His Secret Lover Chapter 655-656

Chapter 655

The maid rushed to tell her where the children had gone.

Went to the old mansion?

It’s good, there is Huo family there, I believe they will take care of them.

Wen Shuxu was relieved, then she came down and went to the entrance to prepare to change her shoes and go out.

“Madam, are you going out?”


“But, sir just called and said he would be back later, won’t you wait for him to have dinner together before you go out?”

Suddenly, this maid stood there and told her this.

Immediately, Wen Shuxu was like being nudged in the head and stopped there!

He was coming back for dinner?

Is this …… the sun coming out of the west?

She simply did not believe such a thing.


Finally, she went back into the dining room.

Twenty minutes or so later, to her great surprise, the man who had avoided her for two whole days, preferring to go and stay in a hotel rather than come back to stay at home, had actually come back.

“It’s sir, sir is back!”

The maid immediately shouted in surprise upon hearing the voice, and then immediately ran to the front door and waited up.

Wen Shuxu’s heart skipped a beat as well.

She didn’t want to admit that her heart had died like this by now, but when she heard the sound of him really coming back, she still couldn’t control it and jumped again.

It was as if a candle had been extinguished and suddenly a spark had appeared again.

Sure enough, a few minutes later, there was the familiar sound of sturdy footsteps coming towards the entrance of the villa, and within a moment, the tall, straight man appeared with a set of car keys.

“Sir, you’re back?”

“Well, where’s the wife?”

Huo Sijiu asked Wen Shuxu as he came in, while changing his shoes, actually, at the same time.

When Wen Shuxu, who was sitting at the dining table, heard this, the fire in her heart ran up even more.

“Madam is over there, I told her that you would be back for dinner, she was waiting over there first thing in the morning.” The maid took the jacket the young male owner had taken off and pointed to the dining room with a smile.

The man sniffed and raised his eyes to look at it, and only then did he not make a sound.

In the villa where the children were not, it was, in fact, still quite cold, the space was already large, and with the atmosphere between the two of them being somewhat stagnant for the past two days, it was strange that it would be active.

However, after Huo Sijiu had changed his shoes and washed his hands, he saw a steaming bowl of soup on the dining table.

Also, a small bowl and a half of rice.

He usually didn’t eat much in the first place.

He swept over the bowl of rice and stood as white as bright daylight, a momentary stiffening, a pinprick of pain, then spread out from his heart in a thin, dense stream.

It couldn’t even be defended against.

“Hurry up and eat, it’s getting cold.”

Wen Shuxu, however, did not look at him, but waited for him to come over before she picked up her own rice and then slowly picked it up.

The atmosphere, there was a kind of stagnant cold hardness.

The family can no longer feel the joyful and melting scene of yesteryear, cold to the point of really suffocating.

The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers.

“Luo Yu came to see me today.”


“She promised to save my father and help him develop an antidote to the poison potion.”

“Got it. ……”

He still had such an uneventful sentence.

He was so unresponsive?

Wen Shuxu’s eyes closed down, that scene in the morning appeared in her mind, suddenly, she had a pang of revulsion, just feel this mouthful of rice in her hand, can no longer eat.

The food is not only a good idea, but also a good idea.

“You just really …… don’t have anything to say to me?” She heard herself finally ask this out of her mouth, like a dying fish, with all the strength she could muster.

The man across the table who was eating: “……”

Perhaps, it was this state of hers that finally stung him, so that he could no longer be ruthless.

Or, it was because he felt that it was time to give her an answer.

Finally, he was seen putting his chopsticks down.

“What do you want me to say to you?”

“Luo Yu, what exactly happened to you …… last night? What method did you use? to get her to agree to save my father?”

The woman, who was already on the verge of collapse, snapped open her eyes, revealing a reddish color stored in tears, and stared over deadpan.

Huo Siji raised his eyebrows.

“Does it matter? You just need to get the result you want, don’t you?”


Wen Shuxu finally lost the last vestiges of her sanity, and after she forcefully flung all the dishes in front of her onto the floor, she lost control to the point of screaming, “No, I didn’t ask you to do that! No!”

“Then what did you tell me to do? You know, this woman doesn’t need anything else but to be more interested in me, and you want to save your father, I can’t think of how else I could get her to agree except by using this method?”

This man, actually sat there and said it in a completely taken-for-granted tone.

Wen Shuxu was dumbfounded!

She never thought that the reply she had waited so hard for would end up being this.

There was nothing to be done.

Then, one could only sacrifice oneself, right?

