Am I A Gigolo Chapter 1253-1254

Chapter 1253

Leng Qianxue frowned and refused, “I’ll do it myself, you help me bring in the clothes.”


“Okay.” Demiya bowed her head and prepared to retreat.


At this moment, Leng Qianxue suddenly noticed that Demielle’s toenails were rubbed with red nail polish, and the nail polish on one of her thumbs was scratched ……


She instantly remembered that clue she had found out at Bordeaux Manor, could it be that Demielle had entered her room that night….


“Miss Leng, the clothes!” Demielle brought the clothes in.


“Thanks.” Leng Qianxue said thank you, closed the door and started to take a shower ……


She thought back carefully on the events of that night and felt more and more that something was fishy and she felt that she had to get to the bottom of it.


However, the day after tomorrow was the wedding date, and the final result would be determined tomorrow, so the answer had to be found as soon as possible ……


Leng Qianxue took a shower, dried her hair in the bathroom and walked out in a long white dress.


Although she was plain, she was pure and holy, beautiful and moving.


Demielle looked at her, her gaze had a hidden jealousy, she knew that although she was also bright and beautiful, but this kind of aura in Leng Qianxue, she could never have ……


“Little Duke, Miss Leng is here.” Ivy spoke from the edge of her pillow.


Louis slowly woke up, squinting his eyes, seeing Leng Qianxue, he was first stunned for a moment, then his emotions immediately became agitated: “Why, why are you doing this to me? Why?”


“Little Duke!” Ivy hurriedly calmed Louis, “You take it easy, take it easy.”


“Cousin, have some water.” Emilee went over to feed Louis some water.


Louis pushed him away at once and strained to roll over and sit up, questioning Leng Qianxue excitedly, “I love you so much, why are you doing this to me? Why?”


Leng Qianxue frowned at him, not saying a word.


It would be impossible to say that there was no guilt at all, she was partly responsible for Louis’ transformation from being so innocent and sweet at the beginning to being hysterical now ……


If she had known it would come to this, she would never have agreed to the marriage in the first place.


“Why, why ……”


Louie said and began to cry, crying with grief and great sadness.


Louis grew up to such an age, has always been smooth, did not encounter any great setbacks, and his family education is very strict, character is also relatively simple, treating feelings very persistent.


Growing up, the first time he liked someone was Leng Qianxue.


For her, he had chased for so many years and had easily gotten her, but only two days later, he witnessed her lying under another man ……


This was a huge blow to him.


“Don’t be sad, cousin.”


Demielle’s eyes were full of heartache as she looked at Louis’ sad face. She wanted to comfort him, but the hand she reached out, retracted.


This scene did not escape Leng Qianxue’s eyes.


“Louis, I want to talk to you alone.” Leng Qianxue finally spoke up.


Louis sobbed for a while, finally gathered his emotions and said in a low voice: “You guys stand down.”


“Little Duke ……”


“Stand down!!!”


Louis bellowed angrily.


Ivy had to retreat with Emile, only she didn’t go far and stood outside the door waiting.


The room quieted down, Leng Qianxue took a deep breath, gathered her courage and said, “Louis, let’s call off the wedding.”




Hearing these words, Louis was stunned for a moment and raised his head, looking at her in shock –


“I thought that you had come to explain to me, to apologize, to repent, but you actually …… actually came to break up with me??”


“I know that it might be difficult for you to accept for a while.” Leng Qianxue sighed and said heavily, “I’m sorry for saying this to you at this time, I know you must hate me in your heart, but I really feel that the two of us are not suitable to be together.”

Chapter 1254

“I thought before that we could be great friends, then live together and be easy and happy, but now I realise that it’s not like that, being friends and being a couple are two different things, and once you switch roles, all sorts of problems can arise ……”


“Don’t you tell me that, I don’t want to hear it.” Louie interrupted her and roared in agitation, “You broke up with me because of Night Zhen Ting, right? Because you still love him and you want to go back to him, that’s why you’re breaking up with me, isn’t it?”


“He and I won’t be together.” Leng Qianxue frowned and explained, “I broke up with you simply because I found out that the two of us weren’t suitable for marriage, and continuing to be together would only make it harder! It has nothing to do with anyone else.”


“Then why did you want to be with him …… with him ……”


Louis was so agitated that the words that followed, he couldn’t say, the thought of that scene drove him mad with anger.


“Actually ……”


Leng Qianxue wanted to explain to him clearly, but on second thought, if he knew that nothing had happened between her and Night Zhen Ting, I’m afraid he wouldn’t agree to break off the engagement, right?


Thinking of this, Leng Qianxue changed her tone again, “Since you are also very mindful of this matter, then let’s break off the engagement, and let’s be good friends again.”


“No.” Louis was very stubborn, “I don’t agree to break off the engagement!”


“Louis ……”


“You promise me you won’t see him again.” Louis jumped up from the bed, took Leng Qianxue’s hand and said, “As long as you promise me, I won’t care anymore.”


“Louis, don’t you think this is deceiving yourself and others?” Leng Qianxue was speechless, “You know very well that we are not suitable for each other, so why do you have to force us to be together?”


“How is it inappropriate? What’s wrong with that?” Louie was a little excited, “Aren’t we happy together? I’ve spoiled you and cajoled you in every way, what haven’t I done right? Tell me, I’ll change.”


Faced with his obstinacy, Leng Qianxue was speechless. She felt that the problem between them did not lie in whether he had done a good job or not, but that love really could not be forced, and even if they were forced together, they would not be happy.


But Louis obviously couldn’t recognize these problems, or more precisely, he didn’t want to face them at all ……


“Qianxue, don’t leave me.”


Louis hugged Leng Qianxue tightly and cried in her ear –


“I really, really love you, even if you made a mistake in a moment of confusion or were reluctantly forced, it doesn’t matter, let bygones be bygones, I won’t pursue it, as long as you promise not to see him in the future, I will still treat you as I did before.”


“Louis ……” Leng Qianxue wanted to say something else, but didn’t know how to speak.


“Qianxue, please, don’t leave me.”


Louis hugged Leng Qianxue tightly and refused to let go, like an insecure child who was afraid that if he let go, she would disappear ……


“Louis, you’re injured, you should rest well.” Leng Qianxue gently pushed Louis away and found that he had a fever, she hurriedly helped him to lie down on the bed, “Louis, lie down properly, I’ll go and call a doctor for you.”


“No, don’t go ……” Louis tugged on Leng Qianxue’s hand and refused to let go, “Don’t leave me ……”


When Leng Qianxue looked at him like this, she was always a bit unbearable, so she held his hand and gently rea*sured him, “Okay, Louis, I’ll stay with you, I’m not leaving, you should rest well.”


Louis held Leng Qianxue’s hand tightly, gradually closed his eyes and fell asleep ……


He was originally pampered and spoiled, unable to withstand the storm, and now that he had received a beating, he had become weak, from his mind to his body.


Leng Qianxue sat on the edge of the bed, quietly looking at him, her mood was complicated beyond words, she now regretted, regretted the decision she had made, why she had agreed to marry Louis for some external reasons ……


Now it’s causing all three people pain ……