Am I A Gigolo Chapter 1051-1052

Chapter 1051

“It’s better not to see it.” Leng Qianxue didn’t hold back her anger.


“Why? Mummy.” Yue Yue looked at her in panic and unease.


“It’s nothing.” Leng Qianxue didn’t want to say those bad things in front of the children, she hugged Yue Yue and gently coaxed, “Take a nap, San Bao, it’s still half an hour to the hospital.”


“Oh.” Yue Yue leaned into her mommy’s arms and gradually fell asleep, one little hand tugging on her mommy’s clothes, the other hand clutching tightly onto Night Zhen Ting’s hand, afraid that they would leave ……


The first thing you need to do is to look at each other.


While Night Zhen Ting’s gaze was complicated beyond words, Leng Qianxue coldly brushed aside her face and did not look at him.


“Daddy, I want to take a nap too.” Long Long burrowed into Night Zhen Ting’s arms.


“Go to sleep.” Night Zhending wrapped his arms around him and lulled him to sleep.


Longlong soon fell asleep with a slight snoring sound.


“Dabao, you should also sleep for a while.” Night ZhenTing coaxed Chen Chen.


“Daddy Mummy, I want to talk to you.”


Seeing that his younger siblings were already asleep, Chen Chen finally mustered up the courage to speak.


“Dabao, what do you want to talk about?”


Leng Qianxue’s heart ached for Chen Chen, who grew up with a different maturity and stability from his peers, and a little more heart, looking smart, but this would be really tiring.


“Are you guys going to separate completely now?” Chen Chen asked softly, “Is there really no possibility of getting back together?”


Faced with this question from the child, Night Zhen Ting was speechless, he wanted to say no, he didn’t want to, he didn’t want to, but he knew that Leng Qianxue’s resentment towards him was impossible to dissolve for a while now ……


“Yes.” Leng Qianxue answered decisively, “Mommy knows that answering like this will make you sad, but Mommy doesn’t want to lie to you, Mommy and Daddy won’t make up, but no matter what our relationship is, we love you all the same!”


“I understand.”


Tenzin nodded, he was trying to act strong, but tears were still falling down his face.


“Dabao, I’m sorry ……,” Leng Qianxue hugged Chen Chen heartily.


“Mommy, you’re not sorry, everyone has the right to choose their life.”


Chen Chen said as he wiped his tears ……


“But mommy, I wish you would let the second and third treasures choose for themselves, they are different from me, they are still young mentally, they don’t know or understand many things, and their ability to adapt is limited ……”


As he spoke, Chen Chen cried so much that he couldn’t go on, even though he was strong and understanding, he was only a six year old child.


Night Zhen Ting looked at Chen Chen like this, his heart was very unpleasant, he was very guilty and sad, he hated himself for not being able to control everything and let things turn into such a situation today ……


When faced with Chen Chen’s request, Leng Qianxue was a little hesitant, she actually knew in her heart that Chen Chen would probably choose to follow her, while Longlong and Yueyue, most likely, would choose to follow their father.


Probably because, in the children’s perception, Night Zhen Ting is actually more interesting than her, more knowledgeable about how to get along with the children, and more secure ……


“Mommy, please.” Chen Chen took Leng Qianxue’s hand and cried out in supplication.


Leng Qianxue’s heart ached, it was the first time she saw Chen Chen cry like this, she knew that in fact, Chen Chen was the one who knew Longlong and Yueyue best, he knew that what his younger siblings needed ……


Even though she was reluctant, Leng Qianxue still nodded her head with tears in her eyes, “Okay, mommy promises you.”


Chen Chen flung himself into her arms and cried very sadly, knowing that he would soon be separated from his daddy and from his younger siblings ……


Probably sensing their brother’s sadness, Longlong and Yueyue woke up, and when they saw that Chen Chen was crying, they immediately followed suit, choking back tears and asking, “What’s wrong with you, Dabao?”


Chen Chen wiped away his tears and said to them like an adult, “Second treasure and third treasure, you choose, whether you want to stay with mommy or daddy, let’s choose now so we don’t have to be sad again.”

