Am I A Gigolo Chapter 1049-1050

Chapter 1049

Although returning to the Leng family has the same thousand difficulties and dangers, but Leng Qianxue is still determined to take the child away ……


She has already thought about it, even if she can’t stay in the Leng family when the time comes.


She can also take the child and leave E country to start a new life in a strange place.


In fact, in these two years, Leng Di Feng did protect her very well, and so far, she has not participated in all the family and group fights.


So in the future she would be able to walk away in one piece.


“You are really stubborn ……” Night Zhen Ting was about to be exasperated by her, and was about to continue to advise, when his mobile phone rang, he immediately answered the phone, “Hello!”


“Young master, the old man is dying.” Night Sen said in a heartfelt voice, “You should come back soon.”


“How can this be?” Night Zhen Ting knew that the old master was in a bad condition, but he didn’t expect it to be so soon, he was instantly anxious, “I’ll be right back.”


“Wait a minute.” At that moment, the phone was taken away by Lei Yu, “Night King, when the old man was dying, he said he wanted to see Miss Leng.”


“Want to see her?”


Night Zhen Ting was surprised, at this time, shouldn’t the old master want to see the children?


“Young master, bring Miss Leng and the children over quickly, there’s no time to lose.”


Night Sen urged anxiously.


“Yes, Night King, come back quickly.” Lei Yu also added.


Night Zhen Ting hung up the phone and said anxiously to Leng Qian Xue, “Master wants to see you, he is dying, count me as begging you, take the child and come with me to the hospital, let’s talk about the rest later, okay?”


“No.” Leng Qianxue was very determined, “If you sign this agreement, I will take the child and go to the hospital with you, if not, there is no negotiation.”


“You ……”


“Mummy ……”


The two were at a standstill when Longlong’s voice came from outside, “Can we come in?”


When Leng Qianxue heard the children’s voices, she immediately gathered her emotions and gave a wink to Night Zhen Ting, then went over to open the door, “Big treasure, second treasure, third treasure, why are you guys here? Didn’t Mummy tell you to wait for us in the study?”


When speaking to the children, Leng Qianxue’s voice immediately became gentle, and a soft smile lifted up on her face.


“We were waiting anxiously ……,” Long Long had not finished his words when he saw Night Zhen Ting, he ran over at once, “Daddy!”


“Erbao!” Night Zhen Ting bent down and picked up Long Long.


“Daddy ……” Long Long clung to Night Zhen Ting’s neck and couldn’t help but cry, “Daddy what’s wrong with you? What did you do wrong to make mommy angry again? You quickly apologize to mommy’s or else mommy will not want you and we will not see you again.”


Hearing the child say these words, Night Shocking’s eyes got wet all of a sudden.


He really hated himself, why did he let things turn out like this, why did he let the children suffer so much along with him ……


That night ZhenTing who was calling the shots in the mall, why couldn’t he manage a family!!!


“Daddy ……” Chen Chen pulled on Night Zhen Ting’s trouser leg and asked anxiously, “What the hell is going on? You tell Dabao quickly and Dabao will help you solve it together.”


“I want us to be together as a family, I don’t want to be separated, woo woo ……”


Yue Yue couldn’t hold back either, sitting in her wheelchair, hugging her Muppet and crying out.


The three children cried into a ball, Leng Qianxue’s heart was in turmoil, and she hurriedly went up to coax the children.


“Mummy, please forgive daddy one more time, please.” Longlong pulled on Leng Qianxue’s sleeve and cried and prayed, “If daddy bullies you again in the future, I’ll help you beat him.”


“Mommy please ……,” Yue Yue also pulled Leng Qianxue’s hand and prayed.


“Good boy, don’t cry.” Night Zhen Ting hurriedly squatted down and hugged Yue Yue, then said to the three children, “Big treasure two treasure three treasure, grandpa Zeng is critically ill, he wants to see mommy and you guys before he dies, will you go to the hospital with daddy?”

