Am I A Gigolo Chapter 1097-1098

Chapter 1097

“Thank you for your hard work!”


Leng Qianxue didn’t say much and hurriedly invited Lei Yu inside.


Lei Yu might not be the most powerful western doctor, but she was indeed the most reliable and the most familiar with Yue Yue.


At this juncture now, it was best to have her a*sistance.


“All of you, get out.”


Dr. Hua dismissed all the idle people, leaving only the medical staff behind.


Leng Qianxue knew his temper and despite her worries, she could only go out and wait first.


“Miss Leng, Gao Ting is in first aid and may have a life-threatening condition.” Leng Mo hurriedly came to report.


“Get the best medical team, make sure you save her.” Leng Qianxue hurriedly ordered, “Call their dean over.”


“The dean and the others have been waiting for a long time, but Dr. Lei has brought a few expert doctors from Hai Cheng, saying they are quite powerful ……”


“Tell them to hurry up and save the people.”




Yue Yue and Gao Ting were both in emergency first aid.


Leng Qianxue’s heart was terrified, and at that moment, another attendant came to report, “Miss Leng, Mr. Night arrived at the hospital with his men and wanted to come in, but was stopped outside by Mr.’s men.”


“Let him in.”


Although Leng Qianxue was angry with Night Zhen Ting, but it was about the child, she did not want to make things difficult for him.


“Yes.” The attendant immediately went to inform.


Soon, Night Zhen Ting arrived in a hurry with his men, “How is San Bao?”


“In first aid.” Leng Qianxue said in a deep voice, “Dr. Hua and Lei Yu are here, they will take care of it, you should go back first.”


“How can I leave when San Bao is not through the danger period?” Night Zhen Ting was worried, “At least let me make sure she’s safe, right?”


“Whatever.” Leng Qianxue didn’t want to pay attention to him.


Night Zhen Ting asked someone to coordinate a few rooms and said to Leng Qianxue, “Go and change your clothes before coming over, you don’t want San Bao to wake up and see you covered in blood, do you?”


Leng Qianxue looked down at herself, still wearing the clothes that had been wet from the rain earlier, and they were stained with Ling Long’s blood ……


When the nurses pa*sing by saw her, they panicked and lowered their heads, not daring to let out their breath.


She was now, really like a murderous female devil.


“Leng Bing.” Leng Qianxue commanded, “Guard here well.”


“Understood.” Leng Bing bowed his head and took orders.


Leng Qianxue left with her two attendants.


Night Zhen Ting guarded outside the ward, looking at the lights in the emergency room, thinking about what had happened to Yue Yue, his heart cut like a knife ……


Leng Qianxue came to the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror and couldn’t help but be stunned.


She felt that the person in front of her was so strange, as if she was not herself.


She lowered her head and avoided the mirror.


Taking off her clothes, she stood under the shower and rinsed the blood from her body with clean water.


She had to wash these blood stains away before she could face the baby.


Night Zhen Ting was still waiting anxiously outside the emergency room when his mobile phone rang, it was Tenzin calling, he hurriedly stepped aside to answer it, “Dabao!”


“Daddy, are you okay? How are Mummy and San Bao?”


Chen Chen had been holding back for a long time, and now he finally couldn’t help himself before calling to ask.


“Mommy’s fine.” Night Zhen Ting said softly, “San Bao is sick and is being treated.”


“San Bao has been saved?”


Chen Chen was so smart that although no one else said anything, he knew something had happened to Yue Yue.


“Saved ……” Night Zhen Ting didn’t avoid the question, “Grandpa Hua is treating her, she’ll be fine soon.”


“Where are you guys now? Erbao and I are worried, can we go find you guys?”


As Tenzin spoke, Long Long’s anxious voice came from the other end of the phone, “Grandpa Sen can send someone to take us there.”


“Dabao Erbao ……” Night Zhen Ting adjusted his emotions and said gently, “We are abroad now, we will come back when San Bao’s condition has stabilized, don’t worry, it’s okay.”


“But ……”


“Mummy is coming over, I’ll let her say a few words to you guys, okay?”


Night Zhen Ting changed the subject.



