Am I A Gigolo Chapter 1109-1110

Chapter 1109

“Now when you think of yourself back then, don’t you think it’s cute?”


Night Zhen Ting walked in with a cup of juice and handed it to Leng Qian Xue.


“Where is it cute? It’s clearly an idiot.”


Leng Qianxue said with contempt, taking the juice and drinking it up.


“I think it’s quite cute.” Night Zhen Ting picked up the deed, remembering the past events back then, his lips raised a confusing curve, “Sometimes, it’s good for people to be stupid ……”


“If they weren’t stupid, how would they be fooled by you?” Leng Qianxue gave him a blank look.


“Don’t you think that was a beautiful deception?” Night Zhen Ting raised his eyebrows, “Although I cheated you, we were happy, besides, you also cheated me and kept the child from me.”


“The child was raised by me, why should I give it to you? Besides, you were temperamental and cold at that time, how do I know if you will go mother keep the child ……”


Leng Qianxue blurted out, and then froze after she finished.


Yes, in fact, what she was worried about at the beginning was exactly what happened later.


It’s just that, in the end, she didn’t resist the temptation of her feelings, so she loosened her tongue and let the child acknowledge her ancestors, still thinking that true love could overcome all difficulties, thinking that Night Zhen Ting could protect her.


But in the end, the Night family still chose to remove the mother and keep the child, forcing her away ……


“I’m sorry, it’s my fault for not protecting you.” Night Zhen Ting knew what was going through Leng Qian Xue’s mind, “It’s useless to say that now, but I hope ……”


“There is no hope.” Leng Qianxue interrupted him and said coldly, “The best ending for us is to be strangers in the future!”


Night Zhen Ting frowned at her and wanted to say something, but swallowed his words back.


He knew that it was useless for him to say anything now ……


“You go out, I want to rest for a while.” Leng Qianxue did not want to talk to him further.


“Okay, I’ll call you when lunch is ready.”


Night Zhen Ting turned around and left, closing the door behind him in the process.


Leng Qianxue listened to the sound of the door closing behind her and looked at the signature on the deed, her heart was very uncomfortable ……


In fact, Night Zhen Ting has really changed a lot now, once upon a time, he never knew what it meant to be humble, would never lower his stature, he was always so high and mighty, no matter who was right or who was wrong, he would always take the upper hand.


But now, he has learned to back down, to be tolerant, to bow and stoop ……


His temper has become surprisingly good, his patience seems to be endlessly renewed, his tenderness is visible at all times, and his smile is no longer stingy ……


He had become what she wanted him to be in the first place!


Unfortunately, she had changed too.


Things are different, they can’t go back after all ……


Leng Qianxue’s heart was filled with emotions She continued to rummage through the drawer and turned to her father’s suicide note again, re-read it and suddenly found a problem ……


In the suicide note, my father solemnly reminded that once you dial that number, your life will take a major turn, and if you are not desperate, don’t even bother to call that number.


But for the past two years, her brother had been very good to her.


He snatched her back from death when she was on the brink of death, encouraged her to get back on her feet, taught her with great care, gave her shares and made her second in command of the Leng Group.


All of this was glorious and rewarding.


Why did her father not want her to return to the Leng family?


What was it that he was worried about?


Was it because the family was too complicated?


Those things, in fact, would be experienced no matter where one was, right?


As for her brother’s forcefulness, at least for now, he had never forced her to do anything, even though he would sometimes suggest and order, but the starting point was for her own good.


So, to her, the Leng family was not some terrible abyss, but rather her salvation.


But she always felt that her father must have had his reasons for his worries.


After all, he had never been a man of great foresight and would never say anything unnecessary ……

Chapter 1110

However, it was useless to think about this now, one could only take one step at a time.


Leng Qianxue put down the suicide note and found another black card next to her, the money that her father had left her earlier.


When she had invested in the factory, she had withdrawn some of it, and there was still over 100 million in a Swiss bank.


But that wasn’t much use to her anymore, she wasn’t short of money now.


But no matter what, it was something her father had left her and she should take it with her.


Leng Qianxue put all those important things into the box where her father kept his belongings, including the contract she had with Night Thunder.


That after all symbolized the beginning of their love ……


It was good to keep it as a memento.


After packing up her things, Leng Qianxue lay down on her bed to rest. A lot of things had happened recently and she was very tired, but she had been too tense to let up.


Now that she was home, she looked at the familiar room and the cot she had once slept on, she felt very close to it, so she laid down to rest and fell asleep without realizing it ……


The first thing you need to do is to make your lunch, wash your hands, and go call Leng Qianxue for dinner.


He knocked gently twice and no one responded, so he pushed the door in and found Leng Qianxue lying in bed sleeping soundly.


After she had shed her sharpness, that gentle look was like the old her.


Night Zhen Ting walked in and gently covered her with the quilt, then sat on the edge of the bed and quietly watched her ……


The past came flooding back to him, complicated emotions surging in his heart, he couldn’t help but gently stroke her cheek ……


At this time, Leng Qianxue suddenly woke up and opened her eyes, touching his complicated gaze, she was first stunned for a moment, then coldly opened his hand.


“I’m just covering you up.” Nightquake Timbers explained.


“It’s covered, you can go out.” Leng Qianxue glared at him coldly.


“Lunch is ready.” Night ZhenTing changed the subject.


“I don’t have an appetite, you guys eat.”


Leng Qianxue rolled over and hugged the pillow to continue sleeping.


Night Zhen Ting was very helpless and got up to leave.


At that moment, the three children ran in and shouted, “Daddy, mummy, it’s time to eat, we’re all hungry.”


“Shhh, Mummy wants to sleep.”


Night Zhen Ting reminded the children not to disturb Leng Qianxue.


“Mommy, let’s eat before we go to sleep.” Longlong ran over and pulled Leng Qianxue, “You didn’t even have a few bites for breakfast, you can’t be hungry again.”


“Yes, mommy, daddy has cooked a lot of delicious food, come and try it.” Yue Yue also coaxed Leng Qianxue.


Leng Qianxue couldn’t resist the children’s pleas, so she had to get up and join them in the dining room for dinner.


Seeing a table of sumptuous lunch, Leng Qianxue was a little surprised: “Did you make all this?”


“What else?” Night Zhen Ting gave her a blank look and greeted the children as they washed their hands and ate.


The children all went to the bathroom to wash their hands.


Leng Qianxue looked at the table of delicious food and felt incredulous, reaching for the chicken wings, when Night Zhenting suddenly called over, “Go wash your hands!”


Leng Qianxue glared at him, but still obediently went to wash her hands.


“Hurry up, hurry up, my mouth is about to water ……”


The children hurriedly washed their hands and went to eat.


Leng Qianxue also quickly returned to the table, where Night Zhen Ting had already set out the tableware.


“Daddy eat, mommy eat!”


The children greeted politely and then began to eat.


Leng Qianxue was about to chuck a dish when Night ZhenTing gave her a piece of chicken wing and then chucked another dish for the children.


Leng Qianxue gave him a look and ate the chicken wings in silence, and only when a chicken wing was finished could she not help but feel, “It’s not bad.”


“Just good?” Night Zhen Ting gave her another piece of fish, “Try this.”


Leng Qianxue took a bite, wanting to praise him, but pretending to be cool: “It’s not bad.”


“Just okay?” Night Zhen Ting frowned.


“Delicious, really delicious, super unbeatable delicious.” Dragon didn’t mince words in praise.


“Yeah, I think it’s especially delicious too.” Yue Yue also complimented excitedly, “Daddy, when did you learn to cook these dishes? You used to only cook beef bone congee.”