His Secret Lover Chapter 485-486

Chapter 485


Huo Sixing, who was still at the Huo house and had barely been allowed to eat two bites, swallowed a bit more when he heard this, “Where’s he going?”

“I don’t know, I saw someone introduce him to a captain and told him to just talk to him when he said he was leaving.”


Huo Si Xing didn’t know what to say.

Because she now knew that this brother’s situation was not much different from this woman’s.

After being taken over by Huo, all the financial income had been cut, so she didn’t doubt at all that Wen Shuxu would say he was looking for someone to send him out of here.

“Didn’t you explain to him?”

“I did explain, but he didn’t listen, and I also set him up on the game account as you said. But he said one thing and did another.”

Wen Xuxu sat on the flower base holding her phone and crying again.

Huo Si Xing: “……”

After holding back, finally, she blurted out, “You shouldn’t blame him either, when he came to us that day, my dad did say something very hard to him.”


“My dad! He thought he’d ordered us to steal from the shrine, so he scolded him, saying that he’d pretended to be unconcerned but in reality had refused to let go, and that he should just tell him plainly if he wanted to, and that he didn’t need to use such a clumsy tactic as two women standing up for him.”


The brain “buzzed”!

The first thing she felt was that something had exploded in her mind, and she stopped dead in her tracks and never moved again.

Is this true or not?

Is it really possible for a father to say such words? Did he know what it meant? Does he know the depth of the damage it has done to him?

Wen Shuxu finally couldn’t cry anymore.

What replaced it was the coldness of extinction and the pain, remorse, guilt and remorse that stabbed into her heart like a knife ……

What had she done?

How could she have subjected him to such abuse? And who was she to still be here to blame him for being angry all the time?

Wen Shuxu was going to collapse.

Almost regardless, she rushed to the roadside and stopped a car, “Go to the Huo family mansion on Jincheng Road.”

“Okay, Miss.”

The taxi drove her immediately away at a gallop.

However, to her great disappointment, when she arrived at the door of the old mansion, the person who came out inside told her that the old man was not inside at all.

“Third sister-in-law, why do you still come here? Is it because you haven’t caused enough trouble for third brother? Is Si Xing still kneeling inside now?”

This person who came out was none other than Huo Sijie’s cousin Huo Sen.

He was also the oldest of the Huo family’s second family in the old mansion, and his face was ugly when he saw Wen Xuxu.

The first time Wen Xu Xu heard this, his eyes instantly turned red: “No, big brother, I came to explain to the old man that this matter has nothing to do with Sijiu.”

How could Huo Sen believe such words?

He had a gloomy face and was about to close the door and go in.

Wen Shuxu looked anxious and rushed over to stop him: “Really big brother, you believe me, I really have to explain to the old man and let him apologize to Si Jue, otherwise, this matter is very serious.”


Huo Sen’s face changed, thinking of that cousin of his, and in the end, he let go of his mouth.

“He’s gone to the sanatorium, he was angry enough with you guys yesterday.”


A sanatorium?

Was it the sanatorium she had been to when she used to work at the hospital?

Wen Shuxu couldn’t even listen to the rest, and immediately after she got the address, she turned around and ran away.

The first thing you need to do is to find the old man, she can’t let him abuse him like that, for a person who is already psychologically sensitive and fragile, such words, really dare not imagine how traumatic it is?

Wen Shuxu had the wind at her back all the way.

The thought that the truth behind it was that the man had suffered such anger because of her, she could not control her emotions for a while in the car.

Forty or so minutes later.

The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people in the world who have been in the business for a long time.

Wen Shuxu immediately got out of the car, pulled her legs out and ran from inside.

It really was a trance-inducing image.

Remember, the last time she walked into this sanatorium in the bitter cold wind was when she came back from the dead and stepped into it for the first time.

And at that time, the oldest old man living inside was so ecstatic in recognising her that he was so excited that he burst into old tears on the spot.

But what about now?

Wen Shuxu was facing the cold wind blowing in her face, and all she had was a face full of anger, and a disappointment and chill that radiated from her bones!

“Wait a minute, who are you? What’s the matter with coming in?”

“I’m looking for Huo Yanying, where is he?”

Angry to the core, she even started calling him by his name.

The nurse instantly paled.

Huo Yanying?

How dare this woman call their old chairman by his name? Who the hell was she?

She was about to ask someone to come over and kick this madman out, when a figure suddenly appeared in the corridor behind the two.

“Let her in, she’s the old man’s guest.”

“…… Oh, okay.”

Then, Wen Shuxu was able to go inside.

