His Secret Lover Chapter 781-782

Chapter 781

Shen Zong Yu was also full of irony!

But Huo Si Xing didn’t care about that, immediately after she finally finished these people off, she pounced on this man who was lying on the bed.

“Sijiu, how are you? Don’t be afraid, sister is here, sister won’t let them bully you again, I’ll take you home.

She saw his withered description and also saw that he was covered in scars.

At once, after another sharp pain like a knife cut in her chest, she burst into tears and bent down to help him up from the bed.

“Miss, what are you doing? The little young master cannot move ……”

“Take her down for me!”

Shen Zong Yu suddenly let out an explosive shout and began to order people to come up and grab this woman.

Shen Yu heard this and only then did he come back to his senses.

“Grandpa, don’t be angry, she is Huo Si Xing, Si Jue’s sister in the Huo family, she probably didn’t understand the situation, she heard Si Jue’s miserable screams just now and got anxious, that’s why she acted like this.

He hurriedly came in to explain, while in his heart, he was brought to his knees by this woman.

What the hell was she doing?

Fortunately, after listening to his explanation, Shen Zongou, although still furious, did not send anyone else to arrest her.

“Who told her to come up here?”

“…… Sorry, I’ll bring her down right away!”

Shen Yu was a very smart person, and as soon as he heard the tone of this old man’s voice, immediately, he rushed over to the bed and pulled up Huo Si Xing who was still holding onto his brother’s arm.

“What are you doing? You let go, I want to take him out of here!” Huo Sixing would still be in an emotional state, and as soon as he saw this man trying to pull himself away, he immediately made a scene.

Shen Yu: “……”

Unable to bear it, he finally stared at her and scolded, “Don’t you have any brains? They’re saving him, he just had a d-addiction attack, otherwise the doctor would have injected him with drugs before grandpa ordered someone to grab him!”

Huo Si Xing: “……”

With tears in her eyes, she stared at him dumbfounded for a while, finally letting go of her brother’s hand, and then, being dragged out by him.

This woman, that’s really enough!

It was already a few hours later when all the commotion had calmed down.

And at that moment, Huo Sixing, too, had finally understood, so she sat downstairs in the hall sofa, all the time in a state of apprehension.

“Shen Yu, will your grandfather kick me out?”

“…… Don’t you worry.

Shen Yu was really good-natured, even at this time, he still held back his temper to comfort her.

Huo Si Xing listened, and only then did his heart settle a little.

The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the public.

“Xiao Qing? You’ve gone grocery shopping again?” When Shen Yu saw the girl, he immediately stood up from the sofa and greeted her.

Xiao Qing.

That’s right, this girl, was none other than Chen Qiqing, who had been left by Shen Zong Yu to work as a cook at Guanyintai after the family banquet that day.

She was certainly happy to see her cousin coming.

“Well, grandpa said he wanted to eat pork knuckles, so I went and bought one, along with some fresh vegetables, cousin, why don’t you stay here for dinner tonight too?”

Chen Qiqing asked tenderly as she handed the dishes in her hand to this cousin.

Shen Yu smiled.

Those handsome eyebrows softened down, as if the river was melting for the first time in March, so warm that Huo Si Xing over here looked distracted.

She had never seen such a warm smile from him before.

He smiled at her too.

But it was a courtesy, a smile on his handsome face, but the temperature in his eyes was as cool as the water in an autumn stream, and he could feel his detachment from a long distance away.

So, who was this woman?

Huo Si Xing got up and followed him over to the kitchen.

“Shen Yu, who is she? Won’t you introduce me?” She was straightforward, Missy’s temperament, and asked this man to introduce himself in a big way.

Shenyu turned his head.

It was obvious to see his brow furrow, as if, not so willing to introduce this cousin.

“She …… is my cousin, called Chen Qiqing, now working as a chef at Guanyintai.

“So it’s a cousin.

Once Huo Sixing heard this, his breath came down in relief.

It was all cousins, relatives, what could they do?

Huo Si Xing was ready to go back to the sofa side.

But Chen Qiqing suddenly saw that there was also a young woman here, and this woman was more fashionable and beautiful than herself, both in dress and outfit.

Her heart also “stuttered” ……

“Cousin, who is that …… woman again?”

“Oh she ah, her name is Huo Si Xing, is the sister of Si Du in Huo family, specially come to take care of Si Du.

Shen Yu was obviously much more patient with this cousin.

However, after the introduction, he was still a little worried, this Huo Si Xing had such an arrogant temperament, she would stay here in the future, and Xiao Qing was also here, would she find trouble with her?

Shen Yu’s first worry was this.

After all, he knew that this Miss Huo family was a difficult one to serve.

Chen Qiqing’s face also turned white when she really listened.

It turned out to be this grand young miss of the luxurious family, no wonder she looked like she had a domineering aura of power over the group, both in terms of her temperament and her appearance, and her behaviour was even more generous and untwisted!

Chen Qiqing humbled herself all of a sudden.

Chapter 782

“Shen Yu, I think your cousin is right, you should still come over for dinner more often in the future, otherwise, if I stay here alone, I am afraid I will get into trouble.

