Am I A Gigolo Chapter 1127-1128

Chapter 1127

Tenzin didn’t say a word, growing up, he was the smartest and most understanding child.


Whether it was studies or life, he was almost impeccably perfect, so daddy and mummy had never criticised him.


This was the first time.


“Did you give San Bao some kind of medicine that caused her to vomit?” Leng Qianxue questioned directly.


“Yes.” Chen Chen nodded honestly.


“Where did the medicine come from?” Leng Qianxue continued to press the question.


“A few days ago I had an upset stomach, Little Sister Hua checked me and said I had indigestion, so she gave me a pill and said I would get better if I ate it, I didn’t eat it and left the pill behind ……”


Tatsuya explained honestly.


“So you gave this pill to San Bao to eat today, what was the purpose of it?”


Leng Qianxue’s tone had begun to unknowingly become heavier.


This time, Chen Chen was silent, he just lowered his head and didn’t say anything ……


“Speak.” Leng Qianxue bellowed lowly.


Chen Chen shivered in fear, but still did not speak.


Leng Qianxue was a little angry, but she tried to restrain herself from losing her temper with the child.


“You didn’t want, me to marry Louis, so you did it on purpose?” Leng Qianxue asked tentatively, “Is that right?”


“Right.” Chen Chen replied with a bowed head, “Not only me, but the second and third treasures don’t want it either.”


“Why?” Leng Qianxue asked, frowning.


“If you liked Uncle Louis, we wouldn’t stop it, but you don’t like him.” Tenzin finally answered bravely –


“I don’t know, you are afraid to reject uncle or you want to escape from daddy, but whatever the reason, there is no need to marry someone you don’t like!”


Hearing these words, Leng Qianxue’s heart was somewhat moved, she originally thought that the children were doing this purely for the sake of Night Zhen Ting, but now she realized that it was for her ……


“It was my fault for letting San Bao take the pills.” Chen Chen continued, “Grandpa Hua has just criticized me and even told me the seriousness of the matter, I won’t do that in the future.


But Mummy, about getting married, I hope you will consider it carefully, you are not the old you who was not at your own mercy, you have the right to choose, so don’t condemn yourself anymore.”


A speech that left Leng Qianxue speechless ……


Originally, it was her as a mommy who wanted to educate Chen Chen, but in turn, she was educated by him.


“Mommy, are you still angry with me?” Chen Chen looked at Leng Qianxue uneasily.


Leng Qianxue held out her hand to him and Chen Chen carefully walked over to her, she took him in her arms and said guiltily, “Even if you want to be angry, Mommy is angry with herself for making you suffer so much at such a young age.”


“Mummy don’t think of it like that ……” said Chen Chen softly, “I want to be a carefree child too, but I can’t control my mind, but there’s nothing wrong with that, I’ll just think of it as growing up early. ”


“Silly boy.” Leng Qianxue hugged him tightly, “The world of adults is very complicated, it’s not as simple as you think, from now on you shouldn’t interfere with these things, you have to believe that whatever decision Mummy makes, she will consider it carefully!”


“Mummy, do you still want to marry Uncle Louis then?” Tenzin couldn’t understand.


“Mummy can’t decide yet.” Leng Qianxue cupped his little face and said gently, “But you have to trust Mommy, okay?”


He didn’t understand what Leng Qianxue was thinking, at least to his understanding, Mummy didn’t have any scruples, but as he looked into Mummy’s eyes and heard the word ‘trust’ echoing in his ears, he finally nodded, “Yes!”


“Good boy!” Leng Qianxue was very relieved, “Go and rest, Mommy has to go see Uncle.”


“It’s so late and you’re going to see him?” Chen Chen was a little uneasy.


“There are some things that mummy has to talk to uncle alone.” Leng Qianxue gently pushed him on the back, “Go.”


