head out, “If school is over and Longlong and Yueyue are going to play at Fairy Tale Castle, I’ll have someone send you over to meet up.”

“Good.” Cinnabar nodded his head in agreement and watched them leave.

As the two cars slowly drove away, Chen Chen glanced around, the entourage was half withdrawn, now that the guards were not as tight, it was a good time to move.

Tatsu returned to his room and sent a message to Long Long’s phone watch, “Call me back after cla*s.”

Then, Tatsu started making preparations ……

Last time, after Tatsu’s second machine pigeon was destroyed by that eagle, he revisited a secret weapon – the Omnimax Micro Monitor!

An all-powerful miniature monitor the size of a soybean, mounted on the head of the little four pigeons, with the software directly connected to Chen Chen’s mobile phone, as soon as he turned on the function, the content captured in the monitor would appear on his mobile phone.

Moreover, this all-round miniature monitor has a round bead inside, which can shoot 360 degrees without any dead angle, and will not be limited to one direction ……

Tenzin put Little Four Treasures on the desk, came up to it and whispered, “Little Four Treasures, it’s up to you if you can find Mommy!”

“Mummy, Mummy!” Little Four Treasures got a little emotional when he said this name.

“Shhh~~” Tenzin opened the window and let Little Four Treasures out.

Little Four Treasures flapped its wings and flew out.

The bodyguards outside saw it and didn’t even care.

Chen Chen immediately turned on his phone, and it was good that Little Four Treasures kept flying towards the direction of Mid-levels North.

It was not in vain that he had trained Little Four Treasures every day during this period of time to get it used to the guide function of this miniature monitor, so that it would follow the guidance given to it by the WeChat monitor to fly towards Mid-Levels North ……

Chen Chen was a little excited, his new research had succeeded, and later, if he found a chance to slip out, he could go to Mid-levels North, and maybe, Mummy was there!

As he was thinking, Chen Chen’s phone watch suddenly vibrated, it was Long Long calling, he immediately answered, “Hello!”

“Dabao, you’re looking for me?” There was a bit of noise on Long Long’s side, he was obviously still in the cla*sroom.

“You find a quiet place and listen to me.” Tenzin said.

“Wait a minute.” As soon as Dragon heard his tone, he knew it was something big and immediately ran to the rooftop of the building, “There’s no one here, so you can talk.”

“Daddy’s gone on a business trip, Grandpa Tseng has gone to pick you up, I’m now going to start the Three Treasures scouting operation and implement the Mommy Plan ……”

“Are you alone? Take me and San Bao with you.”

“Of course it’s the three of us together, so I’m a*signing you tasks now.”

“Fine, fine, you say!” Long Long was very excited.

“After Grandpa Zeng receives you, you will say that you are going to Fairy Tale Castle, then Grandpa Zeng will call and send someone to send me there, at this time, I will find an opportunity to slip away halfway, all you and San Bao have to do is to stall Grandpa Zeng, don’t let him go back and don’t let him send someone to find me …… Understand? ”

Chapter 824

“Uh….” Dragon froze for a moment and nodded, “I see, but it’s like we’re not doing anything, or you’re the one carrying it out.”

“It’s called an inside job.” Tenzin explained very seriously, “If you’ve read the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, you should know that this is one of the tactics.”

“Alright, then you have to be careful alone.” Long Long was a little uneasy.

“I’m not alone, I’m with Little Four Treasures.” As Tatsuya spoke, his eyes were fixed on Little Four Treasures in his phone, “Did you forget? Little Four-Bo is part of the scouting team too.”

“Uh-huh, right.” Dragon remembered that when the three of them had aligned and formed the scouting team that day, Little Four Treasures had also placed its feet on their overlapping hands, signifying its inclusion.

“Remember, make sure you hold off Grandpa Tseng so I have time to move.” Tenzin barked again, “Understand?”

“Understood …… Dabao, you have to be safe!”

“Don’t worry, I’ll be fine.”

Hanging up the phone, Chen Chen continued to stare at his phone, Little Four Treasures still didn’t fly as fast as the machine pigeon, this had a lot to do with the fact that it was usually kept in captivity at home, luckily during this time, he let it out to fly around, which improved it a little.

But it was still slow, and at this rate it might take a while before he could fly to Mid-levels North.

But it didn’t matter, it would still take some time for Grandpa Tsang to get to the school, and Tenzin would have to wait until the bodyguard took him out before he could find a chance to sneak to Mid-levels North, otherwise, he wouldn’t even be able to get out of the villa.

“Knock knock!” At this time, there was a knock on the door from outside and the maid reported, “Young Master, the science cla*s teacher is here.”

“Ask him to come to the study, I’ll be there later.” Tenzin instructed.


The maid went away.

Chen Chen sent a voice to Little Four Treasures, “Little Four Treasures, take a rest when you’re tired, no need to rush, make sure you’re safe, got it?”

“Got it, got it.”

Little Four Treasures hadn’t flown this far for a long time, but it knew it was carrying a heavy burden and kept on flying forward.

Now that Tenzin had told it to rest, he finally breathed a sigh of relief and landed on a large tree to rest.

That all-powerful micro-communicator not only had 360 all-round, dead-angle-free shots and connected directly to Chen Chen’s mobile phone, but also had navigation and communication functions.

Chen Chen calculated the distance and it would still be a while before Little Four Treasures flew to Mid-levels North, so he took his phone to the study first for his lesson.

“Young Master Chen Chen, you can’t bring your mobile phone to cla*s, oh.” The science cla*s teacher said with a smile.

“Teacher, I’m waiting for an important call.” Tatsumi was insistent, “It won’t interfere with cla*s, don’t worry.”

“Okay, then we’ll start.”

The science teacher began to give Cinnabar’s lesson.

Meanwhile, Old Master Night had arrived at the school, intending to listen to the open cla*s in a low profile, but was spotted by the school leaders, and the headmaster and the trustees immediately came to greet him.

In order not to interfere with the open cla*s, Old Master Night had to exit the cla*sroom early.

And at that moment, the open cla*s was over and Longlong and Yueyue came out of the cla*sroom with their cla*smates and when they saw Old Master Night, they rushed over happily, “Grandpa Zeng, what brings you here?!”

“Longlong, Yueyue!” Old Master Night raised a bright smile as soon as he saw them, “Grandpa Zeng is here to pick you up after school, after school, let’s go to Fairy Tale Castle for dinner, okay?”

“Good.” Longlong and Yueyue replied in unison.

“Then I’ll have someone send Tenzin over to meet us.” Old Master Night made a gesture.

Night Sen immediately called the family’s bodyguards to inform them.

“It’s still early, isn’t it?” Long Long felt that the time was a full hour early and was afraid that it would affect Chen Chen’s plans, so he quickly said, “Why don’t we pick up Dabao a little later.”

“That’s okay, you can leave school early today, and after open cla*s it’s free recreation time.” The headmaster said eagerly.