Am I A Gigolo Chapter 1183-1184

Chapter 1183

“Louis, Louis!” Leng Qianxue woke Louis up while getting dressed, “They’re looking for you, get dressed.”


“Mm~” Louis answered, but didn’t wake up.


Leng Qianxue was speechless, so she had to put Yi Yi on the sofa to one side first, and quickly dressed herself.


At this time, the sound outside was getting closer and closer ……


Leng Qianxue hurriedly went to push Louis: “Louis, Louis, wake up ……”


Louis woke up in a daze and saw Leng Qianxue’s beautiful face close to his eyes, his heart suddenly pounded and then, unable to help himself, he reached out and hugged her.


“Louis, what are you doing?”


Leng Qianxue was terrified and hurriedly reached out to push him.


Just then, the door was pushed open, and almost simultaneously, she accidentally fell into Louis’ arms ……




The duchess who had walked to the door exclaimed, hurriedly closed the door and apologised repeatedly, “Sorry, sorry for the disturbance, you guys continue, continue!”


Leng Qianxue instantly blushed and immediately pushed Louis away, retreating to the side to straighten her clothes.


“Qianxue, I’m sorry ……” Louis then reacted, “I don’t know what happened just now, I ……”


“Stop it, get dressed.” Leng Qianxue reminded with a frown.


“Oh oh.” Louie hurriedly got up and dressed.


Soon, the two of them were fully dressed and walked out of the hut with Yi Yi in their arms.


Leng Mo hurriedly came forward to pick up the sleeping Yi Yi, still twisting the little rabbit and handing it to the bodyguard behind him.


“Is everything okay?” Leng Bing asked in a soft voice.


Leng Qianxue did not answer, but explained to the Duchess, “Madam, we got wet from the rain and our clothes got wet, so ……”


“I understand I understand.” The duchess interrupted her with a smile, “Young people, it’s normal to be uncontrollable sometimes, not to mention, you’re all getting married.”


“No, we ……”


“Alright, alright.” The duchess interrupted Leng Qianxue once again and said with a smile, “It’s getting dark, the children are waiting for you, hurry up and go back!”


Leng Qianxue was speechless in her heart, but didn’t explain any further and turned around and got into the car.


“Qianxue!” Only then did Louis put on his shoes and chased out, he wanted to follow Leng Qianxue into the car, but Leng Qianxue directly closed the door.


“Louis, get in Mummy’s car.” The duchess pulled Louis into her car and said with a smile on her face, “Good boy, you’re making progress!”


“What?” Louis looked confused.


“I said, you have to work hard and catch Chisetsu early.” The Duchess winked mysteriously, “She won’t run away until she’s actually in your hands!”


“Mummy, what are you talking about? Ache-”


Louie sneezed before he could finish his sentence, then followed up with a few more.


“Oops, that’s a cold, hurry home and take your medicine.” The duchess hurriedly pulled Louis into the car and touched his forehead with her hand, “It’s starting to burn, you little brat, it’s raining so hard, why are you trying to be a hero?”


“Mummy, Chixue is out looking for the baby, of course I have to stay with her.” Louis frowned and said, “Besides, if L’s baby is lost, how are we going to explain that to people?”


“It can’t be lost.” The Duchess blurted out, covering her mouth immediately afterwards.


“I don’t think it can be lost either, but with a child that young, it has to be found, right?” Louis said unhappily, “Mummy, I’m not saying you should be more careful with children in the future, it would be bad if something happened.”


“Yes, I know.” The Duchess looked at Louis with distress, “I didn’t expect you to get sick after all this fussing. ……”


“A small cold, nothing.” Louis did not care, “go back to get some medicine from Dr. Hua, take it and you will be fine.”


“Fine, fine, hurry back.” The duchess urged, “I have western medicine there, take it and you’ll be fine soon, we westerners, we’re still not used to drinking Chinese medicine.”


“Auntie, it’s good to seek treatment from Dr. Hua.” Demielle suddenly spoke up, “Cousin is all sick because of Miss Leng, Miss Leng will be heartbroken when she finds out, she might even take care of cousin.”

