Am I A Gigolo Chapter 1231-1232

Chapter 1231

“It’s not really entirely the kids, is it?” Leng Bing said cautiously, “The main thing is that you two, haven’t really put down each other.”


Hearing these words, Leng Qianxue was silent, she had always avoided this topic, but now she also had to admit that it was indeed so ……


It wasn’t just that Night Zhen Ting hadn’t put down, in fact she hadn’t either.


Despite the fact that she always deliberately avoided it, she had to say that she still had Night Zhen Ting in her heart.


When she is alone, she may still be able to seal that feeling, but as soon as another person of the opposite sex approaches her, her mind immediately flashes back to Night Tremor, and she always remembers in her bones that she is his woman ……


No man can touch!


But ……


Thinking of those marks on her body, thinking of those things that could have happened between herself and Louis, Leng Qianxue was very ashamed in her heart, although she didn’t want to face it, but it was as if, maybe, perhaps, she had really made a mistake ……


“Don’t think so much, since there’s still no news now, just rest a little more and wait slowly.” Leng Bing rea*sured, “We’ll see you at six o’clock in the evening at the latest.”


“Mm.” Leng Qianxue answered, wanting to sleep some more, after all that had happened recently, she was in a low mood and hadn’t slept for a few nights, still feeling tired now.


“I’ll help you to lie down on the bed.” Leng Bing helped Leng Qianxue to sleep on the bed.


At that moment, Leng Bing’s phone rang, and when she saw the caller ID, she hastily answered it, “Hello, Brother Steel!”


“It’s by her side, wait a moment.”


Leng Bing handed the phone to Leng Qianxue, who immediately answered it, “Leng Steel.”


“Miss Leng, I found out that General Night is now at the Royal Club’s Royal Son Hotel, it turns out that the hotel has been chartered by Ma Dong, the afternoon is a business meeting and the evening is a banquet.”


“So that’s how it is.”


Leng Qianxue suddenly realized, last night Louis didn’t make it clear, just said that Night ZhenTing and Ma Dong had arranged to meet at the Royal Club Hotel, could it be that he didn’t want her to know too much about the inside story and was afraid that she would come back early to find Night ZhenTing?


“The children are also staying in the villa area of the clubhouse, personally protected by the Night Army, I’ve got a detailed breakdown of the hotel and also found the location of the villa area, if you need, I can bring someone in now to break in and snatch the children back for you.”


“Good job, Leng Gang, worthy of being brother’s right-hand man.” Leng Qianxue was very pleasantly surprised, “But don’t make any rash moves yet, Night Zhen Ting and I still have to negotiate peacefully, we can’t snatch it hard, it won’t be good for the child.”


“Understood, so I didn’t take any action, all waiting for your instructions.” Leng Gang said.


“You come back first, protect your brother’s child.” Leng Qianxue ordered decisively, “I’ll take Leng Bing to blend into the venue and find a way to meet and negotiate with Night Zhen Ting.”




Hanging up the phone, Leng Qianxue immediately instructed Leng Bing, “Rush the men and horses, prepare to leave.”


“Yes.” Leng Bing immediately went to make arrangements.


Leng Qianxue was freshening up when Leng Gang returned and reported the details to her face, and handed Leng Qianxue a few entrance tickets –


“The Royal Club has been chartered by Ma Dong, no outsiders are allowed to enter, all invited guests have these face recognition entrance tickets, I got five for you.


They were implanted with the facial recognition of Leng Bing and Leng Mo as well as Xiao Cui and a few of them, any more than that would easily stand out.”


“Brother Steel, you’re too good.” Leng Bing took the entrance ticket and sighed, “I’m really ashamed of myself for this ability to do things.”


“After following Mister for a long time, I’m used to getting everything in order.” Leng Gang smiled faintly, “I suggest you go later, the business fair is more strictly regulated, you will be recognised as soon as you enter.


By then if Mr Night refuses to negotiate, not only will the scene be ugly, but if word gets out, it will also affect the reputation of Leng Night and the Louis family.


