Am I A Gigolo Chapter 1055-1056

Chapter 1055

Leng Qianxue really hates this old man, if he hadn’t been stubborn and forced Night Zhending to remove his mother and leave his son, she wouldn’t have been separated from her flesh and bones back then, she wouldn’t have been humiliated, and Zhu’s mother wouldn’t have died ……


The fact that he was gullible enough to trust Ling Yun and lure the wolf into the house, causing Yue Yue to be poisoned.


Even in the end, he was unrepentant in harboring Night Zhenyun, leading to that farce last night ……


All the tragedies stemmed from this old man’s stubbornness.


He was actually to blame for having his current fate.


He killed his own daughter with his own hands, and then his own life came to an end.


This is called self-inflicted evil!


However, looking at the children’s sad faces, Leng Qianxue’s feelings were very complicated ……


Even though the old man had a million faults, his love for the children was unreserved, so the children’s love for him was also true ……


“Grandpa, she’s here.” Night Zhen Ting said in a soft voice.


Old Master Night looked at Leng Qianxue bashfully, in fact, in his current state, his vision was completely blurred and he couldn’t see things clearly at all, he could only see a shadow.


He opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but he couldn’t say it clearly.


Night Zhen Ting pulled Leng Qian Xue over to the bedside, padded over and asked, “Grandpa, what do you want to say?”


Old Master Night narrowed his eyes weakly, looked at Leng Qianxue, opened his mouth with difficulty and said one word at a time, “Yes, yes …… not …… up!!!”


As these three words were spoken, two lines of tears slid down from the corners of his eyes.


They were tears of remorse ……


Leng Qianxue’s heart trembled, and a complicated feeling spread from her heart.


At this moment, even though she had a hundred resentments, they were gradually drowned out by these tears and words of apology.


It was said in the book that when a man is about to die, his words are good.


Old Master Night’s last wish before he died was actually to apologise to her.


Probably in his entire life, he had never said those three words, and now before he died, he was saying them to her ……


The remorse and guilt in his heart were all turned into those three words.


With a full of sincerity.


Leng Qianxue did not say anything, nor did she look at the old man, just lowered her head and did not say a word.


She looked calm and indifferent, but in her heart there were waves ……


“Right …… not …… up!”


Old Master Night said again, and then, slowly closed his eyes.


He probably, never expected to be forgiven.


He just wanted to say those three words to Leng Qianxue in person, to express his apology in person, so that he could leave in peace….


Perhaps, people sometimes just let their hearts be at ease.


“Grandpa!!!” Night Zhen Ting hurriedly held Old Master Night’s hand, “Grandpa, you hold on, I’ll call a doctor right away!”


“Doctor, doctor!”


Night ZhenTing shouted outside.


The doctor hurriedly rushed in, but, Old Master Night’s withered old hand was already gradually dropping down ……


“I’m sorry, Mr. Night, Old Master he, has pa*sed away!”


“Grandpa Zeng, Grandpa Zeng …… ah ……”


The ward was in tears.


Leng Qianxue silently withdrew and stood in the corner by the door, quietly watching what was happening in front of her ……


Night Zhen Ting knelt on one knee by the hospital bed, clutching Old Master Night’s hand, head bowed, tears of sorrow falling.


The three children gathered around the hospital bed and cried, even the usually strong and rational Chen Chen was shaking with tears.


Longlong and Yueyue were even bawling their eyes out in grief.


Night Sen leaned back in his wheelchair and bowed his head in tears. For a moment, it was as if he had lost all his mental pillars and his whole being collapsed.


The night army stationed at one side, Night Hui and Chao and Kai, were also in tears silently.


The room was full of sorrow, only Leng Qianxue calm and unruffled, she looked at the old man of the night on the hospital bed thought, the hatred and resentment in her heart, gradually released ……


Followed by the old man of the night pa*sed away life, together to the other world.


