Mistaking A Male Escort Chapter 911-912

Chapter 911

“Daddy, don’t worry, Erbao will definitely get this done!”

Long Long had a determined face, he treated this matter as a great task.

“Good boy!” Night Zhen Ting stroked his little head and personally put on his jacket, “When you see Grandpa Zeng, just say that Dabao helped Daddy with the software during the day and was so tired that she fell asleep, San Bao has a bit of a cold, Daddy was worried that she might get infected when she got to the hospital, that’s why he didn’t let her come, got it?”

“Got it.” Longlong nodded repeatedly, “I remembered everything, don’t worry daddy.”

“It’s a bit cold outside, wear a good jacket and wear a mask when you get into the hospital ……” Night Zhen Ting pinched his little face and said gently, “Okay, go.”

“Mm-hmm.” Long Long hugged Night Zhen Ting, “Daddy don’t worry, San Bao will be fine, you sleepy then take a nap, don’t be too tired.”

Hearing these words, Night Zhen Ting was very touched, he had always felt that Long Long was heartless, but now he knew that this boy also had a tender and delicate side ……

Night Hui took Long Long away.

Lei Yu arrived in a hurry with a paediatrician to re-prepare a new treatment plan for Yue Yue.

Night Zhen Ting was on guard the entire time, and the doctors were a little nervous for fear of making mistakes.

With such comprehensive treatment, Yue Yue’s temperature finally stabilised.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and Night Tremor’s frown finally relaxed.

He was ready to go back to take a shower, change his clothes and go to the office, but as soon as he stepped out of the ward, there was a shocked scream from the medical nurse behind him, “Oh my God, Dr. Lei ……”

Night Zhen Ting immediately turned around and rushed back to the ward, Yue Yue actually started vomiting and then twitching ……

“San Bao!!!” Night Zhen Ting rushed over and hugged Yue Yue, roaring in agitation, “Someone, someone, someone!!!”

Lei Yu rushed over in a panic with the paediatrician and when they saw Yue Yue in this state, they were all terrified too.

“Night King, let go of Yue Yue first and let us treat her.” Lei Yu said anxiously.

“If anything happens to my daughter, all of you will have to die!” Night Zhen Ting was extremely angry.

Those few paediatric specialists were shaking in fear, and one of the female doctors was so scared that she fell to the ground.

“Yes yes yes, don’t be angry, let us treat Yue Yue first ……”

Lei Yu was very flustered, but still coaxed Night Zhen Ting patiently.

Night Zhen Ting let go of Yue Yue and handed the child over to them, standing by and watching them give Yue Yue an injection.

The poor child, with needles all over the backs of both hands, had run out of places to stick them, and now they could only stick them on her forehead ……

Night Zhen Ting’s eyes were bloodshot and his hands were clenched into fists, trembling with excitement.

Although Yue Yue had often been sick before, it had never been this serious, and he dared not imagine that if anything happened to Yue Yue, he ……

“Send her to the intensive care unit immediately.” A doctor said anxiously.

Hearing these words, Night Zhen Ting’s eyes widened in shock, his whole body shaking, tugging his fist and rushed over, “What did you say??”

“Night King ……” Night Jun yanked him to his death, “Calm down, calm down!!!”

“Night King, we have to send them to the ICU now, for the sake of the child ……” Lei Yu cried, “If anything happens to Yue Yue, I’ll thank you with my life, but for now, I beg you to trust us.”

“Hurry up and arrange it.” At this moment, an old voice came.

Night Sen walked in hurriedly holding Long Long, he just felt that something was not right, coaxed Long Long to tell the truth, and then rushed over to the side of Ci Xin Hospital to see what was going on, not expecting things to be so serious ……

“San Bao, San Bao ……”

Longlong was so scared that he kept crying, but he didn’t dare to make too much noise for fear of scaring Yue Yue.

So he exerted himself to control it and his little body kept shaking.

“Go on.” Night Fai gave a wink.

Lei Yu hurriedly pushed Yue Yue out with the doctors.