Chapter 1052

Hearing these words, Yue Yue burst into tears and buried herself in Leng Qian Xue’s arms, like a little snail burying itself in its shell, as if it would not have to face a cruel choice.


Longlong’s tears were falling, but he didn’t cry like Yue Yue, he just sobbed sadly.


“Dabao, it’s okay, it’s okay to choose later.” Night Zhen Ting couldn’t bear to force the children and said in a hurry, “Actually, you can all stay at Mommy’s place these days and wait until Daddy is done with things ……”


“Choose now.” Leng Qianxue was decisive, “I’m going back to E three days later, no time to think about it, long pain is better than short pain!”


Hearing these words, Night Zhen Ting was stunned for a moment, she was going back to E country, no wonder she was so determined today, so she had made up her mind and really wanted to die with him?


“Mummy ……” Long Long took Leng Qian Xue’s hand and cried out sadly, “Don’t be like this, I don’t want you to be separated, I want us to be together as a family.”


“It’s not possible, Erbao.” Leng Qianxue’s eyes were wet, but she still said cruelly, “Daddy and Mommy won’t be together, you can only choose to be with one!”


“Ah ……,” Long Long couldn’t hold back his tears any longer.


“Don’t cry.” Tenzin frowned and bellowed, “I’ll choose first, I’ll choose to go with Mommy!”


He was decisive and did not hesitate in the slightest, only his eyes did not dare to look at Night Zhen Ting.


Night Zhen Ting looked at Chen Chen, there was no blame or doubt in his eyes, only guilt and pity ……


“Erbao, you choose.” Chen Chen acted like a big brother and ordered directly, “I’ll say three times and you say the answer.”


He had the best way to deal with Erbao and Sanbao.


“Ah, don’t ……,” Long Long cried, shaking his head in great panic and fear.


“One!” Chen Chen said the number directly.


“No …… don’t let me choose, I won’t choose ……,” Long Long cried anxiously.


“Two!” Tenzin simply ignored his emotions.


“Dabao don’t ……”


“Three!” Tatsu shouted out the number, “If you don’t choose, you’ll just default to follow Mommy.”


“Daddy, I choose daddy!”


Longlong hurriedly said the answer, almost out of the blue, and then looked at Leng Qianxue in panic after saying it, “Mommy, I’m sorry!”


Although she had expected it, Leng Qianxue’s heart still hurt and lost, she tried to raise her smile and said gently, “It’s okay, Erbao, it’s okay for you to live with daddy, Mommy will visit you often!”


Long Long didn’t dare to speak and looked at Tenzin nervously again.


“Mummy is right.” Tenzin was calm, “Whatever you choose, there’s nothing wrong with it, we just live in different places, it doesn’t affect our relationship.”


“Mmmmmm.” Dragon put his head down at this.


Yue Yue watched the scene in a daze, the nervousness she felt just now, seemed to have eased a lot, she looked timidly at Leng Qianxue, as if she had something to say, but did not dare to say ……


“San Bao, it’s your turn.” Chen Chen looked at Yue Yue, “Do you choose to go with daddy or mommy? Do you want me to count?”


“I …… I choose to go with daddy.”


Yue Yue’s voice was small, so small that it sounded like a mosquito, but everyone still heard it.


She lowered her head, not daring to look at Leng Qianxue, twisted her fingers and cried, “Mommy, San Bao loves you, but San Bao doesn’t want to go to E country, San Bao wants to stay in Hai Cheng ……”


“Mommy understands.”


Leng Qianxue held Yue Yue’s little face and wiped her tears, but she herself was weeping ……


“It’s okay, Mommy will keep Dr. Hua to treat you, and when you’re cured, Mommy will come back to see you.”


“No.” Night Zhen Ting hurriedly said, “You are also being treated, you and San Bao cannot be separated.”


He remembered clearly that Dr. Hua had said that Leng Qianxue’s treatment would take up to three months, and that it could not be interrupted, and that if it was interrupted, all the work would be lost.