Am I A Gigolo Chapter 1053-1054

Chapter 1053

“Then, what then?”


Yue Yue panicked all of a sudden and looked at Night Zhen Ting with tears in her eyes.


“San Bao ……” Night Zhen Ting hugged Yue Yue and said tenderly, “You follow Mommy first, when you are cured, Daddy will pick you up again!”


“You can let Dr. Hua treat San Bao first, I’ll just treat him later.”


Leng Qianxue felt very bad when she saw Yue Yue so inseparable from Night Zhen Ting.


“Doctor Hua has said that your treatment cannot be interrupted.” Night Zhen Ting was very serious, “This matter is not negotiable!”


Hearing these words, Leng Qianxue was slightly stunned and her mood was a little complicated.


“When I asked before, Dr. Hua said that the treatment should continue for three months, now a month has pa*sed and there are still two months to go.” Night Zhen Ting counted the days, “Two months later, I’ll go to E country to pick up San Bao!”


“San Bao, do you agree?” Leng Qianxue asked Yue Yue.


“Agreed.” Yue Yue nodded her head repeatedly, “It’s important for Mummy to heal, San Bao will accompany Mummy to heal.”


“Good boy!” Leng Qianxue felt relieved.


“Then it’s a deal.” Night Zhen Ting finally reiterated, “We all keep our promises!”


“Got it.” Although Leng Qianxue was resigned, she could only respect the children’s choice.


At this moment, the car was parked right in front of Taiji Hospital.


Night Hui reported in a low voice outside, “Night King, it’s here!”


Night Zhen Ting and Leng Qian Xue got out of the car, leading the children.


The family of five walked into the hospital, as if they were the perfect combination of the Heavenly God family.


All pa*sers-by could not help but stop and look.


The attendants lined up in two neat and orderly rows to clear the way for them.


Night Fai and Ah Hoi followed closely behind.


Hai asked in a low voice, “Why must they be separated when they are obviously such a compatible family.”


“Alas, it’s a pity!” Night Fai couldn’t help but lament, “If there weren’t all these grudges and feuds, they would have been the happiest family.”


The family arrived at the special treatment area.


Old Master Night had come out of the emergency room half an hour ago and was placed in an exclusive ward.


Lei Yu waited anxiously at the entrance of the lift and when it opened, she hurriedly greeted him, “King Night, the old man is dying.”


“Great Grandpa ……” Yue Yue was so frightened that she wanted to cry.


“San Bao don’t cry, it will scare grandpa Zeng.” Leng Qianxue whispered soothingly, “We have to give him a good last send off, so he can go to heaven in peace!”


“Mmmmmm.” Yue Yue hurriedly wiped away her tears with her little hand.


Tenzin and Longlong were also taking deep breaths and gathering their emotions.


Night Zhen Ting was grateful and said from the bottom of his heart, “Thank you!”


“I only did it for the child.” Leng Qianxue didn’t even look at him.


Of course, Night Zhen Ting knew that she was doing it for the children, after all, this incident would leave an eternal trace in the children’s hearts, and perhaps when they grow up to be adults, they would all remember this scene ……


So, even if Leng Qianxue resented the old man, at this time, she would put aside her resentment and give the children a kind lead!


But even this was already very rare.


Night Zhen Ting carried the children and prepared to go to the next room to change into germ isolation suits.


But Lei Yu choked up and said, “Night King, there’s no need to change, just go straight in!”


This meant that the old man was terminally ill and unable to return to heaven.


Night Zhen Ting frowned and led Chen Chen and Long Long inside.


“Wait a minute.” Leng Qianxue handed Yue Yue to him, “I’ll wait for you guys outside.”


“Come in together, the old man wants to see you.” Night Zhen Ting looked at her expectantly.


“Do you think that’s possible?”


Leng Qianxue looked at him coldly, she was only putting aside all her grudges now for the sake of her child, but letting her go in to see the old man was never possible.


“Alright ……”


Night Zhen Ting couldn’t force it, so he could only hold Yue Yue and lead Chen Chen and Long Long into the ward.


