His Secret Lover Chapter 533-534

Chapter 533

Hanako Nakajima was still a little worried.

Because, to her, this whole thing seemed to be going a little too smoothly.

But it wasn’t long before they received a message from the woman who was already living in the Wen household.

“Ma’am, she said it’s all taken care of! However, she asks that we keep our promise to her.”

“Promise?” Yang Yao gave her an impatient look, “What promise?”

Hanako Nakajima: “It’s that …… when she left earlier, we said that if she takes that woman’s place, then we can’t let that woman appear again.”

Yang Yao: “……”

Seems like, she did say that.

So what now? Kill her?

A hint of hesitation flashed in the woman’s eyes, and at the same time, something that she had phased out of her mind but couldn’t, by chance, forget came to the surface.

“Then let’s take her to the entire look as well, since she became her and can guarantee that she won’t cause us any trouble in the future, let’s make her whole.”


Nakajima Hanako was instructed, and immediately, she headed towards the secret room.

And Yang Yao looked at her back, and also held that cup of wine and muttered to herself, “Du Hua Jin, I have not wronged you, don’t worry, even if she is not her original appearance anymore, I will still let my son marry her.”

Then with her mind at ease, she went on to pack her bags.

Inside the secret room, Hanako Nakajima came in.

It was quiet.

In here, ever since the person locked in there that day had committed suicide and been rescued, they had been injecting her with drugs every day, leaving her to lie helplessly in bed.

Living like a walking corpse.

“Miss Wen, I’m here to tell you the good news that your husband, is now living very happily with your fake.”

The first thing that Hanako Nakajima spoke when she came in, was these words.

In a flash, the girl, who was lying on the bed so pale and weak that she couldn’t even crawl up, trembled violently as she grabbed the sheets around her body.

“You …… animals, you won’t …… end up well.” Her eyes were red with desire, and she just wanted to dismantle this woman and throw her to the dogs again.

But she didn’t even have the strength to curse her more.

Hanako Nakajima saw that and laughed even harder.

“It won’t end well? You mean my brother? Yes, it’s true that my brother didn’t end well, he was killed by that old undead henchman, so, Miss Wen, this account, it starts with you being the first one.”

“What are you …… up to?”

“What for? Of course it’s to give you a makeover, your man has now been robbed by your fake, do you still expect to go out wandering around with that face on?”

This Japanese woman suddenly grabbed Wen Xuoxu up from the bed, and then, her fingers, like evil spirits, cut across Wen Xuoxu’s face bit by bit.

Wen Xuoxu struggled violently all of a sudden.

“You crazy person, let go of me! Let go!!!”

“No no, I won’t let go, later, I’ll take a magazine of the most beautiful women in the world for you to pick, then, we’ll see, do you want to do that one, okay?”


The desperate woman, finally like a trapped beast driven into a desperate situation, opened her mouth and bit down hard on the woman’s hand that was holding her collar.

In a flash, the Japanese woman let out a miserable cry of “Ah-” after.

Five fingers let go!

With the opposite hand she gave Wen Xuoxu a slap on the face!

Wen Shuxu had not been out of bed for many days, not to mention a slap, even if a finger gently legged her so.

She couldn’t even resist it.

Wen Xuxu fell onto the bed, her mouth, full of the taste of fresh blood.

“How dare you bite me? I’m going to get a doctor now, today I’m going to let him strip your face and turn it into an ugly monster, I want to see how you can still walk out in the future?”

Then the Japanese woman, in a fit of rage, went out.

Wen Shuxu still fell there motionless.

It was only after her ears heard the door of the bas*ment being closed with a bang that she slowly closed her eyes.

Then, two bean-sized tears rolled down her thin face from the corners of her eyes.


Why could a fake replace her?

Huo Sijiu, could it be that you can’t even tell the difference between your own wife?

The other people say that after being together, even a hair has changed, the other party can detect it, but Huo Sijiu, that is a big living person who has changed, and you didn’t even notice it?

Is it because you are too careless?

The actual fact is, from the beginning to the end, you are actually not that in love at all.

The girl finally even the last trace of hope are extinguished, the face of the gray, really shaped like a dead person ……


Chapter 534


Yang Yao froze, “I didn’t, didn’t I promise you to send her back before? Why would I do anything to her?”

She denied it crisply.

However, Qiao Shiqian was still looking at her coldly, “But she just died, you promised me not to kill Huo Yanying, Huo Yanying is dead, now Huo Sixing is also dead, Yang Yao, who do you want to kill next?”

His tone, for a second, became terrifying.

It was as if they were no longer mother and son, but a stranger, and even, with hatred.

Yang Yao looked at him, and for a minute, she had the feeling that if she pushed his limits again in the next second, he would not hesitate to break off the mother-son relationship with her and transform it into another, more terrible one.

“What are you talking about? If I said no, I didn’t, am I guilty of lying to you?”

Yang Yao finally got a little scared, she denied it furiously and a*sured him.

Qiao Shiqian finally stopped asking questions.

However, his eyes were still cold: “Fine, then I will believe you once more, and I warn you, don’t let me find out what you have done again, otherwise, you will regret it.”

Then, he walked away without looking back.

Yang Yao was so angry that she stomped her feet behind her, her good mood just now all ruined.

Huo Si Xing had actually died?

When had she ever let anyone move her?

This woman, Huo Sixing, she did hate because back when she was only six years old when she was Huo Yanying’s lover, every time she tried to find a way to go to the Huo family, she would be verbally abused and screwed over by her.

She called her a vixen and scolded her for seducing other men without any shame.

She also told the maids in the house to throw dirty water on her and let the dogs bite her, and threatened that if she still went to their house, she would let the maids undress her and throw her into the street.

Therefore, Yang Yao was very resentful towards this woman.

After Huo Si Xing fell into her hands, she immediately had her stuffed into a sack and thrown onto a boat, she was going to sell her as a JI girl, she scolded her for being a vixen and seducing men.

She was going to let her die under those men!

But who knows, then this son of hers called and told her to let her go.

So who had got her killed now?

Yang Yao was furious, and finally she thought carefully and realised that there was only one possibility, and immediately, she picked up her mobile phone and dialled over.


The phone was quickly picked up, presumably up for the press conference that was due to start at dawn over there.

When Yang Yao heard it, she immediately held back her anger and questioned, “I’m asking you, was it you who killed Huo Sicheng?”