Night Zhenyun died, Old Master Night died, Ling Yun died, Ling Long was captured ……


She suddenly felt as if her mission had been accomplished!

Chapter 1056

Leng Qianxue did not stay in the ward for too long and left in silence.


Before leaving, Night Zhen Ting pulled her along and conferred with her, “Can you let the children stay for these few days and finish attending the old man’s after-death? In three days, I will hand over Dabao and Sanbao to you.”


“Good.” Leng Qianxue agreed readily, but then warned, “Don’t play tricks!”


“Don’t worry!” Night Zhen Ting was exhausted, “I’m a man of my word!”


Leng Qianxue nodded and turned to leave.


She didn’t like this kind of scene, she wanted to be left alone.


Leng Mo drove while carefully observing her face from the rear view mirror, “Miss Leng, are you alright?”


“Yes.” Leng Qianxue was very calm, “Go to the Autumn Mountain Cemetery!”


“Huh?” Leng Mo froze for a moment and hurriedly responded, “Yes.”


Qiushan Mausoleum Cemetery, the place where Feng Qianyang was buried, and later Leng Qianxue buried Zhu Ma’s ashes there as well.


She had vowed to use the blood of Night Zhen Yun and Ling Long to pay tribute to Zhu Ma.


There was also her father, who was also forced to die by Night Zhenyun in the first place.


This blood feud was now avenged.


But Leng Qianxue did not have the slightest feeling of pleasure, all she had was bewilderment and loss ……


As the rain cooled slightly, Leng Qianxue put on her windbreaker and carried two bunches of lilies to the graves of her father and Zhu’s mother, offering them flowers and then saying to them, “Dad, Zhu’s mother, I have avenged you! You can rest in peace now.”


Although she said this, it occurred to Leng Qianxue that her father, in concealing the persecution back then, actually did not want her to take revenge; he wanted her to live a peaceful and happy life.


And the last words Zhu’s mother said to her before she died were, “To live, to live ……”


They both hoped that she would be able to live well, the rest, did not matter.


Leng Qianxue sighed, whatever was better, the great revenge had been avenged, it was time for her to go.


This city has recorded too many sorrows and joys, love and hate ……


She never wanted to come back.


“Miss Leng ……,” Leng Mo reported in a soft voice, “Xiao Cui came with news that Duke Louis has come to Hai Cheng, I think Mr. asked him to pick you up.”


As soon as the words left her mouth, Leng Qianxue’s mobile phone rang, she answered the call, “Louis!”


“Qianxue, your brother asked me to pick you up, is it okay if I go straight to your house?”


“Yes, I’m going back now, see you at Qiu Ming Mountain!”


“Okay, see you later!”


Duke Louis’ voice was tinged with uncontrollable joy.


Leng Qianxue, however, was very calm, she knew that she could have refused the marriage if she had opposed it strongly.


Her brother, however strong he was, had never forced her to do anything.


But Leng Qianxue was really tired of that kind of entanglement of feuds ……


She thought that maybe with Louis, she would let go of all the past and start a new life ……


The Duke of Louis is simple and unpretentious, treats people sincerely, and has a good family background.


And his family has a special place in the French royal family, uncontested but admired ……


Marry him and you can live a peaceful life.


This is what Leng Di Feng has chosen for her, the best place to belong!


Leng Qianxue knew that everything her brother had given her was the best arrangement.


So, she gladly accepted it.


On the way back, Leng Qianxue looked sideways at the misty rain outside the window, and many past events came to mind ……


The moments of her life with Night Shocking seem to be gradually clearing up in this rain, yet they are being left behind little by little with the scenery along the way ……


Leng Qianxue repeatedly told herself in her heart, let go, it’s time to end it.


At this time, the hospital.


The night Zhen Ting is arranging the afterlife of the old man, suddenly felt the sky spinning, vision became blurred, he subconsciously reached out to hold the wall, shook his head, raised his eyes to look ahead ……


I still can’t see anything clearly.


What happened?


How could this happen?