His Secret Lover Chapter 885-886

Chapter 885

A few children are the flesh of God Zongou’s heart, and hearing everyone praising them for being smart and handsome, he had no temper whatsoever.

“Yes, these are my two precious good grandchildren, and back there, little Nyan Nyan is holding in her mother’s hand.”


This old man introduced them without pride.

When the crowd heard this, there was another burst of envy and jealousy.

The God family had never had twins before, but this old man, at once, had not two, but three, and there were children and daughters, how could people not be jealous?

All eyes fell again on the mother of the children, the great meritocrat.

She was standing quietly behind him, dressed in a burgundy couture dress, with snow-white skin, delicate features and long hair carefully coiled up to reveal a fair neck as beautiful as a swan’s. At a glance, she was truly beautiful.

It turned out that the child’s mother was just that outstanding.

The reason for this is that everyone finally understands the reason why they are looking at Wen Xu Xu, and their eyes have become even more astonishingly envious.

Wen Xu Xu remained silent until she followed Shen Zong Yu past these seats and arrived at the main seat at the banquet.

“Huh? Elder Chen, you’ve come over too?”

When she saw that there was actually an old man of similar age to Shen Zong Yu on this main seat, Wen Xu Xu saw that Shen Zong Yu’s eyes instantly lit up.

Master Chen?

Who is this again?

The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who are not only in the market, but also in the marketplace.

“Shuxu, he is the patriarch of your eldest aunt’s mother’s family, I didn’t expect that he would also come.”


Pei Qingyun also saw this old man, at once, after she stood beside Wen Xuxu’s face changed, her demeanor was much more cautious.

An outer family’s patriarch, to make these people react so much?

Wen Shuxu didn’t understand a bit.

It was just as well that Shen Zong Yu called her over after greeting this old man Chen over there.

“Shuxu, come over here, this is your Chen family’s great grandfather, give him a greeting.”




Wen Shuxu held her daughter and went over.

To this ancient old man bent in front of, was about to give him a greeting, but this old man saw her coming, surprisingly between the nose only to hear him a cold hum after looking away.

Wen Shuxu: “……”

What kind of old man is this?

“Okay, okay, we are all family members, so we don’t need to be so polite.”


Chen Minfen, who was sitting together in this main seat, hurried over to round up the situation after seeing this scene.

God night also echoed: “Yes, all are family members, Xuxu, come, you take the child and sit on eldest uncle’s side.”


He did not want to embarra*s Wen Shuxu, but also deliberately greeted her to go over to his side and sit.

This is like defending their God family.

Wen Shuxu complied and went over.

God Zong Yu was actually not angry in the face of all this, only after a trace of unnaturalness flashed across his old face, he quickly stayed and sat next to this old man of the Chen family again with the two children.

“My in-laws, what have you been up to lately? It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you.”


“Nothing much, just taking a few students to a few universities to exchange a few words.”


“That’s a lot of work.”


As Shen Zongou listened, Wen Shuxu over here was surprised to see an extremely reverent look appear in his old eyes.

So strange?

He was an old general with great war achievements in the military, but he actually had to revere such an old man who was full of sour smell?

Wen Shuxu was more and more confused.

On the contrary, Chen Minfen revealed a look of extreme satisfaction after seeing it on the seating table.

Of course Shen Zong Yu would show such an expression.

Because, all his life, what he envied most was that others were cultured, and the old patriarch of their Chen family, whom she had called here this time, happened to be, as it happened, the one who stood at the top of culture in this city.

He was a showman in their day.

And it was because of this patriarch, and the fact that their Chen family had the title of a century-old family of scholars, that she had managed to marry into the God family back then, for the most part.

Chen Minfen joyfully picked up the teapot and came over to pour a cup of tea for the two of them.

“Third Uncle, Dad, have some tea.”




The old man of the Chen family was much more polite to this niece.

After drinking the tea, the two old men put down, and old man Chen finally deigned to have a serious word with Shen Zong Yu: “Which family is this grandson-in-law of yours? Why did you suddenly bring her out with such fanfare?”


Shen Zong Yu, who had just put down his cup of tea, froze for a moment at these words.

When old man Chen saw that he didn’t understand, a hint of impatience immediately appeared on his thin old face again, “Her family’s status, have you checked it out? How can your God family be a dignified figure here, how can you mess around with the choice of daughter-in-law for this descendant’s offspring?”

Emperor Shinzon:”……”

Finally, he sort of understood.

Suddenly, he glanced sideways towards Wen Shuxu, who was coaxing his three children to eat, diagonally across the room, and smiled as he lifted the cup of tea in front of him.

“This is what he picked out himself, the boy is not bad.”


