The Real Dragon Chapter 3907

               The continuous years of illness had long ago tortured him beyond human form. His biggest dream now was to be cured of his illness so that he could enjoy the rest of his life in peace, even if he had to make some more sacrifices in terms of money, it did not matter to him.

                Therefore, as soon as he came up, he directly raised the price by almost 200 million, just to get this Spring Return Pill.

                Neither Travis Lane, nor the Old Nordic Queen, nor the Middle Eastern tycoon who had called for the price before, had expected that this black richest man would be so tough, adding so much money to the previous bidder right away.

                Travis Lane was instantly depressed.

                US$500 million converted into RMB would have exceeded $3 billion!

                And it was not that he, too, could not afford to pay the 3 billion or so.

                It was just that when he thought that he had only used two billion dollars to auction the entire Spring Return Pill before, but now he had to spend more than three billion dollars or even more for a quarter of a Spring Return Pill, there was a strong feeling of disparity in his heart.

                Just as he was still struggling with the whole hesitation, the Old Nordic Empress put her heart in the right place and raised her hand, “I’ll give you five hundred and fifty million!”

                She intended to make a last-ditch effort, and if she succeeded, then she would have to put all her hopes on Charlie wade.

                Although the richest black man had never participated in the bidding before, he had suddenly come out to give the other competitors a surprise attack by surprise, this kind of tactic of being as quiet as a child and moving like a rabbit was the style of action he personally believed in.

                Thus, he spoke up with complete reluctance, “I offer 600 million!”

                The old queen sank inwardly, knowing that she would probably have to return tonight without any success, so she could only make one last effort and raised her hand, “Six hundred and ten million dollars!”

                Travis Lane also came back to his senses at this time, although the price of six hundred and ten million was high, it was definitely the lowest price for the Spring Return Pill tonight.

                Moreover, he saw the way the Parkinson’s patient was trembling and his mouth was slanted, and immediately knew that this person was definitely a serious Parkinson’s patient, so he couldn’t help but think in his heart: “If we really let that Parkinson’s patient take the first Spring Elixir, once he takes the Spring Elixir on stage, in case he is cured on the spot, I’m afraid the Spring Elixir after that will be even more expensive! I’m afraid the rest of them will be even more expensive!”

                Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth and was about to shout out the price of 650 million when he heard the trembling voice shout again, “I …… I bid seven …… Seven …… Seven hundred million!”

                The scene was in an uproar!

                More than half of the bidders wanted to cry.

                This was because they couldn’t even imagine that even a quarter of a Spring Return Pill could fetch such a price.

                This had already broken their psychological ceiling early on.

                Travis Lane’s mouthful of $650 million had been forced back by the other side, and he was naturally indignant in his heart.

                However, when he thought that this might be the closest he would ever get to the Spring Return Pill for the rest of his life, he could only grit his teeth fiercely and said in a loud voice, “$750 million! I’ll give you seven hundred and fifty million dollars! I can’t f*cking beat it!”

                Jasmine immediately reminded, “No. 055, please watch your words, no swearing in public!”

                Travis Lane nodded hastily and said in fear, “I’m sorry Miss Moore, I’m really sorry, I was impulsive, I’ll be careful in the future!”

                Travis Lane’s roar did not deter the rich black man, who continued to raise his trembling right hand and shouted, “Eight hundred million! I’ll give you eight hundred million!”