And, still for her, this reason, how good, the fault is not on him, but on her Wen Xuxu.

Chapter 656

Wen Shuxu seems to be like a cluster of fire that has just ignited to the bottom of her heart, and then unmercifully poured down by this pot of cold water, she even the blood in her body, have frozen into ice.

The heart, naturally, also died along with it.

“Huo Sijiu, let’s divorce.”

Her face was ashen, and she finally uttered such a sentence word by word from her mouth.

The man opposite her, his pupils suddenly shrank viciously!

She had finally taken the initiative to bring it up.

However, in his body, it suddenly seemed as if blood and flesh began to cut open, tendons and veins began to break, and such a tall man sat there, out of sight of this woman.

Surprisingly, both hands were trembling slightly.

“I know you’re not doing this because I begged you, you’re supposed to be getting back at me, right? Revenge for my unchastity, revenge for my deception of you. Fine, Huo Sijiu, I’ll tell you now, you win, I’ll never pester you again.”

Wen Shuxu was so sad that she was quiet instead.

The actual reason why he was using himself as an excuse was revealed to her, and from the beginning to the end, when she said the word “divorce”.

She was not even half as excited as she had been earlier.

Huo Sijiu’s handsome face was as dark as night, and his eyes were staring straight at her.

“Have you thought about it?”

“Thought about it, we can leave now, if you’re ready, yes, three children, if you don’t have a problem with it, I’ll still take the two I brought back with me again.”

Wen Shuxu ignored his gaze and still faintly stated his divorce conditions.

Huo Sijiu: “……”

It was like a long century had pa*sed, finally, he really got up and then went to the briefcase he had just brought back and took out two divorce agreements.

So, even this is ready.

The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who have been in the business for a long time.

The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the public.

“I think the matter of children, do not need to let them follow us because of the divorce and separate, we can raise them together, living place, can go to your side at any time, also can come to me at any time, this is conducive to their healthy physical and mental growth, do you think?”

Suddenly, the man was behind him, adding another sentence.

Wen Shuxu’s feet staggered a little.

Her brain, at this time, had actually not even turned much, like a completely withered wasteland, that kind of grey, she simply would not be able to think normally anymore.

“Whatever ……”

She heard herself say like a wandering soul, and then, one step at a time, she went out.

Soon, the single, heeled figure was headlong into the blanket of night that was slanting outside, and even the car, she didn’t even bother to drive again.

The maid: “Sir, it will be dangerous for the wife to go out at this late hour, right?”

Huo Siji: “……”

Without speaking at all, he grabbed the two freshly signed divorce papers on the table and after rubbing them hard, he lifted all the meals all over the table, and threw them, along with the two papers, in the rubbish!

One day, he would make the God family pay back a thousand times over!

–He would make the God family pay back a thousand times over!

Wen Shuxu arrived at the hospital lost in thought.

She had come by taxi, and when she came over, she was all wet, just like the man she had gone to the hotel for last night.

But last night, she had held on to a glimmer of hope.

And now, her heart was dead, along with the man.

“Dr. Nancy? What’s happened to you here ……? Why are you drenched like this? My God, you’re like this, you’ll get sick, and if you do, what else will your father do?”

The nurse in the hospital was startled when she saw her and immediately brought her a dry towel over.

Wen Shuxu didn’t say anything, just came to her father’s bed like a walking corpse.

No, she wasn’t going to get sick.

She still has to save her dad, she can’t give up on him again, she gave up on her parents once when she was 18, now, she will definitely not do that, she will never be so stupid again.

“Dad, don’t worry, I will save you, this time, even if it costs me my life.”

She looked at this unconscious dad lying in his hospital bed and reached out her hand, a few cold fingers, and held his wrist tightly against her long teary-eyed cheek.

“You’re back? How was it? Did you find your father’s antidote?”

Suddenly, uncle Du Huasheng actually appeared, holding a thermos lunchbox in his hand, and was being pushed in by his aunt Liu Bei.

Wen Shuxu froze, reacted and hurriedly wiped away his tears.

“Uncle, why are you guys coming over?”

“You’re asking us? You should ask yourself, what have you been doing this day? The hospital called in the morning, saying that after you and that Luo Yu had a fight here, you suddenly disappeared, then you didn’t answer the phone, nor did you come over, so tell me instead, where have you been?”

Du Huasheng is a violent temper, after hearing this, immediately there eyes glared, angrily questioned up.

Wen Shuxu was stunned.

This is the first time that I remembered that I had forgotten about this day, and I was so confused that I really forgot about it.