His Secret Lover Chapter 575-576

Chapter 575

No, it can’t be, it won’t ……


Lengxu was still piloting the helicopter in front of him, and he was startled when he looked sideways and saw that this boss suddenly didn’t move.

What happened?

It couldn’t be that …… something had really happened, could it?

He dared not think about that.

“Zizania …… go to the Zizania section ……”


Lengxu looked at him in surprise.

It was in this daze that the out-of-control man rushed over, “Go to Zizania!!! Didn’t you hear me? I told you to go to that place!!!”

Lengxu: “……”

Without saying anything else, he turned his direction and immediately flew back to the place he came from.

A few minutes later, the Zizania section.

Sure enough, once their helicopter landed here, the two of them caught a glimpse of a hard bent guardrail on that highway from the helicopter.

It was obvious that there had been a traffic accident.

Huo Sijiu immediately rushed down from the cabin so fast that he forgot to put on his down jacket.

Lengxu parked the helicopter and hurriedly took his jacket and followed him down.

Only to find that when both of them came down, they saw at a glance the place where the guardrail had been bent and there were some parts of the car that had been knocked down.

Including a car plate.

Wen Shuxu!!!

Huo Sijiu, who ran over, looked at these things as if he was dumbfounded, and finally, he heard the sound of something breaking off in his heart.

He had been really hating, and angry and disappointed for the past two days.

Because, he felt that after all the two of them had gone through, even if she wanted to save that man, she shouldn’t have lied to him, let alone used tactics like that.

Would he have disagreed if she had told him directly that she wanted to save?

Also, he had released the man, and this Qiao Shiqian turned around and went to the hospital to look for her, but she came back and never said a word.

What did she mean?

Why wouldn’t she tell him?

Did she not trust him? Or was there really some secret between them?

She knew he disliked her contact with that man so much, but yet, behind her back, they were intimate like that in the hospital, all holding her against the wall.

Huo Siji was really going crazy those two days!

Especially when he saw that video, he almost lost control.

He never thought that such a thing would happen before his eyes.

So, for those two days, he was extremely cold to her, even bad-mouthing her, and wouldn’t even touch her, and as soon as she touched him, he would remember that scene from the surveillance.

And then all over the place.

But when he saw the license plate now, and the parts scattered in front of him.

Suddenly, he wanted to slap himself.

Why had he done that to her?

If he hadn’t cold-shouldered her and scolded her, wouldn’t she have acted the way she did today? Was he the cause of all this today? Forced it?

Did those things really matter that much?

He was trembling, overwhelming fear loomed down from his head, and the man, who was a little over eight metres, found it impossible to even stand.

“President, where are you going? Don’t you mess around, this is full of ten meter high cliffs down here, you’ll be in danger like this!!!”

Lengxu was in shock!

How could he have not expected that this Lord Boss would want to go down over that parapet to find someone, so frightened that he hurriedly rushed over and yanked him down.

What was he going to do?

Was he crazy?

Does he know that the bottom of this cliff is a cliff, does he want to die?

“President, calm down first, let’s call the traffic authority in Haicheng and ask, okay? Don’t be so impulsive.

“Get lost!”

The man whose eyes were all scarlet couldn’t listen to any of this, he shook him off hard and wanted to continue.

Fortunately, at this time, the Haicheng Traffic Bureau sent another message.

[海城交局:Mr. Huo, we have checked, this car your wife later drove back to Hai Cheng by herself, we can look up her location if needed.

Leng Xu: “……”

Immediately, he looked ecstatically at this boss lord whom he couldn’t even press: “President, look, the wife is fine, she has arrived at Haicheng!!! You don’t have to worry anymore!!!”

With that one sentence, this man stood there trembling after ……

Finally, he saw him then go limp in his hands with a speed visible to the naked eye.


Wen Xuxu was indeed already in Haicheng at this time.

She had met that representative of the Zhong Qiao Group — Will . Mason .

“Sorry for the delay, Mr. Will, for keeping you waiting for so long.

“The first thing she said when she saw this man was to hurry up and apologise to him.

Will. Mason just looked at her quietly.

He had gone over it since she had told him who she was.

Nancy on Wall Street, although she worked under Lynn, she, herself, was a little more widely known on that financial street than she, the boss, had come to be.

Because, in many cases, Lynn was in the business of seeing people.

Nancy, however, is a real investment for people, and, with Lynne as her backer, she has done almost every single one of them, such as the famous oil tycoon investment case, and the Red Cross ……

In short, this woman is really famous in the financial world.

