Am I A Gigolo Chapter 1181-1182

Chapter 1181

Leng Qianxue shouted for a long time, but no one answered.


She was so anxious that she sent all her attendants to look for the child, with only Louis by her side.


As she searched, Louis rea*sured her, “Don’t worry, Leng Qianxue, we’ll find him, the manor is full of our men, the child will be fine.”


“If anything happens to the child, how will I answer to my brother?” Leng Qianxue’s heart was burning, “I really shouldn’t have gone back alone first, I should have taken them with me.”


“Qianxue, don’t be like this, it will be fine ……” Louis was very distressed for Leng Qianxue, “I will immediately dispatch my men to help.”


With that, he was about to order his entourage, but found that all the entourage around him had disappeared, probably to look for the children elsewhere.


“Chisetsu, I came out in a hurry and didn’t bring my mobile phone, I’ll go and call someone.”


Louis was about to go back and look for someone when he suddenly noticed a trinket in the gra*s next to him, he immediately picked it up to check it out and found it was a star hairpin ……


He hurriedly shouted, “Chisetsu! Come and see if this is one by one’s.”


Leng Qianxue immediately ran over and took a look at the hairpin and said excitedly, “It’s Yi Yi’s, where did you pick it up?”


“Over there.” Louie immediately took Leng Qianxue over to examine it carefully.


There was a small footprint by the gra*s, presumably Yi Yi’s, but there was no one around and nothing else unusual.


Leng Qianxue became even more worried, and she immediately called Leng Bing: “Release the four treasures.”


“Yes.” Leng Bing immediately went to make arrangements.


Sometimes, what a human cannot do, an animal can do.


Four Treasures smelled one by one clothes and would follow the scent to find her.


“It’s raining.” Louie reached out and caught the raindrops.


Leng Qianxue looked up, the sky was dark and gloomy, and bean-sized raindrops fell.


“Qianxue, you go and take shelter from the rain first, I’ll go and find it.”


Louis took off his jacket and draped it over Leng Qianxue.


“I don’t have the heart to rest.”


Leng Qianxue looked at the sky, and Four Treasures had already flown over from the hot spring hotel.


Leng Qianxue blew a whistle at Four Treasures, who flew this way like a sharp arrow, catching the hairpin in Leng Qianxue’s hand with her mouth and then went to look for One One.


Louis looked dumbfounded next to him, and not far away there were screams of horror from the women ……


Leng Qianxue looked back and Louis immediately said, “It’s the voices of those female attendants, they are probably frightened by the four treasures, it’s okay.”


“You go back first.”


Leng Qianxue said and quickly ran off in the direction of the Four Treasures.


“I’ll come with you.” Louie immediately followed.


“Cousin ……,” Demiya shouted.


Louis head did not respond and quickly caught up with Leng Qianxue.


The rain was already coming down and Leng Qianxue was running in the heavy rain and soon got soaked, but she couldn’t care less, she just wanted to find Yi Yi early.


Leng Qianxue was running so fast that Louis could barely keep up.


Luckily, she stopped outside a wooden house on the farm, as the four eagles were standing on the roof.


Leng Qianxue immediately pushed the door and rushed in, “Yi Yi ……”


Yi Yi was holding a cute little rabbit, sitting in the corner, her clothes drenched, shivering with cold and curled into a ball out of fear.


When she heard Leng Qianxue’s voice, she looked up in a daze, “Auntie!”


“Yi Yi!” Leng Qianxue ran over and hugged Yiyi tightly in her arms, “You scared auntie to death, let me see, is everything alright?”


Leng Qianxue held her shoulders and checked up and down.


“Auntie, I’m fine.” Yi Yi sniffled and said in a milky voice, “I was playing hide-and-seek with Er Er Er Zero and the girls, but when I saw this cute little rabbit paper, I followed it and chased after it and got lost, then it rained, so I hid in here to get out of the rain.”


“Good girl, it’s good that you’re alright.” Leng Qianxue straightened her messy hair, “Auntie will take you home.”

