Am I A Gigolo Chapter 1027-1028

Chapter 1027

Night Zhen Ting had been searching for the whereabouts of Night Zhen Yun while collecting evidence of her crime, in fact, he wanted to bring her to justice.


In fact, the main reason is also to consider the feelings of the old man, after all, it is his old man’s own daughter, if she is really shot down by the Leng family’s people, the old man will definitely not be able to bear the blow.


From then on, the feud between the two Leng and Night families would be even deeper ……


With the old man’s temper, he won’t let the Leng family have a good time during his lifetime!


When the time comes to fight again, it will only be a lose-lose situation.


So, Night Zhen Ting found a way to de-escalate the situation: arresting Night Zhen Yun and handing him over to the police!


In this way, he could give Leng Qianxue an explanation and stop the feud between the two families from deepening.


Even if the law eventually sentenced Night Zhenyun to death, she would still get what she deserved.


The old man could not blame anyone.


However, it had never occurred to Night Zhending that the old man was so confused as to harbour a criminal!


If this matter is known by Leng Qianxue, I am afraid that it will cause another big misunderstanding ……


The company’s main goal is to provide a solution to the problem as soon as possible.


However, how to solve this matter is a difficult problem.


Neither can we irritate the old man, nor let people get away with it, nor can we spread the word to expand the impact ……


“Night King, or else we ambush at the airport? Take advantage of the old man’s absence to take down Night Zhenyun and hand him over to the police?” Night Army suggested.


“Since the old master is taking such a big risk, I think he will personally send her to the airport.” Night ZhenTing whispered, “His old man won’t even leave until he sees her board the plane.”


“So, I’ll go check their special plane first?” Night Jun asked.


“Don’t spook the gra*s.” Night Zhen Ting frowned.


“Yes.” Night Army didn’t dare to speak up again.


“Stand down for now.” Night ZhenTing wanted to be alone for a while.


“Yes.” Night Jun bowed his head and left.


Night ZhenTing locked himself in his office for seven whole hours.


It was only at four in the afternoon that he called Night Jun in, took out a USB stick and instructed, “Give this to the police, now, immediately.”


“Yes.” Night Army solemnly took it and immediately rushed to the police station.


Immediately afterwards, Night Zhen Ting called again to inform Wen Li: “Have the group’s lawyer team come to my office, immediately.”


“Yes.” Wen Li immediately informed her, she had a vague feeling that something big was happening, but she didn’t dare to ask more.


Ten minutes later, Night’s team of lawyers in China arrived in a flash.


Night ZhenTing announced straight away, “In my name, kick Night ZhenYun off the board of Night’s and take back all the shares in her hands.


In addition, freeze all the shares in Broken Sky’s hands and suspend him from all positions in the Night’s, including imaginary positions.


What to do from a legal perspective, you guys go figure out what to do, deal with it by five o’clock this afternoon, and then inform the group’s official microblog to release the news, understand?”


The gang of lawyers looked at each other in great panic.


The black material of Night Zhenyun was all over the internet, seriously affecting the reputation of Night’s, so there was no excuse for Night Zhenting to do so, but, the shares of both Night Zhenyun and Broken Sky were gifts from Elder Night.


Without his old man’s word, it was reasonable to say that it could not be done.


“I’ll take care of Grandpa’s side, I’ll take care of anything, you guys go ahead and do it.” Night Zhen Ting ordered blatantly, “His old man is not well, I will be in charge of all matters of the Night’s!”


“Yes!” The lawyers did not dare to say anything more and immediately went to do it.


Everyone knew that the grandson of the old man was the one whom the old man loved the most and had already handed over the succession to him many years ago, there was no doubt about it.


Moreover, for so many years, the Night’s has always been managed by Night Zhen Ting, and the old man has never objected to the decisions he has made ……


So, even though it was against the rules to do so now, everyone did as they were told.


At 5pm, Night’s Group officially released the official news, while at the same time, the police started issuing wanted notices to catch Night Zhen Yun ……

Chapter 1028

This news had just been released and it caused a big stir.