Chapter 576

But she is, to my surprise, such a small, delicate and pretty Oriental girl.

Will Mason smiled. Mason smiled: “It’s all right, it’s an honour to meet the legendary Miss Nancy, but your injury, do you want to take care of it first?”

He pointed at Wen Shuxu’s forehead with concern.

Only then did Wen Xuoxu remember.

At once, she touched her forehead which still had blood on it, and became even more embarra*sed.

“Sorry about that ……”


Ten or so minutes later, when Wen XuXu was bandaged up and came out by the hotel’s medical staff, this M Nation man was already outside in the restaurant ordering a table of food and waiting.

“I take it you haven’t eaten yet? Why don’t we talk over dinner?”

“Sure, thanks Mr Will.

Wen Shuxu didn’t expect this client to be so considerate, and was instantly touched for a good while again.

At the very least, this was the first time she had felt in a better mood since she got up in the morning, and even that icy cold heart seemed to have warmed up quite a bit.

Wen Shuxu sat down and began to eat slowly with this customer.

“How did Miss Nancy come to work at Huo’s? Wasn’t she in Linn’s company before? I think it would be more suitable for you to work on Wall Street with Miss Nancy’s talent.

“Well, it’s a long story.

When Wen Shuxu heard this question, she didn’t know what to answer, and could only give a perfunctory sentence helplessly.

She certainly knew that she was more suitable to stay in Wall Street.

However, what could be done? Here her family’s business, can not always be ignored.

The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the public.

“Huh?” Wen Shuxu immediately raised her head, “Mr. Will …… Why do you say that?”

“Because when I called over this morning, I didn’t feel the importance that that president of yours attached to you, he only told me to look for you; also, you braved such a heavy snowstorm to come over today, this boss of yours doesn’t seem to care about you, so far, I haven’t seen you receive any condolence calls, isn’t he even worried about something happening to you?”

This foreign man, surprisingly, hit the nail on the head with this.

Wen Shuxu sat there, at once, only to feel the sadness at the bottom of her heart that she had suppressed coming back like a tidal wave after.

The food in her mouth immediately became tasteless.

She did not want to mention this topic.

However, it was indisputable because, indeed, she had not received any calls of concern today.

“Maybe …… it’s because he doesn’t know what the weather is like here today.

“How could it be? Hai Cheng to A City is just over three hours away, how far can it be different, Miss Nancy, you need to recognize reality and should find a boss who appreciates you more.

Foreigners are generally more blunt, hearing that Wen Shuxu was still making excuses, he immediately poked her without mercy.

Wen Xuoxu couldn’t say a word.

The small face, which was still wounded, was there as white as paper.

“Yeah well.

“Of course, if you’re willing, we at Zhong Qiao Group are also very welcome to you.

” Will. Mason finally said what he really wanted, his face was full of smiles .

Wen Shuxu was stunned.

So, he just said so bluntly, and so unforgiving of Huo’s face, in fact, just to poach her?

Wen Shuxu was crying and laughing.

However, after calming down, she could not deny that what the foreign man said was the truth.

The two of them finished their meal half an hour later, and Wen Shuxu finally signed the contract with this Will. Mason signed the contract.

“Miss Nancy, is it true that you won’t consider our Zhong Qiao Group?” After signing the contract, the foreign man was still undeterred and once again made an offer.

Wen Shuxu was a bit amused and could only refuse once again.

“No, I still have my family here, I have no intention of leaving the country again for the time being.

“Alright then, let’s work together again sometime.

Will. Mason showed a very regretful expression.

But, always the gentleman, he had not forgotten to make arrangements for the girl who had come all this way to sign a contract with him, without any hindrance from the wind and snow, to return after being rejected.

“Miss Nancy, and how will you be getting back later?”


The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the market.

She was really a bit tired and wanted to get some rest.

Will. Mason soon left.

Wen Shuxu watched him leave and went back to the hotel, ready to get a room and get some rest.

But at this time, in front of this hotel, a black Rolls Royce Phantom like an arrow suddenly drove here, and after seeing her in the hotel, the person in this car got down and suddenly rushed in.



It was a very urgent, and also full of tender love call.

The people in the hotel lobby immediately all stopped and paid attention to this matter.

There is no way, this person, but drove a top luxury car to come, from the figure, and is a stunningly outstanding man, who all want to see, the woman who was tenderly called by him is who now?

The company is also a member of the Board of Directors of the National a*sociation of the United States of America.

The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who have been in the business for a long time, and they’ve been in the business for a long time.