Chapter 1098

Leng Qianxue changed into clean clothes and walked over with a plain face as Night Zhen Ting handed her the phone, “Dabao Erbao’s phone.”


Leng Qianxue froze for a moment, then took the phone, “Hello, Dabao Erbao!”


“Mummy ……” Longlong couldn’t help but cry when he heard Leng Qianxue’s voice, “Mummy, what happened to the three treasures? We’re so worried and scared.”


“It’s okay, don’t be afraid.” Leng Qianxue became soft all of a sudden when she heard the children’s voices, “San Bao just has a cold, he will be fine soon.”


“Mummy ……”


“Give me the phone.” Chen Chen took the phone away and said to Leng Qianxue, “Mommy, we’re fine, we’re safe with Grandpa Sen around, you and Daddy take care of yourself while protecting San Bao.”


“I know, Dabao.” Leng Qianxue’s voice was a little choked, “When San Bao is well, we’ll make plans, you and Er Bao be good and rest at home for a few days, don’t go to school for now, understand?”


“Yes.” Chen Chen understood that Mummy was worried about their safety.


“Okay, Mummy is going to check on San Bao, so you guys be good.”


“Mmmmmm, Mommy, we’ll wait for you to come back.”


Hanging up the phone, Leng Qianxue tossed the phone to Night Zhen Ting, then sat aside, staring at the lights in the emergency room.


“San Bao will be fine.” Night ZhenTing softly rea*sured.


“It was my mistake this time.”


Leng Qianxue blamed herself greatly, if she could have detected Gao Ting’s abnormalities earlier, if she could have arranged it properly, perhaps such a blunder would not have occurred ……


In fact, last time, when Yue Yue was poisoned, she also drank the poison Ling Yun had given her by mistake.


Counting up, both times when Yue Yue had an accident, it was her mistake.


She had blamed Night Zhen Ting before, but now that she thought about it, it was actually all her fault ……


“Don’t think nonsense.”


Night Zhen Ting wanted to hug her, but when he reached out his hand, he found that he was still wearing dirty clothes that had been soaked in the rain, he was afraid of getting her dirty, so he had to withdraw his arm.


“You should also go and change your clothes.” Leng Qianxue raised her eyes to look at him, “San Bao woke up and doesn’t want to see you like this either.”


“Fine.” Night Zhen Ting nodded and got up to leave.


Leng Qianxue looked at his back with a very complicated gaze ……


At this time, Leng Mo came to report again, “Zhang Xiaodong tumbled through my phone and said that he wanted to come and find Gao Ting, and that he was about to board a plane to Chiang Mai.”


“Arrange for someone to pick him up, don’t reveal our whereabouts.”




Leng Qianxue looked outside, the rain had stopped, but the sky was still grey and cloudy, as if it would continue to rain at any moment.


It was as if something was blocking her heart, very depressing.


She really hoped that the rain would clear up and everything would be fine.


But the waiting time was always torturous ……


An hour pa*sed, two hours pa*sed, three hours pa*sed ……


Zhang Xiaodong has come to the hospital, Yue Yue and Gao Ting have not yet come out of the emergency room.


Zhang Xiaodong was badly injured, his head was wrapped in thick gauze, one arm was in a splint, and he was walking shakily, God knows how he managed to get on a plane from Haicheng to Chiang Mai ……


When he came to the emergency room and learned that Gao Ting had not yet pa*sed the dangerous stage, the 1.85 meter man, whose eyes were red on the spot, lowered his head and couldn’t stop the tears from slipping down.


“I’ve arranged for the best doctors and am resuscitating Gao Ting.” Leng Qianxue said softly, “I hope the lucky ones have a heavenly destiny!”


“I’m sorry ……”


Zhang Xiaodong knelt down in front of Night Zhen Ting and Leng Qianxue with a poof of guilt and confession-


“I beg you to forgive Gao Ting, she did something wrong because of me, a thousand mistakes are my fault, if you want to resent or hate, if you want to kill or kill me, just come at me, don’t blame her.


Especially Miss Leng, Gao Ting treats you like her own sister, I think, even if she dies, she doesn’t want you to hate her ……”