His Secret Lover Chapter 831-832

Chapter 831

At the critical moment, Chen Qiqing, who would also be at the Red Hall, actually interjected.

As soon as the words left their mouths, the couple became even more excited.

Shen Yu: “……”

Really unable to stand the noise, he simply came out of the Red Hall.

He wasn’t going to believe in this nonsense.

Of course, even if it was true, it didn’t matter to him because, as he had always thought, this brother was better than him.

Besides, if his father, Shen Ying, was still alive and he was supposed to be the heir to the God family, what did it matter if he, Shen Yu, gave it back to him now?

Shen Yu arrived at the Sea View Terrace.

Originally, he was going to go straight to the third floor to ask Huo Sijiu about whether he had recovered?

He was still more concerned about that.

However, when he came in, he hadn’t even gone up before he saw a scene outside the castle where some children were playing with an old man in the garden.

The old man, who was very old, with white hair and beard, would normally have been hard to move like that.

But now, he saw him in the garden, playing with those few children, as if he too had become an old urchin.

“Master, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen you so happy, it seems, since the death of Young Master Goding.

“Is that so?”

Shinzonou, who was playing with the child, heard this remark from his butler, Lao Tian, and returned it carelessly.

Old Tian then nodded, “Yes, even when Young Master Shen Yu was born, I didn’t see you so happy, and later when he grew up, I didn’t even see you hug him much.

Old Tian said this, in fact, to make this old man in front of him a little happier.

Because, indeed, he hadn’t seen him so happy for a long time.

But he didn’t know that just a short distance away from this garden, Shen Yu was standing there hearing these words, but suddenly his face darkened, and then, his thoughts flew back to a long, long time ago.

Yes, when he was a child, he really hadn’t been hugged by him.

He was his own grandson, but at that time, he had more of an image of him as a stern and unsmiling man, not to mention hugging him.

So, as a child, he was afraid of him.

He could not even dream of what he saw now.

Shen Yu’s face eventually went white.

Not long after, Wen Shuxu, who had made fruit juice for the children, came over with it and froze for a moment when she saw him standing there without a word.

“Young Master Shen Yu, why are you standing here? Do you want to go over and see the children? It’s okay, just go straight over, they should like you very much.

She thought he was a little hesitant to move forward after seeing the child.

After all, she knew that he had always had a guilty conscience because of that incident in the first place.

However, after he heard her voice and turned back to see her, he suddenly a slightly pale handsome face showed a rare panic: “No, I’ll just take a casual look, I’m here to find Si Jue. www.YSHU GE.org

“Yeah right, he’s up there.

Wen Shuxu gave him a look and pointed downstairs.

Shen Yu then immediately walked away, his footsteps so hurried that even Wen Xu Xu was surprised for a good while.

What was wrong with him?

Shen Yu arrived at the third floor.

The air was particularly good on a windy morning, and it was rare for Huo Sijiu not to stay in his bedroom, he came out and moved a chair to sit outside, while holding a small notebook in his hand, writing something on the table.

As he was writing, out of the corner of his eye he saw a tall man in an olive green camouflage uniform enter.

“Sir, what are you doing?”

He walked over and looked directly at the notebook Huo Sijiu was drawing in.

When Huo Sijiu saw this, his eyes narrowed, and immediately, he closed the notebook, his entire expression turning cold for an instant.

Shen Yu: “……”

Standing there stiffly like this, he didn’t want to admit that at this time, his mood was even worse.

However, after taking a deep breath, he quickly adjusted, then acted as if he was helpless and stopped looking, casually dragging a chair over as well and sitting down opposite him.

“Well, you don’t have to hide, I just won’t look. By the way, I saw your two children down there just now, why did you pick them up all of a sudden? Are you getting ready for them to acknowledge their ancestors?”

He asked in a casual manner, like a casual conversation.

But Huo Sijiu’s gaze grew colder, and he swept him a glance, his eyes all chilly.

“What acknowledgement of ancestry? What do they have to do with your God family?”


Shen Yu finally couldn’t say a single word.

With these words, he really didn’t mean anything else, he just wanted to ask how he suddenly got this idea, and also, he wanted to know if he really had his memories revived?

These questions, the starting point, were all based on concern for him.

However, the sentence he welcomed back was indeed such an unforgiving and very sharp sentence.

Shen Yu sat in this chair for a long time, and he did not make another sound.

“You ……”

“Well, I’m off, you get some rest.

Shen Yu suddenly stood up, he hurriedly dropped this sentence without even hearing clearly, this brother in front of him also just opened his mouth to prepare to speak, then, he walked away without looking back.

Huo Siji then stared at him with frowning brows from behind.

But until the end, his back had disappeared into the corridor, he did not open his mouth to call out to him, but after indifferently withdrawing his gaze for a moment, he opened that diary again.