Chapter 1184

Hearing these words, the Duchess woke up like a dream, “Right oh, we should take this opportunity to bring you and Chisetsu closer together.”


“Mummy, what are you talking about?”


Louis kept sneezing and was so drowsy and uncomfortable that he did not hear the Duchess’ words clearly.


“Alright, alright, you’re not feeling well, hurry up and rest.”


The Duchess patted him on the back like a child.


Louis leaned wearily into her arms and drifted off to sleep.


Demielle covered Louis with a chapter of blanket, her movements very gentle, her gaze complicated and hard to say ……


On the other hand, in the car, Leng Qianxue covered one by one with a blanket and asked softly, “Have Er Er and Zero been sent back?”


“They’ve been sent back, Miss Leng.” Leng Bing stifled her voice, afraid of waking up Yi Yi, “The two children refused to go at first, but then Si Bao came back to report that you had found Yi Yi, so they were willing to go back.”


“It’s a good thing it was a false alarm.” Leng Qianxue raised her eyes to look at Leng Mo, “What’s wrong with you today?”


“I’m sorry, Miss Leng.” Leng Mo bowed his head and apologised, “My subordinate knows that he is wrong and is willing to be punished.”


“Do you usually do this, what’s wrong with you today?” Leng Bing also felt strange, “Is there some kind of situation?”


“Actually we have been following the three children every inch of the way, there would have been no mistake, but the Duchess said she wanted to play hide and seek with the three children and wouldn’t let us follow ……”


cold indifference lowered his head, very difficult.


“I also said at the time that you instructed us to be sure to guard the children every inch of the way, but the duchess was very tough, and I didn’t dare to be tough with her.


And at that time the children were playing madly and had run into the vineyard, and when we tried to go in, we were stopped by the duchess’s men, so we had to wait outside.


After a while, we heard someone say that one by one was missing, and we rushed in to look for ……”


Hearing these words, Leng Qianxue was silent and seemed to be thinking about something ……


“What does this mean?” Leng Bing was puzzled, “Could it be that the duchess did it on purpose?”


“I suspected as much at first, but why would she do that?” Leng Mo didn’t understand, “And one by one ended up being fine, she just said she ran away to chase the bunny ……”


“Don’t talk nonsense about things without evidence.” Leng Qianxue ordered, “Let’s not hold you responsible this time, if there is a next time, you will be punished heavily.”


“Yes.” Leng Mo bowed her head, not daring to breathe.


At this time, the car drove to the villa area, Leng Qianxue carried Yi Yi and got off, Er Er and Zero ran over at once: “Yi Yi!”


“Shhh!” Leng Qianxue hurriedly instructed them to keep their voices down and not to wake up Yi Yi.


Leng Qianxue quickly instructed them to keep their voices down and not to wake up Yi Yi.


“Yi Yi is asleep, I’ll take her to her room, you guys can join us.” Leng Qianxue said gently to the children.


“Mm-hmm.” Er Er and Zero followed obediently beside them.


“Mummy, is Yi Yi alright?”


At this time, Yue Yue and Chen Chen also came out, they had been waiting with Er Er and Zero in the living room, knowing that Yi Yi was lost, they were very worried.


“It’s fine, she just chased the bunny, so she got lost.” Leng Qianxue explained in a low voice, “She got wet and is now asleep, don’t disturb her tonight for now, you guys go to bed too, we’ll find her tomorrow to play.”




Leng Qianxue carried Yi Yi back to her room and soothed Er Er and Zero to sleep, then instructed Leng Mo, “Get Xiao Hua to check on Yi Yi, do you want some medicine to prevent her from catching a cold.”


“Just now Leng Bing has gone to look for it, Xiao Hua is making ginger soup at the moment.” Leng Mo said in a low voice, “You should go and change, I’ll stay here and keep watch.”


“Give Yi Yi a change of clothes as well.”


“Got it.”


Leng Qianxue came out of the children’s room and was about to go back to her room when she suddenly saw the duchess and the maids returning with Louis.


Louis was covering his mouth and nose with a handkerchief and kept sneezing, looking like he had a cold.