Am I A Gigolo Chapter 995-996

Chapter 995

“It’s none of your business.” Leng Qianxue’s mood gradually calmed down and analyzed rationally, “You are just doing your duty, there is nothing wrong with that.


Brother is also right to do so, Night Zhenyun has committed a heinous crime and should have been properly punished.


She is now hiding in the shadows, we can’t find anyone, only by using this method, can we force her out.”


“But this way, it will drag Chief Night down with it.” Leng Bing frowned, “Now all public opinion is pointing at Night.


People who aren’t in the upper business circles don’t know that Night Zhenyun has long since disa*sociated herself from the Night family, and the general public treats her as a member of the Night family, and everything she does will be linked to the Night family.


Now I’m afraid that Night Zhenyun is all smiling, she can’t wait for such a public opinion effect to arise.


Because she knows that Mr. Night will definitely rack his brains to solve the problem, or else she will have to drag the whole Night family down with her.


Therefore, the one who suffered the most from the whole incident was still General Manager Night!!!”


Hearing these words, Leng Qianxue was silent, why did she not know this truth, that’s why she made that call to Leng Difeng, originally she wanted to persuade her brother to stop, but before she could open her mouth, she was lectured by Leng Difeng.


And she was speechless ……


After all, her brother was taking it out on her, and besides, it was Old Master Night who was at fault in the first place!


Just because she didn’t take it personally, didn’t mean that her brother didn’t take it personally.


“In this way, the barrier between you and Chief Night will be even deeper.” Leng Bing looked at Leng Qianxue heartily and asked in a soft voice, “You must be very sad in your heart, right?”


“What did Night Fai say to you?” Leng Qianxue glared at her coldly.


“No, nothing ……,” Leng Bing lowered her head in a panic.


“It’s normal for two people to go together to catch Ling Long, to go for a day and a night, to experience life and death together, to go from being a thorn in the side before to a subtle relationship ……”


Leng Qianxue took it all in, smiling to herself, “Heh, before the big revenge is avenged, it’s taken two of my personal attendants into it!”


“Miss Leng, I didn’t.” Leng Bing hurriedly took a stand, “If the Night Family says there is any conflict with you, I will definitely stand on your side without a second thought, and will never waver in the slightest over personal feelings.”


“I know.” Leng Qianxue looked at her softly, “I have never considered loyalty to the people my brother has given me.”


“That’s good, that scared me to death.” Leng Bing patted her heart.


“I am really curious, what did Night Fai tell you?” Leng Qianxue asked curiously.


“Night Fai said that you used to be very much in love with Chief Night and it was Old Master Night who refused to accept you.” Leng Bing said softly, “Mainly because you are a member of the Leng family, and because your mother indirectly killed Chief Night’s parents, so Old Master Night was firmly against the marriage.”


“I know, I remember this.” Leng Qianxue nodded, “It seems that Old Master only learned this secret on the day of the wedding, and it was Night Zhenyun who told him.


To be honest, I didn’t resent the old man that much because I never treated him as a family member, he was an outsider in my eyes and I wasn’t in the opinion of unexpected people.


But night Zhen Ting is different, he told me that we were once very much in love, we had three children, we stepped into the church together, we put on wedding rings for each other ……


We were supposed to be the closest thing to each other, so why did he betray me? Why did he give up on me? I can’t understand it.


If it were me, even if my brother was against it, I would have been steadfast and stayed with the person I loved, never choosing to be a coward, let alone finding a stand-in instead.


That’s the difference between me and him!”


“Night Fai told me that at that time when your poison took hold, Night always compromised with the old man temporarily in order to get the antidote ……”


“It’s all an excuse.” Leng Qianxue didn’t want to hear any more, “Alright, pack up and go to the hospital to see Leng Mo.”



Chapter 996

When we went out, the weather was overcast and it looked like it was going to rain again.


Leng Bing had prepared silent headphones so that once he noticed that the weather was not right, he could immediately ask Leng Qianxue to put them on.


The car drove halfway up the mountain and met the vehicles of the Night Family.


There were more than a dozen cars with a huge sound.


“Are they moving here?” Leng Bing carefully ma*sed the convoy.


“Maybe they’re worried that Ling Yun has hidden poison elsewhere or has discovered something, so they’re moving their family away until it’s cleaned up.”


As Leng Qianxue spoke, a hawk’s cry came from outside.


Leng Bing immediately instructed the driver to slow down the number of cars and then opened the car window.


The eagle Four Treasures flew in, with Little Four Treasures on its back.


Little SiBao’s pair of little claws were clutching the eagle’s feathers for fear of falling off, and his little green head was looking around, nervous and curious!


“Haha, little thing, what brings you here?” Leng Bing couldn’t help but tease the little four-pack when he saw it, “Look at you, you’re still shivering.”


“I didn’t expect that you two would become friends too.”


Leng Qianxue stretched out her hand and Little Four Treasures flew onto the back of her hand and rubbed its little head against her cheek.


Leng Qianxue gently stroked its little head and twisted her head to look at the eagle Four Treasures.


Four Treasures was holding a note in its mouth, and Leng Qianxue took the note, on which was written the words, “Mummy, we are waiting for you to come home!”


The signature was: Big Treasure, Second Treasure, Third Treasure!


Leng Qianxue was very touched when she saw the proper, stroke-by-stroke handwriting and looked at this sentence from the children ……


“Mummy, Mummy ……”


The children’s calls came from outside the window.


Leng Bing immediately ordered his attendant to drive the car over, and the two Rolls Royce Phantoms traveled side by side.


The three children waved at Leng Qianxue from the window, and Longlong poked his head out excitedly, only to be yanked back again by Nightfai: “Be safe!”


Night Fai then gestured to Leng Bing, asking if he wanted to stop and talk.


Leng Bing immediately asked Leng Qianxue what she meant.


Leng Qianxue shook her head and just went over to the children and said, “Big treasure, second treasure, third treasure, sit back down, Mummy will come to see you in a few days, behave!”


“Mmmmmm, got it, mummy ……”


The children sat back down obediently.


Leng Qianxue made a gesture and the eagle flew out of the window with the little four treasures and returned to the children.


Leng Qianxue held the note and kept waving at the children.


As the car gradually drove past, Leng Qianxue saw the children lying on the back seat, looking at her bashfully, and her eyes instantly turned red ……


“It’s okay, we’ll see them soon.” Leng Bing gently rea*sured, “I heard that Hai has received Dr. Hua and will arrive in Haicheng tonight.”


“Find out which flight it is.” Leng Qianxue instructed.






The sky was raining lightly, there was no lightning and thunder, instead it was still a little uncomfortable.


By the time Leng Qianxue arrived at the hospital, it was already night.


The group hurriedly arrived at Leng Mo’s ward and was about to push the door in when they suddenly heard an eager voice inside, “Why did you come back early?”


“I heard that you had been shot and was anxious, so I came back early.”


It was Ah Hoi’s voice.


“What about Dr. Hua?” Leng Mo was anxious, “Did you pick him up?”


“They’re coming back on a special flight in the evening, I’ll be at the airport in a moment.”


“You ……” Cold Desert was furious, “Are you crazy? If Night Zhen Ting knows that you have gone AWOL, you will be severely punished.”


“I can’t manage it, I’m afraid I’ll never see you again when I come back ……”


“Shut up!” Leng Mo shouted angrily, “You are really angry with me, Dr. Hua is related to the life of Miss Leng and Third Miss, what can be done if something happens? You hurry up and go get him, don’t let anything happen.”


“I know, I’m just worried about you, it’s good to know you’re okay, I’ll go to the airport now ……”