Am I A Gigolo Chapter 1069-1070

Chapter 1069

The car stopped and Night Zhen Ting sat calmly in the car as Leng Qian Xue walked over with a sullen face.


Night Fai scrambled out of the car to greet him, “Miss Leng.”


“Get out of the car.” Leng Qianxue kicked on the car door.


Night Zhen Ting opened the car window and looked at her gently, “So much anger this early in the morning?”


“Night Zhen Ting, since we have all agreed, we have to follow the rules.” Leng Qianxue said angrily, “Next time you dare sneak into my house and do something naughty, I’ll break your legs!”


“Don’t accuse people unjustly.” Night Zhen Ting had an innocent look on his face, “How did I do something naughty?”


“You ……” Leng Qianxue was about to say his crime, but then swallowed her words, she was ashamed to say it with so many people watching her.


“Don’t accuse good people for no reason.” I’m too busy to sneak into your house, how could I? Besides, your house is heavily guarded, so I can’t get in either.”


“You don’t have to pretend.” Leng Qianxue shouted angrily, “Next time I catch you, you’ll be dead!”


With that, she turned around and got into her car ……


The two men were confused and did not understand what was going on.


The night Hui, on the other hand, knew what was going on and looked at Night Zhen Ting with a deep sense of purpose.


The silver Rolls Royce whistled past the side.


A Hai baba looked at the cold indifference driving, sighing helplessly, “It’s been so long since I’ve seen you, you don’t even care about me, you even glared at me with your eyes just now.”


“Glaring at you is considered good, my one doesn’t even look at me.”


Night Fai smiled bitterly, then got into the car.


“Drive.” Night Zhen Ting urged.


“Yes.” Hai drove up after him, he wanted to catch up with the silver Rolls-Royce and look at Leng Mo one more time.


“Night King, did you really sneak into Mid-levels North last night?” Night Fai asked tentatively, “And spent the night there?”


“Nonsense.” Night Zhen Ting gave him a blank look.


“High man!” Night Fai admired from the bottom of his heart, “How did you manage to do that? You’re all exhausted like this, and you still ran over to stay the night, and miraculously, no one found out?”


“What? You want to learn?” Night Zhen Ting asked rhetorically.


“I don’t dare.” Night Fai shook his head in panic, “I don’t have the guts or the ability to do that.”


“That’s right, be honest.” Night Zhen Ting closed his eyes and continued to rest.


“Worthy of being our boss, awesome, really awesome.”


Night Fai sighed from the bottom of his heart.


“Even chasing girls is more capable than us.” Ah Hai couldn’t help but say, “It’s incredible.”


“Shh~ Drive your car properly.”




On the other side, Leng Qianxue was harbouring fire in her heart and her face was very gloomy.


Leng Bing asked cautiously, “Miss Leng, last night, Chief Night sneaked into our Mid-levels North?”


“No way?” Leng Mo’s eyes widened in shock, “The person on duty last night didn’t say anything about it.”


“If it was discovered, would it still be Night Zhen Ting?” Leng Qianxue bellowed lowly in displeasure, “It seems that these people around me, their abilities still need to be improved.”


“What was he doing sneaking in during that heavy rainstorm last night?” Leng Bing felt puzzled, “There wasn’t any situation at home either.”


“Is it just to deliver a little piggy bag to Third Miss?”


Leng Mo heard in the morning that there were two buns on Yue Yue’s bed, she glanced at them, they felt like little piggy buns, and she still felt puzzled.


“He ……”


Leng Qianxue wanted to tell the truth, but she held her words back, she didn’t want people to know that Night Zhen Ting had sneaked into her room, slept with her in his arms for the night, and planted a strawberry on her neck.


It would be too humiliating to say out!!!


Leng Bing looked at Leng Qianxue, waiting for her words to follow.


“He just came to give San Bao the little piggy bag.” Leng Qianxue held her tongue for half a day and could only say this, “Outrageous, my home is not a vegetable patch, let him come and go whenever he wants.”