It was also a diary full of drawings of the relationships of various characters.

Only, unlike the diagram of the God family’s power that that man had drawn in the bas*ment, this notebook drew, on the other hand, a picture of the God family as **, and which wolves that were eagerly waiting around to partake of it, exactly?

Chapter 832

Wen Xuxu also didn’t pay attention to this matter, since her two sons were also picked up, her whole mind is now basically on these kids.
“The first thing you need to do is to take a look at the face and show it to daddy. I think daddy must remember you, look, brother Chen Light, he remembers it all.


On this day, while no one was watching them on the observation deck, the two brothers sneaked over to their mommy again and then pestered her with unanswered questions.
Wen Shuxu could then only let out a sigh.
She didn’t want to take the fake thing off her face.
But what about after that? Would he be happy to see her?
Chen Qing and Leng Xu, he did not remember them, what he remembered was only their names, which was evident from the first moment he saw Leng Xu and Chen Qing.
It was very strange and with a questioning expression.
So she had to consider that possibility too, if all he remembered about her, was just this name of hers too, how would he react to seeing her when she took off this fake face?
And most importantly, it was the things that the Captain of the Divine Patriarch’s Royal Guard had analysed, he had said that there was a huge hidden black hand behind Chen Light’s death.
It wasn’t just Huo Siji who he was after at all, but the entire Divine Family!
So, wasn’t it a good idea for her to expose herself now?
She didn’t want to become his soft underbelly again and drag him down.
“Don’t worry babies, this is something that mummy hasn’t thought about yet, your daddy’s situation is still unstable right now, mummy needs to wait until there’s a suitable time to tell him.

Wen Xuoxu finally comforted the two little ones.
When the little ones heard this, their tiny faces fell.
When was that?
Both brothers were anxious, but, since their mommy did not agree yet, they did not make any more fuss, but obediently listened to her and only called her auntie every day in this sea view platform.
And when Shen Zong Yu saw it, he didn’t suspect anything.
He thought it was because Wen Xuxu was also a mother who happened to have a little girl around her about the same age, and that was why she was so pleasing to his two great-grandchildren.
Until this day, Chen Qiqing suddenly came to the door.
“Old master, I heard that your two great-grandchildren have been brought back, and today I bought some horse feet and tapioca flour to make some cakes for the children that they love.

“Good, go and make them.

As soon as Shinzongo heard this, he looked at the two children and immediately urged her with a smile on his face.
This old man, nowadays, was really responsive to the children’s requests. wWW.yshUge.Or g
He was afraid of melting it in his mouth, and he was afraid of dropping it in his hand. Now that a chef with such good skills has suddenly come to cook food for them, how could he not say yes?
Chen Qiqing then happily went in with the ingredients she had bought.
It was just as well that Wen Shuxu was coming out of the treatment room with Huo Sijiu, and she froze when she saw the scene.
“Is this Miss Chen very fond of children? And for Mr. Huo’s sake your two children came over here specially to make food for them.

Huo Sijiu, who was walking forward, lifted his eyes, originally having little interest, but after hearing that this woman behind him seemed to sound less than happy, his two beams of gaze that had little emotion.
After all, he swept a glance towards the garden.
“She likes your daughter?”
“Huh?” Wen Shuxu was stunned for another moment behind her, “…… shouldn’t like it.

She didn’t understand at all what this man meant by suddenly asking this, thinking about herself whether she was in front of the sea view platform, or after repairing her face and then back again.
Her little Ruo Ruo, as if this woman called Chen Qi Qing, had not shown any liking.
So, she shook her head.
As a result, just as she denied it, the man immediately threw her a look in front of him as if he was looking at an idiot.
“So, why would you ask such a stupid question?”
Simply, this guy!
However, she was angry, but after being reminded of this, she immediately understood that this woman called Chen Qiqing should not be fond of her two sons at all.
She was trying to please the people behind them.
Wen Shuxu was not happy, she could not see other women using her own children as tools.
“Mr. Huo, since that’s the case, then it’s better not to let the children come into contact with her, this kind of approaching children with a purpose is definitely bad for their growth, I think.

“As you wish.

The man walking in front of him threw down another faint sentence.
Then quickly, he took off his long legs and went over to the lift and went upstairs.
Wen Shuxu was happy and immediately ran to the garden.
“Yin Yin young master, you guys were playing here ah, just now sister has been looking for you guys, can come over and play with you guys I? She is in auntie’s room.

She came over and waved a greeting towards the two little ones.
The two little ones were playing with their grandfather when they saw Mummy and immediately they dropped the toys they were holding and ran towards her.
“Okay, we’ll go there now.

Then, these two little brats disappeared in a flash.