His Secret Lover Chapter 967-968

Chapter 967

The Chinese government has been working on a number of projects to improve the quality of life in the country.

Huo Sijiu didn’t react much and lifted his feet to walk away as well.

“Well ……”

The man behind him dragged that one wounded leg with a hidden pain came, he paused in his steps, half a moment, but finally folded back, reached out and held him up.

“Don’t know how to resist?”


“You deserved to be beaten to death by him, and you didn’t move a muscle, do you know that your kind of behaviour is directly responsible for turning him into that kind of twisted personality?”

A frosty Huo Sijiu said without indignation.

Shen Yu: “……”

Giving the man a sideways glance, in the end, he smiled helplessly.

If you don’t put up with it, do you still want to do it directly?

The two brothers a*sisted to leave the military area, out outside, Shen Zong Yu and Shen adjutant two, really long gone, Shen Yu saw, then stopped before getting into the car.

“Sir, are you really going back to A City?”


“Why?” He was anxious again, and anyway, Shen Zong Yu wasn’t here at this time of day, and there was no one from the military district.

“Are you still angry about what Grandpa just said? I’m telling you, the position of heir to the God family is yours if you want it ……”

“I don’t want it!”

Once again, Huo Sijiu interrupted him cleanly.

“Listen carefully, I don’t want it at all, I was forced to come here and never thought of this place as my home. My home is in A City, my father is there, my mother is there, and the rest of my family, that’s where I was born and raised, and so was Xuxu, got it?”

His tone had gotten a little heavier, and because of Shen Yu’s repeated disbelief, his voice had become a little harsh and impatient, reiterating this position of his once again, word for word.

Shen Yu choked.

After all this time, he hadn’t even made this his home yet?

It was a little hard for him.

However, there was no way to say anything else, so all the way to the Red Hall, the two brothers didn’t say much.

It wasn’t until Shen Yu was about to get off the bus that Pei Qingyun came out of the Red Hall to pick him up.

“By the way, about Changjin, that woman from the Chen family is just putting on a show, don’t fall for their tricks.”

Huo Sijiu reminded him one last time in the car.


Shen Yu was stunned.

When he reacted, he was about to ask what the situation was, but this person, however, was already driving away in this army green SUV.

A play?

How did he know it was a show?

Didn’t the surveillance video say that he was the one who dragged the man in that night? He wasn’t there, so how could he know it was a play?

He was lost in thought ……

“Little Yu? What’s wrong with you? Are you all right?”


After a while, Shen Yu then looked at this aunt and asked, “Auntie, do you know where the surveillance tape I brought back with me when I returned from Changjin that day is?”

“Huh?” Pei Qingyun froze, “It seems that …… it was trampled by Si Jue, it was at the door that day.”

She tried to recall the scene when he came back that morning.


It was just a video tape, why would he trample it? And what was there to make him so angry?

Shen Yu’s heart gave a wild jump for no reason ……

–The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you’re doing.

Wen Shu Shu was in the evening when Deputy Shen came back and told her that Huo Sijiu was ready to take them back to A City.

God, were they finally going back?

In a flash, she was so ecstatic that she didn’t know what to do?

Throwing down the work in her hands, she dashed into the lift and ran towards the third floor.

Going back to A City, that was really what she had dreamed of.

For so long, she had been struggling outside for the sake of her shattered family and had not returned to the city to see her elderly father, nor had she called her aunt and uncle more than once.

God knows how much she wanted to go back.

Wen Xuoxu rushed to the third floor bedroom door in one breath.

“Honey, I heard we’re going back to A City, aren’t we?”

She panted as she looked at the man staying in the room and asked, unable to hold back her excitement.

Huo Sijiu would be in the bedroom sorting out just what he was going to take back, and seeing that this woman had finally returned, he held in his hand the wardrobe that he had tossed into disarray ……

“Just in time, this is yours.”


He always liked to answer questions like this.

However, Wen Shuxu, who knew him well, was happy bad when she heard it.

“Fine, fine, I’ll do it, don’t you move, I’ll take care of all these!” She was so surprised and happy that she took the initiative to take everything that needed to be sorted out here into her own hands.

The man saw that and was happy to be a shirker.

Grabbing a book at random, he sat down at the small table by the window and read.

But as he watched, he suddenly felt something was wrong, as if there were two beams of eyes fixed on him beside him all the time.

Huo Siji: “……”

“You said …… to take us back to a city?”

Wen Shuxu, who had thrown away the clothes in her hand, came over and stood beside him staring at him unblinkingly as she asked.

Huo Sijiu stiffened.

For a moment, he withdrew his eyes, still looking as if nothing had happened, absently flipping through the book in his hand: “Yes, you don’t want to go back?”