Chapter 1182

“It’s raining harder and harder outside, let’s wait here for a while.” Louie rummaged around the house, “I’ll look for something to make a fire.”


Leng Qianxue picked up a bundle of firewood straight away and started a fire in the stove, and also found a pot of water to boil, then sat next to it to peel pears.


“Wow, Auntie is great! Just like Mummy!”


Iyi saw that Leng Qianxue could do everything, and could make a fire and cook again.


“Missing mummy?” Leng Qianxue tenderly touched Yi Yi’s face.


“Mmm.” Yi Yi nodded, her little mouth deflated and tears fell down her face.


“Little fool, don’t be sad, you’ll see mummy soon.” Leng Qianxue wrapped her arms around Yi Yi heartily.


“Qianxue, let me do it.”


Louis took the fruit knife to peel the pear, then handed the peeled pear to Leng Qianxue.


“Peel it into pieces and put it in the pot.” Leng Qianxue said, “Yi Yi has a bit of a cold and needs some hot pear soup.”


“Oh oh, so that’s it.” Louie did as she said.


At that moment, the four treasures flapped their wings and flew in, and Louie was so frightened that he dropped the fruit knife in his hand to the ground.


“Don’t be afraid, with me here, it won’t hurt you.”


Leng Qianxue made a gesture to the Four Treasures, who then obediently stayed to one side and let the fire dry the feathers.


It was only those sharp eyes that kept staring at the little rabbit in Yi Yi’s arms.


“Four Treasures, no eating my rabbit oh.” One One tugged the little rabbit even tighter in his arms and warned seriously, “If you dare to eat my rabbit, I’ll tell Daddy.”


“Coo-coo, coo-coo!”


The eagle seemed to understand her words and immediately averted its gaze, finishing its wings with its beak to itself.


“One by one, aren’t you afraid of it?” Louie asked in a whisper.


“Not afraid.” One One tilted its little head proudly, “It’s afraid of me.”


“You’re amazing, you’re worthy of being your daddy’s daughter.”


Louie sighed from the bottom of his heart, he was scared of the Four Treasures until now, but this two year old doll was not afraid.


“You have to be good too, oh auntie’s fiancé.”


Yi Yi had a look of innocence on his face.


Louis froze for a moment and laughed delightedly, “Hahaha, I will definitely cheer up!”


For the first time, someone was positive about his relationship with Leng Qianxue and he was very happy.


Leng Qianxue boiled pear soup, fed Yi Yi a bowl of it, dried her clothes, and then carried her to bed, waiting for the rain to stop before returning.


Leng Qianxue was in a hurry and forgot to bring her mobile phone with her, so she asked Si Bao to go back and report the news to save the others from being anxious.


The rabbit also nestled in her arms, not daring to move a muscle.


Leng Qianxue gently stroked Yi Yi’s hair, and her gaze was very gentle under the glow of the flame ……


Louis looked at her quietly, and could not help but feel a little moved.


For a long time, Leng Qianxue seemed to perceive his gaze and raised her eyes to look at him.


He immediately averted his eyes nervously and blushed with shyness.


“Cough cough.” Leng Qianxue coughed dryly twice and said softly, “Are you cold? Take your jacket off and roast the fire.”


Louis had been helping Leng Qianxue and Yi Yi bake their clothes, while he himself had been wearing clothes that had been drenched by the rain.


“I forgot about it if you didn’t say so.”


Louis hurriedly took off his jacket and put it next to him to dry, but his clothes inside were all wet, but he didn’t dare to take them off, he just moved towards the fire.


By now, both Leng Qianxue and Louis had taken off their jackets and were sitting by the fire in their close-fitting clothes, baking.


Louis was probably a little tired from the fire and fell asleep on the sofa.


It was still raining outside and the sky was getting darker.


Leng Qianxue felt strange, how come Leng Mo and the girls hadn’t come looking for them yet?


It’s been almost an hour ……


Just as she was thinking about it, the sound of a car came from outside, and Demiya and Leng Mo’s anxious voices came at the same time ……




“Miss Leng!”