“It’s a bit hateful, but it’s also quite touching.” Leng Bing, however, said, “Master Night pa*sed away, the Night’s up and down in chaos, I heard he didn’t even close his eyes for seven days and seven nights, under such circumstances, he still sneaked into our side to deliver little piggy bags to the children, what a good father!”

Chapter 1070

“Yes, a good father indeed.” Apathy sighed from the heart.




For a moment, Leng Qianxue was actually speechless, just very stifled in her heart.


On the other hand, Night Zhen Ting was very pleased with himself thinking about how Leng Qianxue had a mouth to feed.


“It is said that they have a flight back to E tomorrow at three o’clock in the afternoon.”


Night Fai suddenly said.


Hearing these words, the three people in the car were silent.


They all knew that Leng Qianxue would probably not come back this time when she went back.


“Night King, do something about it.” Ah Hai was a little anxious, “Can you keep Miss Leng?”


“I also want to ……”


Night Zhen Ting really wanted to keep Leng Qianxue, but, he knew it was impossible.


There was no way out, at least for now.


“The Night Zhen Yun incident has completely stalled the relationship, and now that it has gone to a dead end, it may need to be eased.” Night Fai was a bit more rational, “I think that there is a chance when we go to pick up Yue Yue in two months’ time.”


“I hope so.”


Night Zhen Ting also had this intention, at that time, when he proposed to let Yue Yue follow Leng Qianxue back to E country for treatment first, he was saving his hand.


Two months was enough for him to deal with all the mess, and Leng Qianxue should also calm down and find out that the Leng family’s life was also plagued with hardships, and then would rethink ……


“Ugh ……,” A Hai sighed, not daring to speak, but his heart was really not willing to let go.


“Drive faster.” Night Zhen Ting looked at the time, today the old man was officially funeral, there were a lot of things to do, he had to hurry.






Leng Qianxue dealt with the South China Sea project and found that all the people who could make decisions had run off to attend the funeral of Old Master Night, and her closing events were delayed again.


She was very annoyed, but she could not afford to be angry with people for such matters.


She was about to go back, when Leng Qianxue received a call from Leng Di Feng –




“Go to Old Master Night’s funeral.”


“Huh?” Leng Qianxue suspected that she had heard wrong, her brother had always been vengeful and hated Old Master Night to the core, even if that old man died, he would not be able to relieve his hatred.


Now he was actually asking her to go to the funeral?


“The wreath and pallium are ready.” Leng Di Feng added.


“Brother, what are you going to do?” Leng Qianxue asked apprehensively.


“What are you afraid of?” Leng Di Feng asked rhetorically.


Leng Qianxue was slightly stunned and didn’t know how to answer.


She was worried that Leng Di Feng would cause trouble at the funeral, although she had once hated Old Master Night as well, the dead were the greatest, the person was already dead and all grudges were over.


What’s more, the old man was always the children’s relative, and the children would also attend the funeral, she didn’t want to make a scene in front of the children ……


“Do as you are told!” Leng Di Feng said the last two words and hung up the phone straight away.


Leng Qianxue held the phone, her brow furrowed, her heart apprehensive.


At this time, Leng Bing answered the phone and then reported to her, “The people on Mister’s side have already prepared the wreath and the pallium, and told us to meet at the foot of the mountain at five o’clock.”


“Hmm.” Leng Qianxue responded, “Understood.”


“You don’t have to worry too much, I think that sir asked us to go to the funeral because he wanted to show off Leng’s generosity and decency in front of the business community, so there won’t be any trouble.”


Leng Bing softly rea*sured.


“You go and check, who are the people at this funeral? Is there any media?” Leng Qianxue instructed.


“Yes.” Leng Bing immediately called to investigate.


“Where are we going now?” Leng Mo asked softly.


“Go back first.” Leng Qianxue was preoccupied.




The car drove off in the direction of Qiu Ming Mountain.


After Leng Bing investigated, he reported back to Leng Qianxue, “Miss Leng, I checked, the people who attended the funeral this time are mainly the directors and senior officials of the Night’s, there are also some of the old friends of Old Master Night’s life, there are also a few business and political bigwigs, the media are outside and are not allowed to enter.”