Night Terror was on the verge of collapse and slammed his fist into the wall.

“The whole room shook like an earthquake ……

Chapter 912

“How did it suddenly turn out like this for a good reason?” Night Sen frowned tightly and questioned Night Hui, “Have you asked Rong Ma? What exactly did that child eat yesterday?”

“This ……” Night Hui hesitated and said in a low voice, “The three children were at Miss Leng’s side the night before last, they were only picked up last night, they hadn’t eaten anything when they got home, and they started vomiting and fever without even drinking a mouthful of water ……”

“So, it was the wrong food over there?” Night Sen looked to Night Zhen Ting and reminded rationally, “Do you want to check?”

Hearing these words, Night Zhen Ting’s eyes suddenly changed, “Could it be ……”

Leng Di Feng was good at using poison, and could use it unnoticed ……

This matter was known to those who were familiar with him.

Could it really be ……

“Long Long, tell Grandpa Sen, what did you all eat in those two days?”

Night Sen bent down to hold Dragon’s shoulders and asked lovingly.

“We didn’t eat at Mummy’s house either, we just drank water ……” Long Long conference carefully, “We got sick the night before last when we arrived at Mummy’s house, and Mummy called a doctor to the house to treat us.

At that time, because we were all running a fever and vomiting a bit, we just drank water, then we went to the hospital, where we ate vegetable porridge, then later the fever went down and stabilized, so we went home.

When we got home and saw our uncle, we were scared, so Mummy said she would take us out for dinner, and then ……

Listen to the Sea restaurant prepared a lot of good food for us, but we wanted to eat Mummy’s dumplings, so we held back from eating anything else.

By the way, we had waited for a long time and we were all hungry, so San Bao and I had a piece of cupcake, but it was exactly the same and I ate it, so I was fine ……”

“Go and listen to the sea at once.” Night Zhen Ting immediately ordered, “Search all over.”

“Yes.” Night Jun immediately led his men to investigate.

“Young master.” Night Sen patted Night Zhen Ting’s shoulder and lovingly reminded, “The more times like this, the more calm you have to be.

The children are your heart, if something happens to them, you must lose control, the enemy may have caught this soft spot of yours, you must be calm.”

“The enemy ……” Night Zhen Ting’s eyes instantly surfaced with a cold, cold light, gritting his teeth and shouting angrily, “If he dares to poison my children, I will never let him go !!!!”

“Calm down, investigate clearly first.” Night Sen immediately rea*sured, “It’s just speculation now, don’t act impulsively.”

“Daddy, Grandpa Sen, what are you talking about?”

Long Long couldn’t understand, he just felt very nervous and scary, he had never seen daddy like this before, like a beast that was going to eat people.

Dragon was a bit scared ……

“Right ……,” Night Zhen Ting suddenly thought, Chen Chen is still in the Leng family, in case ……

He didn’t dare to think too much and immediately took out his phone to dial Leng Qianxue’s number, which was not available.

He hurriedly squatted down and said to Longlong, “Erbao, call Dabao.”

“Oh-oh.” Long Long immediately used his phone watch to dial Tenzin’s mobile phone, which prompted him to turn it off.

“Watch the baby.” Night Zhen Ting left these words and rushed out like a gust of wind ……

“Young master, young master ……” Night Sen was in a hurry, “Follow quickly.”

“Yes.” Night Fai immediately followed.

“Daddy ……,” Long Long was terrified and pulled on Night Sen’s trouser leg, crying, “Grandpa Sen, I’m so scared, what’s wrong with Daddy?”

“It’s okay, it’s okay ……” Night Sen hurriedly coaxed him, “It’s going to be okay, Daddy is going to pick up Dabao, he’s worried that Dabao will get sick from eating the wrong things over there too.”

Longlong couldn’t understand, but thought it was good that Dabao could come back, whenever something happened, Dabao would have more ideas than him ……

Without him, he had no way to protect San Bao by himself and no way to appease Daddy.

He was so worried and scared ……