For the evening banquet, you will enter at five o’clock and all the guests will be dressed in grand French vintage dresses and masks, I don’t know much about costumes, so you will have to work it out yourselves.”

Chapter 1232

“That’s a small problem, I’ll arrange it.” Leng Bing immediately called for someone to prepare, “That’s good, others won’t recognise us.”


“You can only take four people in, I’m worried about the danger.” Leng Gang thoughtfully, “Some people will be arranged to blend in with the rest of the clubhouse, as soon as you call, they will immediately appear to protect you.”


“Very good.” Leng Qianxue was very grateful, “Thank you, Leng Gang!”


“Then I’ll stay at the villa to protect the three little princesses, I’m worried that the a*sa*sins from the E country will find their way here.” Leng Gang admonished, “Be careful with everything you do in and out!”


“Don’t worry.” Leng Qianxue nodded her head.


It was still raining outside, the stretch Lincoln arranged by Leng Bing soon arrived, Leng Qianxue put on Leng Bing Leng Mo as well as Liang Crooked two female bodyguards got into the car and headed directly to the Royal Club.


The reason why she made it so secretive was that she didn’t want to be turned away from the meeting by Night Zhen Ting, and she also didn’t want outsiders to know that she and Night Zhen Ting were meeting privately.


As the Duchess said, there were still two days to go before the wedding of Leng Qianxue and Louis, and the reputation of the two families was at stake.


The world’s major media are watching their every move, and I’m afraid many of them are already secretly watching their whereabouts. Once they are discovered, there’s no telling what kind of gossip will be written about them, which will then set off a global public opinion, which will be a disgrace ……


The other is nothing, Leng’s is already chaotic enough now, Leng Qianxue does not want to add trouble to her brother.


The Royal Club has always been accessible only to the rich and famous.


Leng Qianxue came once two years ago, when she was watching a performance in the theatre of the clubhouse and played a song on the spur of the moment, and it was that piano piece that attracted Duke Louis ……


The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you’re doing.


Now to do business, she did not want to be influenced by anyone.


“This Duke Louis is also really, like a child.” Cold could not help but say something.


“It’s understandable, mainly because he cares too much about Miss Leng.” Leng Bing observed Leng Qianxue’s face.


Leng Qianxue’s mind was not on this at all, right now, she was full of Night Zhen Ting and the children ……


Driving the car arranged by Leng Gang and taking the entrance ticket he gave her, Leng Qianxue smoothly led people into the clubhouse.


At this time, the afternoon session of the business fair had long since ended, and the guests route into the Royal Son Hotel to check in, then each put on their own makeup and dress for the evening dinner.


Wearing sungla*ses and a mask, Leng Qianxue checked in in a low-profile manner.


Everything went smoothly and no one recognised her.


When she arrived at her room, Leng Bing served Leng Qianxue to change her clothes and dress up, while Leng Mo immediately went to investigate which room Night Zhen Ting was in.


Soon, Leng Mo returned, “Mr. Night is in the Presidential Suite on the top floor, now with Ma Dong, and seems to be talking about something.”


“What floor are we on?” Leng Qianxue used her phone to open the hotel distribution map given by Leng Gang.


“The 36th floor, and the Night Chief is on the 48th floor.” Leng indifferently replied, “We’re taking ordinary guest admission tickets this time, the suites on the 48th floor are occupied by important people, and there are bodyguards guarding at the lifts.”


“So strict.” Leng Bing frowned, “But it’s just a ball.”


“I looked, there weren’t a lot of guests coming, the hotel wasn’t even full.” Leng Mo said, “It’s probably because Ma Dong wanted to please General Manager Night and knew that he liked to keep things quiet, so he arranged it that way.”


“The key is, how do we mix it up to the 48th floor now?” Leng Bing was thinking, “The people around Ma Dong are easy to fool, but the people around Mr. Night are very cautious, moreover, in case they find out, it would be a surprise to the snake.”


“I thought of that too.” Indifference said, “Or we should wait for the ball, when it gets lively, people can’t be so defensive, there are still fifteen minutes left.”