In the last half month, Night’s stock market had plummeted because of Night Zhen Yun’s blackmail, and the impact was extremely bad, but Night Zhen Ting had not made any effective measures.


Today, once these two pieces of news came out, the stock of Night’s was instantly stabilised.


At the same time, those who questioned Night’s and doubted Night ZhenTing began to take on a new definition.


The fact that Night’s had blatantly disa*sociated itself from Night Zhen Yun and kicked her out completely, and at the same time, the police had officially arrested her, meant that her crime had nothing to do with Night’s or with Night Zhen Ting.


Of course, there are still some people who have conspiracy theories and privately speculate that Night ZhenTing betrayed his own aunt for self-preservation ……


But overall, this approach has temporarily stabilized the Night’s situation.


At the same time, it also stabilized Leng Qianxue.


Leng Qianxue had already asked Leng Bing to deploy his men from E country to come over and be ready to go to war with the Night’s. However, just as the deployment was made, Leng Bing hurriedly came to report: “Miss Leng, please read the news.”


“What news?”


Leng Qianxue opened her computer and saw the first few news items in the hot search, all of them were about the Night’s ……


The headlines alone already made her very shocked, she clicked in and took a look.


“It seems we misunderstood Mr. Night.” Leng Bing breathed a sigh of relief, “He didn’t harbor Night Zhen Yun, instead he submitted the evidence of that crazy woman’s crime to the police, and also asked Night to remove Night Zhen Yun’s name ……”


“Why did he suddenly do that?” Leng Qianxue frowned in thought.


“Why else is there a reason for that?” Leng Bing was thinking more simply, “Chief Night also dealt with it together with Broken Sky, clearly he has no intention to leave a way back for Night Zhen Yun!”


Seeing that Leng Qianxue was worried, Leng Bing added, “In fact, even if it’s not for your sake, for the sake of the Night’s, we should eliminate this tumor of Night Zhenyun, I checked today, in just half a month’s time, the Night’s has lost hundreds of billions of dollars, if this continues, I’m afraid it will shake the foundation.”


“That’s true.” Leng Qianxue nodded slightly, “The main reason why brother used this move against the Night’s is to make them give up on Night Zhenyun, to give that poisonous woman a taste of rebellion and desperation!”


“Sir is most powerful.”


Speaking of Leng Di Feng, Leng Bing was sincerely in awe.


“Let’s do this for now and wait and see what happens.” Leng Qianxue instructed, “You continue to keep an eye on Night Fai, and report back to me immediately if there is any movement.”


“Yes.” Leng Bing nodded his head.


The study room became quiet, Leng Qianxue turned to look at the rain outside, her mood was a bit complicated, this behavior of Night Zhen Ting surprised her ……


She always felt that he had decided on the spur of the moment.


What made him make up his mind and make this decision?


She was puzzled ……


As she was thinking, a bodyguard knocked on the door and came to report, “Miss Leng, there is a girl called Gao Ting outside asking for an appointment, saying that she is your friend.”


“Gao Ting?” Leng Qianxue froze for a moment and immediately said, “Quickly invite her in.”




Leng Qianxue put on her coat and went out to greet her.


The bodyguard was walking in with Gao Ting and Zhu Jianshan.


Zhu Jianshan was a little nervous when he saw the scene and pulled Gao Ting, asking in a low voice, “Are you sure this is Miss Feng’s home? Why are there so many bodyguards? So luxurious? Is there a mistake?”


“Mr. Zhu, it really is sister Qianxue’s home, yes, I’ve been here before.” Gao Ting explained.


“But ……”


“Gao Ting, Uncle Zhu!” Leng Qianxue quickly stepped downstairs.


“Sister Qianxue ……”




Gao Ting and Zhu Jianshan were both very excited to see Leng Qianxue, especially Zhu Jianshan, who instantly got red eyes, “Gao Ting said you were still alive, I couldn’t believe it, I didn’t expect it to be true ……”


“Alive, alive and well.” Leng Qianxue smiled as she looked at them, her heart was very emotional, “I’ve always wanted to go see you guys, every time I missed it due to temporary accidents, I’m really sorry!”