The Real Dragon Chapter 3909

                Travis Lane’s psychological defences were instantly shattered and he gave up in an instant.

                He sat back in his chair, his back completely soaked with cold sweat.

                He knew that he couldn’t follow through.

                He couldn’t accept that he was paying more than five times the previous price for a quarter of the Spring Return Pill, a difference of twenty times between the two.

                If he had bought the Pill back at a higher price, he would have had a hard time getting over it, and the more he thought about it in the future, the more painful it would be.

                So he sighed in frustration and gave up bidding.

                All eyes on the scene were focused on the rich Middle Eastern man.

If he was still willing to continue bidding, the price of the quarter of the rejuvenation pills would exceed US$2 billion.

                If he gave up his bid, then the quarter of the Pill would become the property of the black tycoon.

                Jasmine also spoke up at this time, “No. 047 bids two billion dollars, is there a higher price than that?”

                Saying this, Jasmine looked around and said seriously, “The highest bid received so far for the first Spring Return Pill is two billion US dollars, this is the first Spring Return Pill of the night, is there any higher price than two billion please? If there is, please raise your hand so that I can see it.”

                No one on the floor answered, and even more so, no one raised their hands.

                With a faint smile, Jasmine then said, “Okay, two billion for the first time, now if any of you wish to compete, there is still a chance to give an offer.”

                There was still no answer from the floor.

                And that Middle Eastern tycoon, at this point, was also a little hesitant.

                After all, two billion dollars was indeed too high and too high, he was not royalty, and money did not come from the wind, let alone spewing out from a well drilled in his own backyard, so he had to consider whether the two billion was worth paying or not.

                And the main reason he had called it all the way up to $1.7 billion before was because he had discovered pancreatic cancer three years ago, but fortunately the disease had not progressed very far, so he underwent surgery to remove it.

                However, as pancreatic cancer is the least detectable, by the time he was diagnosed, the tumour had more or less invaded the lymphatic tissue and was, therefore, a mid-stage cancer.

                Doctors speculated that his probability of survival five years after surgery would be, by and large, no more than 60 per cent.

                Many celebrities around the world have died of pancreatic cancer, the king of all cancers, and the most difficult thing about it is that it is very difficult to detect and very difficult to treat.

                Other diseases can be treated with special drugs and high-end advanced treatments, which can give patients a few years or even a longer survival period, but once pancreatic cancer is diagnosed, even if there are mountains of silver and gold, it cannot be replaced by a few years.

                This is also the fundamental reason why Lord Orrin, who is so rich, can only wait for death after getting pancreatic cancer.

                Had Charlie wade not appeared in time and cured him with the Spring Return Pill, I am afraid that he would have only had a month to live at most at that time.

                This Middle Eastern tycoon, at this moment, was also hesitating, worrying that the Spring Return Pill would have little effect on his condition, and that he was suffering from pancreatic cancer, and that there was no professional equipment at the auction site to see the effect of the Spring Return Pill treatment, so in case he found that his condition had not changed after he returned, wouldn’t he have spent US$2 billion for nothing?

                Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but glance at that 047 again.

                He could also see that No. 047 was a severe Parkinson’s patient, so he suddenly thought in his mind that with a disease like Parkinson’s, so the disease was almost always right in front of his eyes, so why didn’t he let this guy have a wave, let him shoot the first one and eat it on the spot for himself?

                Think of it as having him come in and make a bunny out of himself!

                If, after he took a quarter of the Pill, Parkinson’s could be visibly alleviated or even cured, then he would have to bid for the second Pill, no matter what!

                If there was no improvement in Parkinson’s after he had taken it, then he would not bid for the second Spring Return Pill!