Am I A Gigolo Chapter 863-864

Chapter 863

“No, we have to go find Dabao.” Long Long said excitedly, “Take us with you!”

“Stop it ……”

Hai hadn’t finished his words when a small green figure suddenly flew in not far away.

“It’s Little Four Treasures!!!” Yue Yue exclaimed in excitement.

Long Long immediately opened the car window and stretched out his hand, Little Four Treasures flew over and landed on his hand, fluttering his wings excitedly and screaming, “Dabao, Dabao, save Dabao, bad guy, bad guy!”

“What do you mean?” Hai asked hurriedly.

“Dabao has been taken away by the bad guys.” Yue Yue immediately grasped the situation and urged anxiously, “Quick, go and save Dabao.”

“Could it be Miss Leng?” Ah Hai frowned and murmured.

“Bad guys, bad guys, black, black ……,” Little Four Treasures repeated the words.

“Those bad guys are black.” Yue translated.

“Black people ……,” Hai exclaimed, “could it be ……”

“Oh no.” Kai’s heart was racing, “Get in the car!”

Everyone got into the car and stood by.

Kai carried Longlong in the cab of the Maybach and used Longlong’s watch as navigation, driving down the mountain in pursuit.

“Young Master Long Long, fasten your seat belt, I’m going to accelerate.”

Hai was the wildest driver of all the bodyguards, and now he was going out of his way to save people.

“Don’t worry, I’m a man …… ah ……”

Before Long Long could finish his words, the car flew out.

He hurriedly fastened his seat belt and held on to the handle, wrinkling his little brow with a serious face.

So exciting, so thrilling.

So the movie was real!!!

He secretly clenched his fist and said in his heart, I’m going to be a little hero today too and save Dabao!!!

Yue Yue sat in the extended version of the car with Little Four Treasures in her arms, her little face pale with fear and shining with tears.

“Little Princess Yue Yue, don’t be afraid, we will definitely be able to save Little Master Tatsu.”

Kai comforted her as he called Night Sen, but the phone was switched off there, so he could only call Night Fai.

The phone kept occupying the line and he was about to go crazy. He called Night Army again and the phone went straight through.

What to do?

“I’ll call Daddy and ask him to go save Dabao.”

Yue Yue immediately dialed Night Zhen Ting’s mobile phone, the phone was on hold, she tried calling several times, but still couldn’t get through, she could only send him a voice message ……

“Daddy, Dabao has been taken away by the bad guys, come and save him!!!”


Hai’s car had just driven to the foot of the hill when he saw three super cool George Battons not far ahead of him chasing three black modified cars at fire speed.

The hawk was soaring and hovering right above the black modified cars, occasionally emitting a warning hawk cry, scaring the three modified cars in the direction.

“Holy sh*t, whose cars are those special edition George Battons?” The attendant exclaimed.

“Looking at that car, it could be those women.”

Hai had competed with Apathy many times and already knew her skills; she liked to drive in a straight line disliking going after and then ramming into the back of her opponent’s a*s.

It was stiff and hard, and it made him explode with anger every time.

But this time, Hai was screaming for her in his heart!

Now, the George Patton at the front of the pack charged forward like a bison and slammed into the butt of the black modified car in front of him.

“There was a loud bang, and the car was knocked upside down and swayed forward.

But it was still in George Patton’s way, preventing him from pursuing the car in front of him.

Clearly enraged, George Patton increased the throttle and rammed it hard.

“Bang! BANG! BANG!!!”

The black modified car was soon knocked out of the way, stumbled off the road, tumbled several times and fell to the side of the road.

The George Patton continued on its way, with a second black conversion car still attempting to stop it, and it went straight around the side to catch up with the one running at the front.

Chapter 864

“Holy sh*t, what a cool car skill.” The bodyguard was excited, “Brother Ah Hai, I think that driver’s driving skills are even better than yours.”

“Shut up.” Ah Hoi bellowed angrily and picked up speed to go after him.

At that moment, George Barton threw a tail and dashed past like an arrow, crossing the road and forcing the two black modified cars to stop.

Ah Hoi pulled up a short distance away, ready to watch the battle and see what happened first.

The car door opened and Leng Qianxue came down with a gun, dressed in black, cold and domineering, her eyes as stern as a sword!!!

Behind them, seven female bodyguards lined up, pointing their guns at each other’s cars.

If the other party dares to play tricks, her George Patton will send them to heaven!

The George Patton was as tall and majestic as a wild beast, looking down proudly at the three black modified cars in front of it.

At this moment, Leng Qianxue was just like her ride, pointing at the gang in front of her with an overbearing air: “Get out of the car!”

Inside the car, Night Yan looked at Leng Qianxue in bewilderment, stunned ……

“It’s her?” The black man driving the car opened his eyes wide and looked at Leng Qianxue incredulously, “She’s not dead?”

“Watch the baby.” Night Yan instructed the female attendant in the back row, and then pushed the door to get out of the car.

The other black bodyguards all followed suit and got out of the car, nine black men, plus Night Yan, making ten in total.

There were more of them than the other side, so they had no fear.

Leng Qianxue narrowed her eyes and stared at the woman with a ghostly coldness, looking even a hint of familiarity, as if she had seen it before somewhere, as well as a few of the black people, which inexplicably made her angry and hateful ……

“It really is her.” A tall black man said in Arabic, “She got hit by our fiery poison and she’s actually not dead?”

“Now she’s one of Leng’s.” Night Yan whispered in Arabic, “Didn’t they say she had lost her memory? Why did she still come to save her son?”

“So it was you guys who poisoned me.” Leng Qianxue understood their words and narrowed her eyes grimly as she slowly approached them, “Just in time, today we settle old scores with new ones!!!”

“You understand?” Night Yan was shocked.

Inside the car, Chen Chen saw Leng Qianxue and hastily pulled away the hand covering his mouth, shouting excitedly, “Mummy-”

Leng Qianxue turned her eyes to look at Chen Chen, who was being held by the bodyguards in the car, and her heart felt like it had been struck hard by something. Instantly, her eyes became stern, and her murderous aura ran up like a flame ……

“Dare to touch my son, looking for death !!!!”

Leng Qianxue gave a command, the eagle soaring in the sky suddenly flew over like an arrow, attacking the other party ferociously ……

Night Yan hurriedly raised her gun to shoot at the eagle.

However, in the previous second, Leng Qianxue fired.

A silver bullet shot straight through like a cold light and struck Night Yan’s wrist.

Instantly, blood splattered everywhere.

Night Yan screamed miserably, staggered back a few steps and roared in wretched fury, “Go!”

The blacks immediately opened fire, and the eagle swooped and swept away several guns.

At the same time, Leng Bing led the men to rush over and fight with those black men.


Not far away, the night family’s bodyguards watched with fervour: “Brother Ah Hai, should we go up and help?”

“Don’t move yet, it’s important to protect the young master and princess.” Ah Hai frowned, “You guys keep an eye on Long Long and Yue Yue, I’ll go and save Chen Chen.”

With that, he got out of the car and rushed over ……

“I’m going too.” Long Long was ready to get out of the car, but he was tugged tightly by the bodyguard on the side, “Young Master Long Long, you must not make a scene, this is a game of life, not a game of fun.”

“I’m going to save Dabao ……”

Long Long was in a position where he couldn’t see Leng Qianxue clearly, he only knew that there was another group of people rescuing Chen Chen, but he didn’t know who it was.

“Hai has already gone, you stay in the car and behave yourself!”

The bodyguard watched him carefully, not daring to make a mistake.

Ah Hoi hurried over, trying to find the right opportunity to save Tatsu.