Chapter 968

“It’s not a matter of whether you want to return or not, but!!!” Hindsight finally reacted Wen Shuxu, the whole was about to explode, even the fingers were trembling slightly.

“Rather …… why would you want to go back to a city?”

She asked with red eyes and a trembling voice.

Huo Sijiu “thumped”.

Quickly lifting his head, he tried to explain the question, but was met with the woman’s hot tears dripping down from her eyes.

“Did you wake up a long time ago? Have you been lying to me all this time?”

“No. ……”

“Huo Sijiu, you b*****d, you’re actually lying to me? Do you know that I’ve been hoping for the stars and the moon every day? Waiting for you to wake up? Do you know how hard I have worked to bring you back to life? You’re actually lying to me?!!!”

Wen Shuxu broke down.

I don’t want to be a part of this, but I’ve been suffering for so long and trying for so long, but this man, after waking up, chose not to tell her and is still torturing her.

Wen Xuoxu turned around and ran.


The man who had been forcibly pretending to be calm finally panicked, he threw away the book in his hand and chased after her with a single arrow step.

However, this woman but ran away how fast, not even a moment’s work, he chased out, she surprisingly took the stairs directly, has run to the first floor, across the floor, can hear her cries.

Huo Sijiu: “……”

The maid downstairsa: “What’s going on? Did the young master and young grandmother Sun have another fight?”

Servant b: “It can’t be? The young master is back to normal, how could he still fight with young grandmother Sun?”

Servant c: “Then why is young grandmother Sun still crying? I haven’t seen her cry so much before, listen to the crying, it won’t be good to draw the old master here later.”


See, even the maids could see that he had returned to normal, but only this woman didn’t notice.

And, still blaming him for not saying anything.

The man’s forehead was jutting with veins.

But what could be done about it? The little ancestor he had married, even if he was on his knees, he had to coax her into being right, and anyway, what his wife said was right, and even if it wasn’t, it was his fault!

Huo Sijiu chased him all the way down.

As expected, only when he reached downstairs, he saw that Shen Zong Yu, who had heard the commotion, had indeed come out and was, at that moment, standing in front of the woman who was covering her face and crying her heart out.

“What’s wrong? Why are you crying like that?”


This was the first time Wen Shuxu had lost her temper like this in front of this old man.

However, she was simply too upset and could not control it at all.

“He …… he lied to me.”

“Lied to you? Lied to you about what? Tell me, I’ll teach him a lesson for you!”

This old man, who didn’t know if it was the morning at the military district because Huo Sijiu had said he was going back to A City, was surprisingly also harboring a belly full of fire at this time, ready to unite the front against Huo Sijiu.

The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who are not able to get a lot of money from the internet.

Nothing was said, directly over two strong and powerful arms fished, then this woman she knocked sideways to hold up.



The woman’s shriek!

It was almost the same time that the shrieks from the people around the audience rang out.

This was too powerful!

Is it really okay for the young master and young grandmother Sun to do this? With so many people here, isn’t it unkind to slaughter a dog like this?

After picking the woman up, he said to the old man in front of him, expressionlessly, “Don’t get involved in the affairs of two families.”

Then, with her in his arms, he marched off.

P*ssed off, Shen Zongou behind him jumped straight up!!!

“This little sinner, he he he-”

“Yes, yes, he’s too arrogant, too much, old master, take it easy, let’s ignore him and go have some tea and drink tea.”

Then Lieutenant Shen dragged the old man away with deadly force.

And upstairs, Huo Sijiu after carrying Wen Shu Shu up, simply ignore her struggle, to the third floor bedroom, he will close the door, people thrown to the bed then directly pressed up.

“Well …… a*shole ……”

“Yes, I am a b*****d, but wife, I didn’t mean to do it, I woke up at that time, but immediately after the night Bai Zhenghao’s men came, I had to put my plan into action, I wanted to avenge Chen Qing and also wanted to save the God family, I had to do it, wife.”

He confined her, those hot eyes, all thick with pain and guilt.

Wen Shuxu was stunned.

He was talking about the night he was set up to go mad in the military zone?

So, he had revived that early?!

“You know what? When I saw you spitting blood in front of my ward at the mental hospital, how devastated I was, at that time, I really went crazy, I didn’t want to do anything else, I just wanted to rush out of there and take you away, we didn’t care about anything, just leave this hellhole, wife, do you know all this?”

He recounted again.

Only, this time, when these things that had been buried in his heart for a long, long time were finally able to be said, such a tall, human man cupped her head and lowered it.


Wen Shuxu arms slowly hugged tightly.