Am I A Gigolo Chapter 1063-1064

Chapter 1063

Night Zhen Ting put down his phone lost in thought and looked out the window in a daze.


“Don’t be anxious, Night King, I’ll call and ask.”


Night Hui dialed Leng Bing’s number, and soon, the call was answered.


“What is it?” Leng Bing didn’t have a good tone towards Night Fai even now.


“It’s thundering, how is Miss Leng?” Night Fai asked.


“Dr. Hua prepared medicine for her early, she drank it and fell asleep, now she won’t wake up even if the sky falls, thunder won’t have any effect.”


Leng Bing said coldly, “Did Chief Night tell you to fight it?”


“Yes.” Night Hui was a little embarra*sed, “Miss Leng had blacked out his phone and he couldn’t get through, so ……”


“Our Miss Leng is fine, don’t bother you.”


After Leng Bing said this, she directly hung up the phone.


Night Hui looked at Night Zhen Ting with an embarra*sed face, “You heard everything?”


“It seems that my worries were superfluous.”


Night Zhen Ting smiled bitterly and turned around to walk into the bathroom.


Night Hui was unsure of him and followed, “Are you alright? Shall we call someone to serve you in the bath?”


“Get lost!” Night Zhen Ting bellowed.


Night Hui was relieved to see that he could still curse, and hurriedly retreated.


Night Zhen Ting was really too tired, so he undressed and soaked in the bathtub, closing his eyes and enjoying this moment of tranquility ……


But as he soaked, he suddenly felt a little tickle under his nose, he subconsciously reached out and touched it, opened his eyes to see, and couldn’t help but freeze.


It was actually blood!!!


Night Zhen Ting immediately got up and checked in the mirror, yes, he was having a nosebleed, it wasn’t much but he was already a little panicked ……


It’s not that he hadn’t stayed up late before, when Shengtian first went public, he had also stayed up for days and nights, feeling nothing but a little tired.


This time, although he was much more tired and mentally stressed than before, but it wasn’t so bad that it would be so serious, right?


Night Zhen Ting remembered the incident when Leng Qianxue was poisoned, at first it was a splitting headache, later it was a nosebleed ……


The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you’re doing.


This thought flashed through his mind, and Night Zhen Ting’s heart trembled, and he suddenly had a sense of foreboding ……


However, he did not feel any pain, only twice his vision was blurred, and now the nosebleed was only a little.


He shouldn’t have been poisoned.


He’s always been careful and all his food has been checked.


It should be fine, it would be fine.


As he was thinking, the phone rang outside and Night Shocking Timothy went out over his towel to answer it, “Hello!”


“Daddy ……” It was actually Yue Yue.


“San Bao? What’s wrong with you?” Night Zhen Ting hurriedly asked, “Are you uncomfortable? Or is something wrong?”


“I can’t sleep, I miss you.” Yue Yue stifled her voice and choked out, “Daddy, are you okay? Is it very tired and hard?”


“Daddy is fine, it’s not hard.”


Night Zhen Ting’s heart melted when he heard this milky and creamy voice.


“Daddy, when I get well, will you come to pick me up?” Yue Yue asked apprehensively.


“Of course you will, silly.” Night Zhen Ting said gently, “Right now you and Mommy both need Grandpa Hua’s treatment and can’t be separated, when you’re cured, Daddy will definitely go pick you up.”


“That’s good.” Yue Yue let out a sigh of relief, then choked up and said, “Actually, I can’t let go of Mummy, and Dabao can’t let go of you either.


But the three of us have agreed that if you and Mummy have to separate, Erbao and I will stay with you and Dabao will follow Mummy.


Because Big Boy is smarter and can protect Mummy, and Second Boy and I will stay with you so that even if you don’t have Mummy, you will still be strong for us.


So daddy, don’t blame Big Boy, he loves you too!”


“Little fool ……” Night Zhen Ting’s eyes were red and his voice was a little hoarse, “How could Daddy blame you guys, Daddy understands.”