“You’ll still get into trouble?”

“Yes, look just now, didn’t I almost get into trouble?”

Huo Si Xing scratched his hair and gave an embarra*sed smile.

Shen Yu: “……”

The sun had really come out of the west, the Miss Huo family, who never admitted her mistakes, had actually taken the initiative to say that she could get into trouble.

Shen Yu finally just “huh” twice, lifted his feet and walked away.

When Huo Si Xing saw this, he followed after her: “What are you talking about? What does this “huh” mean? I’m telling you, if you weren’t here, with my temper, I really can’t guarantee that I’d get your grandfather in trouble again.


For a long, long time, Chen Qiqing stood in the doorway of this kitchen, watching the backs of the two men were not moving.

Her face, on the other hand, turned a snowy white.

She actually knew very well that the infatuation she had buried in her heart was fruitless, her status did not allow it, the world did not allow it.

However, when she really saw him leaving with another woman, talking and laughing, her heart still wanted to be cut by a knife, so painful that she could barely breathe.

Her life, why was it like this?

She mechanically returned to the kitchen ……

When Shen Zong Yu came down, Shen Yu was already outside his study, waiting for him with Huo Si.

“Grandfather, how is Sir Si?”

“How can it be? It’s still the first two days, we’ll have to get through it!”

God Zong Yu, who had just come down from upstairs, was tired and swept up the woman standing next to his grandson and immediately threw out a sentence in a very bad tone.

She came over this time because she knew that our family lacked someone who knew his habits, so she called me and asked to come over to take care of him.

That was a beautiful thing to say.

Huo Si Xing looked over sideways, when she saw this man standing beside her, full of eyes defending her.

She laughed happily.

Shen Zong Yu: “What are you laughing at?”

Huo Sixing shook his head, “Nothing, old master, to show my apology just now, how about this, how about I treat old master to a drink, Hengjiao’s Jade Blade Spring?”

“What did you say?” The old man’s eyes snapped wide.

And Shen Yu, even more so, for a second as if his heart had been sent skyward again, and for a long time he felt that his limbs had gone cold!

What sins had he wrought?!

“Heng Kao ah, doesn’t the old man remember? Back then when you were fighting in the war, you were very fond of the altar wine there.


“But now the wine is no longer made there, it’s become a metropolis, so the trips I made to Yu Dao Chun are probably out of print and there’s a chance that you guys drank it back then.Www.YshUge.ORg

Huo Si Xing frowned and thought about it, trying to remember the vintage of this wine.

As a result, as soon as she finished speaking, the old man immediately slapped his hand on the table with a bang and stood up in excitement.

“Are you sure?”

“I have a wine cellar, because I also love to drink, I like to collect some, what the Jade Blade Spring ah, Pear Jade White ah, the dog wine …… Oh yes, there is a kind of wine called not famous, green gla*s bottle, not much taste, Tun for several years are the same ghost, I am ready to put it I’m going to throw it away.

“How dare you!!!” Shinzonou finally cursed, “You brainless b*****d, that’s sake eyes! It’s all extinct!!!”


The entire study, finally, was silent.

And Shen Yu, for the first time, stared at the woman dumbfounded, as if she had seen a ghost and didn’t recognize it.

What she said …… was all true?

Why did he never know any of this?

But in reality, it was just that he didn’t know this woman.

Who is Huo Si Xing?

Huo Si Xing is the eldest lady of the Huo family, she is not really uneducated, on the contrary, she also used to be in charge of Huo for many years, a person who can take care of such a big plutocratic empire for several years, how bad can her ability be?

How much less could she have in her hands?

When Shen Yu finally regained his wits, Huo Si Xing had already gone to the lookout with this old man.

Not long after, as a cart came outside, two jars of wine, which were still covered in mud on the outside, were delivered and carried to the lookout.

“It’s really Jade Blade Spring, little girl, I had underestimated you.

“After seeing the two altars of wine, Shen Zong Yu immediately recognised them and, at once, flashed a hint of surprise at the young woman in front of him.

Huo Si Xing then smiled.

Taking out a bowl, she got up and held the altar and poured a bowl for the two of them.

“The old man’s words are heavy, how to say, before my brother was a minor, our family, too, I helped my father to take care of, a little something in hand is not surprising, so this bowl of wine ……”

She held the bowl of wine up.

God Zongou saw that, also picked up the bowl.

“This bowl of wine, I toast to the old master, my brother is not very good-tempered, the first time to arrive, if you provoke the old master, but please, for the sake of our Huo family hard work to bring him up, do not give him a hard time.

This girl, surprisingly, spoke with a strain in her throat after she had lifted the bowl of wine.

Shen Zongou froze.

And when Shen Yu, who was standing, heard this, he even steepled his gaze to her before revealing another jaw-dropping expression.

Had she gone mad?

How dare she claim to be the Huo family’s parent in front of this old man, and to say that it was their Huo family that had worked so hard to raise her ……

Shen Yu began to regret a million times for agreeing to bring her over here.