“What do you mean not bad? I see she doesn’t look like a lady of the house at all and has no rules ……”

Chapter 886

The old man of the Chen family wanted to continue, but Shen Zong Yu had already put his cup of tea on the table with a “thud”.

The old man: “……”

He shut his mouth resentfully, not daring to say more after all.

The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who are not able to get a good deal on this.

Wen Shuxu was peeling the shrimp shells for her daughter Ruo Ruo at the opposite end of the table, not even paying attention to this.

“Mommy, it’s delicious, Ruo Ruo has never eaten these, you quickly help me peel.”




Wen Shuxu pinched her daughter’s little nose with some amus*ment and continued to peel them for her.

The actual prawns, in fact, she has not eaten, as the Huo family’s hand on the heart of the little girl, there can be what mountainous and sea food has not eaten?

The reason why she said that was because she hadn’t eaten anything with this kind of taste.

The dishes at the Jade Tripod are still good.

Mo Bao and Huo Yin both expressed this feeling as well, and their two little ones, too, were feasting on it.

“Look guys, why do they act like they haven’t eaten anything good? Such disregard for the occasion and gorging themselves!”

“No, how could the God family find such a grandson-in-law?”

“It can’t be helped, right? Shen Ying’s son is all freshly found, and he’s long since started a family outside, so even if Master Shen doesn’t want to admit it, he can’t.”


“Oh yeah, I forgot about that whole God Ying thing back in the day.”


As they talked, the gang even brought up the late God Ying, who had been dead for many years.

And once this was said, people who had originally been eyeballing people like Wen Xuxu, who had suddenly climbed to the position of young grandmother of the God family’s grandchildren, immediately looked down on all sorts of things.

The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services.

The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the market.

“By the way, why is Young Master Shen Yu not here today?”

“He came, I think, I heard he went to pick up someone.”


“Really? Who?”

“It seems to be Chen Shiyuan.”



As soon as this name was said, immediately, the entire banquet hall seemed to hear a backwards huffing and puffing sound.

The expressions, then, became even more envious and jealous.

Chen Shiyuan, that was the most outstanding girl of the Chen family’s grandchildren generation, she was beautiful and very talented, only in her early twenties, she was already the most famous academic figure in Qinghui Park, she was even on TV, representing her country in various competitions outside.

In short, this Chen Shiyuan, it would not be an exaggeration to say that she is the number one beauty in the capital.

And what makes the God family happiest is that she is also not much related to Chen Minfen, who is considered a side branch, but Chen Shiyuan is the real first-born of the Chen family.

So, this time Shen Yu went to pick her up, needless to say, it was also his parents’ arrangement.

Wen Shuxu didn’t know about this yet from her seat, but she kept feeling that there were two beams of eyes across the table that kept staring at her strangely.

Who was this?

She raised her head, but to her surprise, she bumped into none other than Chen Minfen.

Wen Xuoxu: “……”

“Eat, Shuxu, eat more, if you like it, later on big aunt can also let the restaurant send some over to the sea view platform.”


Chen Minfen said with a smile on her face.

Wen Shuxu then frowned and looked.

This woman, how could she look at her and feel that something was wrong? What was she up to in secret again?

She secretly raised her guard.

The first thing that happened was that someone suddenly came in at the entrance of the banquet hall, and all of a sudden, everyone’s eyes looked towards them after a shout of surprise was heard inside.

This included Shen Zongou who was sipping his tea.

It was a very beautiful and tall girl, she was wearing a bustier-style beige dress, seeing her delicate and tall figure trimmed to the nines, her appearance was clear and beautiful, and after matching those expensive jewellery she was wearing, the whole person appeared in the eyes of the public, noble as if she was a princess.

Chen Shiyuan, she is finally here.

And the person next to her was Shen Yu.

Chen Minfen was so happy that she immediately left her seat and walked towards the two of them: “Shiyuan, you’ve finally come over, quickly, come and sit over here.”


She took Chen Shiyuan’s hand and enthusiastically walked over to her table.

As a result, she just arrived here, and immediately, and sitting at the same table Wen Xuxu formed a stark contrast!

Wen Shuxu was wearing a burgundy dress, her hair was pulled up, and it was a look that only a mature woman would have, and then, the jewellery she was wearing, which Pei Qingyun had chosen for her, was all jade or something.

The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you’re looking for.

“The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who are not able to get a good deal on a lot of things.”


“The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who are not able to get a lot of money, but you can’t get a phoenix.”


“That’s right!”

In the banquet hall, the God family members who had long looked down on Wen Xu Xu, as well as relatives and friends, immediately said all kinds of things, as hard as they could.

Shen Yu also came over.

Hearing this, he took a glance at the situation on that chairman’s seat and his handsome face turned gloomy.