Am I A Gigolo Chapter 1219-1220

Chapter 1219

“Oh, soldiers of the royal family?” Night Zhen Ting laughed mockingly, “You think I would be afraid?”


With that, he fired a few shots at the ceiling ……


“Bang bang bang bang!”


The crystal chandelier on the ceiling was hit and the crystal pendant fell down with a “tinkling tinkling tinkling”.


Suddenly, the door to the study was slammed open and dozens of soldiers with guns came rushing in, all pointing their guns at Night Shocking.


Outside, the windows were also filled with soldiers with guns.


The Duchess barged in with her men, all armed.


“Put down your guns now, or don’t blame me for being rude.”


The Duchess shouted angrily, and the gun in her hand was also pointed at Night Tremor.


“Mummy what are you doing?”


Louis was stunned, he did not expect his mother to make such a big show at all.


If he had just pointed the gun at Night Zhen Ting to protect Leng Qianxue, then what his mother was doing now was to provoke a war between Louis and the Night Family.


The nature was completely different.


This was now a complete mess.


“Huh ……” It was as if Night Zhen Ting had seen the most ridiculous joke in the world, “A mere few dozen soldiers, and you want to make it difficult for me?”


“Arrogant and arrogant.” The duchess hadn’t realized the danger, “Even if you’re not afraid of our soldiers, there’s still the Leng family, L’s right-hand men are here, can you still turn the tables?”


“Mummy stop it.” Louie was about to die of anxiety.


“It seems that Madam is so well brought up that she is completely unaware of the dangers of the world.”


As Night Zhen Ting spoke, those soldiers outside inexplicably fell down.


The duchess froze for a moment, and before she could look back, the night family’s bodyguards barged in and quickly took care of her men.


“You guys ……” the duchess was stunned.


“ZhenTing, ZhenTing restrain your anger!”


At this moment, the old duke hurriedly arrived and scrambled to apologise to Night ZhenTing –


“Madam doesn’t understand things, I apologize on her behalf, our two families have been friends for generations, the old man was always on good terms with our Louis family when he was alive, there’s no need to get into this kind of trouble over a small matter.”


“A trivial matter?” Night Zhen Ting stared at Leng Qian Xue with cold eyes.


“No matter what it is, there is no need to make a scene.” The old duke immediately changed his tone, “If there’s anything, let’s sit down and talk properly, don’t ever use force, just think of it as giving me face, okay?”


“I thought about talking properly, it’s your lady who is not being polite.” Night Zhen Ting threw the pistol in front of the old Duke, “This gun, it belongs to your family.”


The old duke knew at a glance that it was Madame’s pistol, and he was so angry that he immediately bowed to Night Shocking and apologised –


“I hereby apologise to you for the offence that Madame and Louis have taken today. I beg you, for the sake of our two families’ generations of friendship, and for the sake of the old master, forgive this one time for the sake of your lordship!”


“What are you doing ……”


The duchess couldn’t understand why her husband was still stooping so low on his own turf.


“Shut up you.” The old duke gritted his teeth and shouted angrily, “Do you really want to put your son’s life on the line before you are willing to do so?”


The duchess was not convinced in her heart, but she could only remain silent for now.


“Night Zhen Ting, if there’s anything, let’s go out and talk alone, don’t make a scene here.” Leng Qianxue was also persuading, “The children are still living in the manor, making a big scene will affect them too!”


Sure enough, the words were useful.


Thinking of the children, the murderous aura in Night Zhen Ting’s eyes diminished a little, only that anger and hatred still lingered in his eyes, “There is nothing to talk about, I will take all three children away!!!”


With that, he turned around and left ……


“Night Zhen Ting!” Leng Qianxue hurriedly chased after him, “What do you mean? We agreed that Dabao would follow me.”


“So that was the deal, now I’m backtracking.” Night Zhen Ting said without turning his head, “I won’t let my son call someone else his father, they are my children and must come with me!”


“You ……”

Chapter 1220

Leng Qianxue was still about to say something when an attendant hurriedly came to report, “Miss Leng, it’s not good, the people from the Night Family have taken the Eldest Young Master and the Third Princess away.”


“What?” Leng Qianxue’s face changed greatly, realising the seriousness of the matter, she immediately carried her long skirt and went after Night Zhenting, “Night Zhenting, stop right there!”


At this moment, Night Zhen Ting had already gotten into the car and simply ignored her shouting.


“Night Zhen Ting ……” Leng Qianxue rushed over and leaned over the car window, asking anxiously, “Where did you take the child? What the hell do you want?”


The car was not even looking at her, and the window was closed directly.


Then, the car directly started and drove out, Leng Qianxue was almost dragged, luckily a person pulled her away from behind ……


Leng Qianxue looked back and hurriedly asked, “Leng Gang? Quickly go and chase the child back.”


“It’s too late.” Leng Gang frowned and said, “The Night Family’s people were prepared for this, they infiltrated the manor a month ago.”


“What do you mean?” Leng Qianxue was aghast.


“Didn’t you ask someone to find out why Eagle Four Treasures had been sick recently?” Leng Gang said, “It was the Night Family’s people who drugged it in order to prevent it from finding them and then ratting them out to you.


As early as a month ago, the Night Army brought a dozen or so bodyguards with extraordinary skills in disguise to sneak into the manor, and that time when Yi Yi got lost, it was because they were protecting her in the dark that nothing happened to her.


At first, they were only protecting you and the child in the shadows. Last night, they withdrew to meet Night King, and early this morning, they deployed everything.


The King of the Night came here to take you away, and if the Louis family stopped them, they would have a hard battle with the Louis family.


It’s just that they never expected that you would be in such a situation last night, and I guess Night Zhen Ting also gave an impromptu order that if you didn’t go with him, his men would take those three children ……”


Hearing these words, Leng Qianxue completely understood ……


Why was the old duke so nervous and flustered just now, even going so far as to put down his stature and bow to Night ZhenTing as an elder and apologize.


It turned out that he knew that Night Zhen Ting had come prepared, and if they fought hard, the people of their Louis family would not be able to fight Night Zhen Ting.


And in such a situation, Leng Gang would definitely choose to be neutral.


In addition, Leng Qianxue never expected that Night Zhending would have sent someone to protect her and the children.


The two-month period he had mentioned was not really just to pick up the children.


He had never really given up on any of the children, nor had he ever given up on her.


For those two months, he was taking care of something, and when he was done, he came to pick her up with the children.


But then, something like this happened to her all of a sudden and disrupted his plans ……


So, he took the child straight away.


“I’m sorry, Miss Leng.” Leng Gang said apologetically, “I was the one who underestimated Night Zhen Ting, for the past six months, he has been very low-key, even backing off at every turn, making me mistakenly think that he was really too wounded to make any waves.


I didn’t realize that he was just building up his strength and had a plan for the future.


We have too few men, so if we fight hard against the Night family, our chances of winning are very low. Besides, he is the father of the child, and the child is safe in his hands, so I can’t rob him hard.”


“I understand, it’s none of your business ……”


Leng Qianxue lost her soul and walked back.


Leng Gang caught up and took off his jacket and draped it over her, “I suggest you have a good talk with Night Zhen Ting, or talk to the children and see if you can negotiate.


In any case, he will not harm the children, so you don’t have to worry too much. Instead, you should first find out from the Louis family what happened last night.


I’ll go and pick up the three children of Monsieur first, they are still at the ranch, I’ll be back soon.”


With that, Leng Gang hurriedly left ……