Chapter 486

The first time I saw him, I was surprised that he was still in the same position as he was a year ago.

And when Wen Shuxu finally met the old man, he found that this room where he was staying was also the same as it was back then, and at this moment, tea was being made in the same location.

“You’ve come over? Having tea?”


Immediately, the anger in Wen Shuxu’s chest tumbled again, and even the reddening under his eyes was much thicker.

How could he still be so laid back?

Could it be that he was so indifferent to his son who he had hurt so viciously like that? When had he become so cold-blooded?

“Sit down, the tea you’ve just made is a single bush from your old home, you should like it.”

Huo Yanying then didn’t look too much at this girl’s expression, and after he saw that she had been standing there without moving, he even invited her again quite patiently.

Wen Shuxu heard that and finally spoke out, “I’m not here to drink tea, I’m here to clarify something for you!”

She cut to the chase.


The old man gave her a faint look.

He found that this little girl’s face was full of ungratefulness, and not only that, her cold, frosty face was pained and disappointed like never before.



How dare she, a youngster, show such an expression to him?

The old man shook his head, and then, picking up the tea soup that had been boiled in front of him, he personally poured her a cup.

“Good, tell me, what matter do you want to clarify for me?”

“It’s the matter of your daughter and I sneaking into the ancestral hall, this matter, indeed, has nothing to do with Huo Sijiu, he never knew what we were doing here from the beginning to the end!”

Wen Shuxu walked up to him and urgently explained to him.

The old man listened and smiled again, “Is that so?”

“Yes, I can swear to you that if he knows then tell me to go out and get hit by a car and die!”

In her haste, she had even said such harsh words in order to clear that man’s name.

The old man finally frowned.

It seemed that, very much, he did not like hearing such bloody words from her.

“Don’t be so hasty to say such harsh words first, since I said he knows, then he must know, otherwise, do you think Kong Zhenhua can keep those few equity transfer books in your possession for so long?”

“What are you saying?”

“I’m saying, with your tricks, you can’t hide it from him. Also, ten billion, a mere Lin En, do you think he could come up with that much money in that short of time?”

He reminded her coldly as he held the cup of tea.

Wen Shuxu froze.

She hadn’t really thought about this.

At the beginning, after Kong Zhenhua had shoved the equity book at her, with Huo Si Xing soon coming to her door, she hadn’t even had the heart to think about this in detail.

The only thing she wanted to do was to hold on to the property for him. She didn’t want what he had worked so hard for to be taken over by others, so where else would she have the free time to think about that?

So now what does he mean by this ……?

Could it be that Huo Sijiu really knew?

The actual fact is that she has been kept in the dark from the beginning to the end?

Wen Shuxu did not dare to imagine any further, the palm-sized little face, on the other hand, was getting paler and paler.

The actual fact is that you will be able to get a lot more than just a few of these. In fact, with your intelligence, it’s not difficult to find this out, when you were captured by me at the ancestral hall, he came first, what does that tell you?”


There was no more sound.

Wen Shuxu stood there, only to feel another overwhelming coldness fall into the back of her head.

Her entire body trembled violently there.

No, it wasn’t like that!

He couldn’t be like that, absolutely not!!!

She finally lost control and rushed over and slapped her palm on his coffee table: “So what? Even if he knew that, then he would never go back and grab these things he doesn’t want.”

“Won’t? Then what is he doing now?”

“That’s because of me!”

Wen Shuxu finally seemed to catch his bearings in the midst of a raging storm, “That’s right, it’s because of me, because I don’t want him to give up, I want to keep him, so he’s making me whole.”

Huo Yanying: “……”

With just one sentence, he actually sat there in a daze looking at this little girl whose voice was exhausted, unable to say anything more.

She really knew that b*****d.

And how lucky the b*****d was to get such a girl who was dead set on being for him in this life.

The old man fell silent.

Half a day later, he put down his cup of tea, the corners of his pale mouth held a little smile, he sat there, and I don’t know if it was Wen Shuxu’s illusion, but I actually saw a look as if a weight had been lifted from his cloudy old eyes.

“Are you sure you want to keep him? You’ve already put everything you have into it once for him, and again, you don’t regret it?”

“…… What we are discussing now, is not that.”

Wen Shuxu, who was still in an emotional state, was a bit unable to accept such a sudden change of topic, and her remaining anger was still very sharp with every word.

Unexpectedly, after seeing that she did not answer, the old man actually took something from the side and placed it on the table.


“This is what you want, you can take it now if you think about it, but before you take it away, I want you to think twice about doing that.”

He didn’t answer her question, but gestured calmly at the items.