Chapter 1050

Hearing these words, Leng Qianxue was so angry that she gritted her teeth, really, asking the child directly, the child must agree, if she pushed back again, she would become a sinner.


“What happened to great grandpa?” Sure enough, the children immediately followed up anxiously, “Is he sick?”


“What does sick mean?” Only Tenzin heard the key word.


“It means that …… is leaving us forever.” Night Zhen Ting said sadly, “We have to go to the hospital now to see him one last time.”


“What ……” Long Long froze for a moment, “Daddy are you saying that great grandpa is dying?”


Yue Yue cried out with a loud “wow”, sad and scared.


“Sanbao ……” Leng Qianxue hurriedly hugged Yue Yue and said soothingly, “Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid, mommy is here.”


Yue Yue flung herself into Leng Qianxue’s arms and cried with great sadness.


She felt that he should not have told the children this and caused them to be sad and upset.


The bad guys will go to hell and the good guys will go to heaven. Don’t be sad and upset.


“Grandpa Zeng is a good man, he will go to heaven, right?” Dragon cried and asked.


“Right.” Night Zhen Ting nodded his head.


Longlong threw himself into his arms and cried.


Night Zhen Ting held Long Long in one hand and Chen in the other, gently soothing, “Okay, we have to go to the hospital right away!”


With that, he picked up the two children and was about to leave, when Leng Qianxue immediately stopped him and said in a low voice, “What are you doing? Did I give my consent?”


“Let’s talk about what’s going on when we come back, let’s go to the hospital first.” Night Zhen Ting frowned tightly.


“Night Zhen Ting, don’t get ahead of yourself.” Leng Qianxue was very angry.


“You should ask the children for their opinion.” Night Zhen Ting asked the children, “Big Treasure, Second Treasure, Third Treasure, are you willing to go with Daddy to the hospital to see Great Grandpa?”


“Willing.” The children nodded their heads.


Leng Qianxue was furious and felt that Night Zhen Ting was so mean.


“Mummy, we’ll go and see and come back.” Chen Chen said to Leng Qianxue with red eyes.


“Mummy, just let us go.” Long Long cried and prayed, “Great Grandpa was so good to us, he is dying, just let us go and see him.”


“Yes, Mummy ……” Yue Yue followed suit and begged her, “Please.”


Looking at the three children praying like this, Leng Qianxue really couldn’t bear to refuse, she only had to nod her head and agree, “Alright, just take a look and come back.”


“Aren’t you afraid that I won’t let them come back?” Night Zhen Ting suddenly said.


“You dare?” Leng Qianxue was instantly furious.


“Go together, and you can take them straight home after you’ve seen them, so you don’t have to worry.” Night Zhen Ting used a provocative method.


Leng Qianxue knew what he was up to, but thinking about it was really unsettling, if Night Zhenting really kept the child and she went to grab it hard, it would still hurt the child.


Thinking of this, she said coldly, “Just go.”


“Prepare the car!”




The family of five got into the car and headed to the hospital.


On the way, the children were still crying sadly.


Night Zhen Ting comforted the children, “Grandpa Zeng was 98 years old this year, and to have lived to this age and died is actually very happy, so you don’t need to cry, you should feel happy for Grandpa Zeng. He has been virtuous and good all his life, he will go to heaven after he dies ……”


Hearing these words, Leng Qianxue rolled her eyes, accumulate virtue and do good deeds? The old man’s stubbornness and forcefulness had killed many people ……


Zhu Ma was one of them.


The reason that she, Leng Qianxue, was not killed by the old man was that she was lucky and had the protection of the Leng family behind her.


If not, she would have died many times.


The children were coaxed by these words of Night Zhen Ting, no longer crying and much calmer.


Yue Yue tilted her little head and asked innocently, “So will Great Grandpa see his mother-in-law in heaven?”


“This ……” Night Zhen Ting was a bit speechless for a moment, “I guess so.”