“Old master, hold on a little longer, the young master and the children will be here soon ……”


Night Sen clutched Old Master Night’s hand and choked back a sob of rea*surance.

Chapter 1054

“Grandpa Tseng!”


The three children shouted and pounced over.


They said they would not cry, but when they saw their grandpa Zeng in this state, tears still came out of their eyes.


But they remembered their mummy’s teaching and immediately wiped away their tears with their little hands, then tried to squeeze out a smile ……


“Grandpa Zeng, we’ve come to see you!”


“Grandpa Zeng, I’m Dabao.”


“I’m Second Treasure.”


“I’m the third treasure!”


“Grandpa Zeng, have you seen us?”


The three children gathered around the bed, talking excitedly to the old man.


The old man slowly opened his eyes and looked at them with blurred vision, tears shining in his eyes, and his withered old hand reached out as if he wanted to say something to the children.


“Great Grandpa ……”


The three children walked over and placed their small hands in the old man’s.


The old man held their hands as tears fell from his eyes, opened his mouth with difficulty and uttered a broken sentence, “Remember …… that your …… surname is Night and always… …are all …… children of the …… Night family ……!”


His words were a little slurred, but the children heard him.


Long Long and Yue Yue were in tears and looked at Chen Chen in a panic, not knowing how to respond.


Tearfully nodding his head, Chen Chen solemnly said to the old man, “Don’t worry, Grandpa Zeng, for the rest of our lives, our surname will be Night and we won’t change!”


Chen Chen knew what the old man was thinking, he was afraid that they would follow their mummy and change their surname after her.


Although Chen Chen had promised to follow Mummy, he had made a decision in his heart long ago that he would not change his surname.


“Good, good, good!”


Old Master Night said three good words in a row, holding the children’s small hands tightly, unable to let go.


His eyes were fixed on Night Zhen Ting, as if he wanted to say something, but he was so strained that he couldn’t say it clearly for half a second.


“Grandpa, don’t worry, with me here, the children won’t go.”


Night Zhen Ting knew that the old man’s last wish before he died was for the children to stay in the Night Family!


At this time, he could only tell him a well-intentioned lie.


“She …… her ……,” the old man said two “her” words.


The old man wanted to see Leng Qianxue!”


“She’s right outside, I’ll go get her.”


Night Zhen Ting had no idea, but at this time, he had to fulfil the old man’s last wish.


Leng Qianxue was outside returning a message to Leng Bing when Night Zhenting walked out of the ward and said in a low voice, “Grandpa wants to see you.”


“We have nothing to talk about.”


Leng Qianxue didn’t want to forgive Old Master Night, it was already the greatest kindness for her to be able to bring her child to visit his old man now, and to wait here in peace.


Letting her go to see the enemy who had repeatedly bullied her and hurt her, she couldn’t do it.


“Please.” Night Zhen Ting walked up to her and prayed in a low voice, “His old man is about to die, his last wish is to see you, just give him a chance.”


Never before had Night Zhen Ting begged in such a low voice.


He was now very haggard, still wearing last night’s clothes, his arm had been shot by her and was simply wrapped in gauze, his beard was pulled back, his face was haggard and his eyes were bloodshot ……


This kind of person is really heartbreaking.


The first time I saw him, I thought of what had happened last night, and my heart was still burning with hatred, so she instinctively wanted to refuse, but when she raised her head and touched the red eyes of the night’s Zhen Ting, she finally went soft.


“You’re so annoying!”


She said the words of boredom, but still raised her steps and walked into the ward.


Immediately, Timothy Night followed her and opened the door for her.


In the ward, the children gathered around the old man of the night to encourage –


“Grandpa Zeng, I won two more patents for inventions a few days ago, I brought the certificates with me, take a look!”


“Grandpa Zeng, you get better quickly, you still have to play football with me.”


“Grandpa Zeng, you said you’d take me to M to see the horses you keep, I haven’t been there yet, you can’t keep your word, woo woo ……”