Chapter 1064

“Daddy, cough ……” Yue coughed a few times and hid under the covers, saying quietly, “Daddy, an uncle has come to the house and is staying in the same room as Mummy.”


“。。。。。” Night Zhen Ting was stunned for a moment, “What? Staying in the same room?”


“Yeah.” Yue Yue said in a resigned voice, “That uncle is smiling and looks very nice, but I don’t like him, he’s not my daddy ……”


“No, San Bao, you said they are sharing a room, is this true?” Night Shocking asked anxiously, “That Uncle Louis, staying in Mommy’s room?”


“Yes, I saw him go to Mummy’s room in his pyjamas and then he didn’t come out.” Yue Yue whispered, “Daddy, it says in the book that boys and girls sharing a room will have little babies, will they give me more siblings?”


“No.” Night Zhen Ting was instantly anxious, “Never!”


“Uh ……” Yue froze.


“San Bao, do you want to eat Granny Rong’s little pork buns?” Night Zhen Ting suddenly asked.


“I want to.” Yue Yue blurted out, “But Mommy doesn’t have any here.”


“Daddy will bring it over to you.” Night Zhen Ting said as he wiped his hair with a bath towel, “Are you sleepy?”


“No sleepy no sleepy, I can see daddy now, San Bao is not sleepy at all.” Yue Yue was very happy, “Daddy, when are you coming?”


“Half an hour.” Night Zhen Ting looked at the time, it was only half past eight, “Be there at nine o’clock sharp!”


“Okay, I’ll wait for you!”


After hanging up the phone, Night Zhen Ting immediately instructed Night Hui who was waiting outside to go to the kitchen to get the little piggy bag.


“At this hour, why are you not sleeping properly and taking that?”


Night Fai frowned, very worried about his health.


“Go when you’re told, where’s the nonsense?” Night Zhen Ting bellowed lowly in displeasure.


“Fine.” Night Hui had no choice but to go to the kitchen to get the little piggy bag and put it in a greasy paper bag to give to Night Zhen Ting, “It’s so late, where are you going?”


He took the car keys and hurried out.


Night Hui put it down and followed quietly.


Night Zhen Ting drove to the vicinity of Mid-levels North, stopped the car, and then flipped into the villa through the back door.


The Leng family’s villa was heavily secured and had all kinds of infrared sensors, so it was impossible for ordinary people to sneak in across the border, but Night Zhen Ting was not an ordinary person.


He went straight through the attic window and then tumbled into Yue Yue’s room by the window again.


At this moment, Yue Yue was sitting on her bed, her comforter made into the shape of a small tent, holding her alpaca and looking blearily at the door, waiting for daddy to arrive.


When a sound came from behind her, Yue Yue was startled and turned around, surprised to see a familiar figure, she exclaimed, “Daddy!”


Then her small hands lifted the covers and she rushed over in excitement.


“San Bao!” Night Zhen Ting picked up Yue Yue and held her aloft, “Daddy look, has the fever gone down?”


“There’s still a little bit of a low fever.” Yue Yue’s forehead was still covered with Dr. Hua’s homemade fever-reducing patch, “Daddy, where’s my little piggy bank?”


“It’s here.” Night Zhen Ting pulled out the little piggy bag in a greasy paper bag from his arms, still steaming, “Try it.”


“Hee hee, thank you daddy.” Yue Yue was very happy and took the little piggy bag and ate it in daddy’s arms, saying as she ate, “I just had vegetable porridge at night and I’m hungry.”


“Eat slowly, there’s no rush.” Night Zhen Ting stroked Yue Yue’s hair and looked at her gently, “But you have tonsillitis now, you can’t eat too much, just eat one.”


“Mm.” Yue Yue nodded her head obediently.


Night Zhen Ting found a carton of milk in the room and heated it up with boiling water for her to drink, “Drink some milk, don’t choke.”


“Thank you daddy.” Yue Yue said longingly as she hugged Night Shocking’s neck, “Daddy, it would be so nice if we could live together as a family forever!”


“There will be a day like that.” Night Zhen Ting still had hope for the future, “Give daddy some time, daddy will definitely be able to reunite our family!”