Chen Chen left, Leng Qianxue looked at his small back, her expression gradually became gloomy ……

Chapter 1128

If she had the choice, she wouldn’t want to marry anyone, just raise her children on her own and live a quiet life ……


But now, she finds the situation has changed.


The brother who was as powerful as a god was actually injured.


No wonder, some time ago, so many things happened in the sea city, brother did not go over, so he was in trouble ……


He has been absolutely silent, just don’t want her to worry.


The more Leng Qianxue thought about it, the more uneasy she became, and she immediately took Leng Mo and two bodyguards to go over to Leng Di Feng.


The heavy snow had stopped, and it was still cold outside.


The Leng family’s special chariot raced through the snow and soon arrived at Leng Di Feng’s castle.


The castle’s lights were already out, the guests had rested, and only the bodyguards on duty were still stationed.


When Leng Qianxue got out of the car, the bodyguards immediately greeted her. She made a gesture, indicating that everyone should keep quiet, she only wanted to come quietly to meet her brother.


Leng Qianxue walked quickly to the study on the first floor, she knew that at this time of the day, her brother would be here dealing with documents.


The bodyguard guarding the door gave her a salute and was about to report, she immediately stopped it and then gently pushed open the door of the study ……


However, seeing the scene in front of her, Leng Qianxue’s whole body was shocked ……


Leng Difeng was sitting on the sofa, his back to her, his muscular back had a long wound, the skin was open, it was shocking to see ……


The doctor was changing the medicine for his wound, and with each stroke, his muscles were shaking, but he didn’t say a word, as if he didn’t feel any pain at all.


“Brother!” Leng Qianxue walked in excitedly.


When Leng Di Feng heard the voice, he barked lowly in displeasure, “Why are you here?”


Leng Xiao hurriedly had the door closed and stepped forward to explain, “Miss, why didn’t you say anything when you came?”


“What’s going on here?” Leng Qianxue questioned anxiously, “How did brother get hurt? Who did this to him?”


“It’s a long story ……,” Leng Xiao didn’t know how to explain, “Don’t worry, the wound has almost healed.”


“It’s still bleeding, how can it heal so quickly?” Leng Qianxue was very angry, “What kind of person is it? How could he hurt brother?”


“All go down.” Leng Di Feng ordered in a low voice.


“Sir, this, the wound hasn’t been treated yet.” The doctor said cautiously.


Leng Di Feng frowned.


The doctor immediately bowed his head and bent down, retreating in fear.


Leng Xiao dismissed everyone, and only he waited by the door.


Leng Di Feng put on his shirt, tied the buttons one by one, and slowly turned around, “What’s the matter with suddenly coming to see me?”


“I want to talk to you.” Leng Qianxue frowned at him.


“Ten minutes.”


Leng Di Feng picked up a cup of black tea and sipped it slowly and methodically, not even lifting his eyelids.


He always did things in a crisp and clear manner, not liking to drag things out, let alone being a mother-in-law.


Every minute of his time was too valuable to waste.


“Is there something wrong at home?” Leng Qianxue pursued anxiously, “Can you tell me?”


“If there’s anything, I’ll deal with it.” Leng Di Feng said indifferently, “You just live your life.”


“But ……”


“If you want to talk about this topic, you don’t have to.”


Leng Di Feng didn’t want to talk to her at all, and reprimanded, unhappily


“This indecisive nature of yours, it is really hard to become great, now you still worry about these inconsequential matters, what should be done and what should not be done, you do not understand until now?”


“I know ……”


“You don’t know.” Leng Di Feng interrupted her words and shouted coldly, “If you knew, you wouldn’t have brought the child back with you, if you knew, you wouldn’t have refused the Louis family’s marriage proposal.”


“Brother, the children were born to me, I can’t leave them alone.”


Leng Qianxue was determined not to compromise on the matter of the children.


“Although Night Zhen Ting is a scum, he is not so irresponsible to the children, they have a good future to stay in the Night family and inherit the Night family in the future.”