His Secret Lover Chapter 999-1000

Chapter 999

“Who are you?”

Huo Si Xing, who was already a little high from drinking, looked up and stared at the person in front of her and asked in a very unpleasant manner.

When this person saw that, he hurriedly introduced himself, “It’s me, Miss Huo, I’m Shen Yizhi, remember?”

Shen Yizhi?

What the hell is that?

Miss Huo didn’t remember a thing about people she didn’t have to remember when she was drunk.

But in the end, this Shen Yizhi still helped the drunken her out of the bar.

“Miss Huo, you’re drunk, let me take you back.”

“I …… I’m not going back, I’m going to find that scrap of material, md, think our Huo family is a no man’s land? If you want to come, you can come, if you want to leave, I’ll get him today!”

Then she choked with him and was about to go to her car.

Seeing this, Shen Yizhi had no choice but to take her to the car, and then relying on her unrelenting directions, she arrived at a very high-end apartment complex in the city centre.

“Miss Huo, is this the place?”

“Yes, Block 18, 2503, that’s where that scum lives, I’ll find him.”

She staggered in.

Along with her, there was Shen Yizhi who was not at ease with her.

Shen Yizhi came back this time, in fact, he came back secretly because he heard that the officer was no longer here, he had gone to Z and could not return for a while.

Only then did he hurry back from abroad.

As a result, he had just returned and had managed to find this city when he unexpectedly saw this woman drunk.

“Bang, bang, bang, bang–”

When Huo Si Xing came up and knocked on Qiao Shiqian’s door, he did so directly with his hand.

The “bang, bang, bang” was so loud that the whole corridor of the floor could hear it.

Qiao Shiqian came out and opened the door…

“Joe! I heard you’re quitting? Have you finally found your conscience and stopped hogging our Huo family’s property? Going back to your Japan?”

Huo Si Xing, who was so drunk that she couldn’t even tell north from south, saw the figure in front of her, and immediately, she pointed at his nose and cursed.

Qiao Shiqian’s face immediately turned gloomy.

He stared at her, and in an instant, his tone also turned nasty: “Crazy woman, get out!”

He was about to close the door behind him.

However, the woman outside the door was so fast that before he could even close it, her high-heeled feet kicked directly towards the door!


In a flash, there was another loud bang!

The door, which she had kicked open, hit Qiao Shiqian’s forehead with a “thud”.

“Ah! Are you alright? You’re bleeding!!!”

When Shen Yizhi, who was following behind, saw it, she shouted in shock.

Perhaps it was because of the sight of blood that Huo Sicheng, who was fuming with alcohol, finally paused there as well.

But Qiao Shiqian did not show too much panic, but after touching his forehead that was bleeding from the bump, he covered it, swept a cold glance at them, turned around and went inside.

Shen Yizhi: “……”

Huo Sixing: “……”

The wine, it seems, has woken up a bit.

Ten or so minutes later, in the flat, Huo Sicheng was sitting in the sofa like a loser, and after seeing the man in front of her finally treating his wounds, she stared at him.

“What are you doing? I heard from Lifu that you’re going back to Japan in three days?”



“Just go back, where’s the why? Besides, didn’t you just say that? I’ve been the one hogging this place all along, and now that your brother is finally back, I’m giving it back to him, shouldn’t you be happy?”

Qiao Shiqian sneered, imitating the tone she had just used to viciously humiliate him when she had gone boozy.

In the light of their year, this woman’s attitude towards him had indeed always been like this, clearly he was the brother who was related to her by blood.

Yet, she never had him in her eyes.

Either she sneered at him, or never had a good face after meeting him, as if it was all thanks to him, Qiao Shiqian, that their Huo family had come to this point.

So, now that he was leaving, he couldn’t think of anything she was unhappy about?

“Whether you’re happy or not is my business, what you need to do now is to get your business done properly!” Huo Si Xing said this in a completely commanding tone.


Qiao Shiqian was stunned for a moment, perhaps, because he hadn’t expected that she would say something like that to him.

Tell him to put is going to do well?

What was it?

The matter of taking care of their Huo’s? But before, hadn’t she always told him to go back to Japan? She always looked like she hated him with a pa*sion and felt that he had robbed them of the Huo family.

Qiao Shiqian didn’t say anything else.

At this time, Shen Yizhi also came to his senses, he saw the man with a band-aid on his forehead and walked over with a bit of haste.

“Mr. Qiao, don’t bother with her, she’s in a bad mood today, she drank a lot of alcohol in the bar, so she spoke a bit more impulsively, don’t argue, you’re all siblings, don’t you think so?”


It was only at this time that Qiao Shiqian noticed that in this flat, there was one more person.

Shen Yizhi?

The one from the provincial city Shen family’s blind date?

His attention fell on him, and looking at this fool still pleading for that woman, he didn’t feel a little amused.

“Do you know why she’s drinking?”

“No…… don’t know.”

Shen Yizhi shook his head honestly.

Qiao Shiqian: “……”

After a full ten seconds or so, finally, he managed to swallow the words that had come to his mouth again at the look in this dullard’s eyes that he didn’t understand anything.

“You like her?”

“Like …… like.” Shen Yizhi stammered.

Qiao Shiqian smiled, “How much do you like it? Willing to accept her in her entirety? Whether it’s good or bad?”

“I am willing!”

Once again, Shen Yizhi replied in a firm voice!

Chapter 1000


When Huo Si Xing woke up, it was already the next morning.

She opened her eyes and looked at the green gauze tent floating above her head and the antique old-fashioned carved wooden bed top, her head ached so much that she couldn’t even remember where she was.

“Miss Huo, you’re finally awake, do you feel better?”

Hearing the movement of her waking up in bed, a young man with gla*ses and a svelte face immediately ran to her bed with concern.

Huo Si Xing froze.

A second generation official?

Why had he come here?

She rubbed her aching head and wrinkled her brows at this man who had suddenly appeared in front of her.

Seeing this, Shen Yizhi was busy explaining, “You got drunk in the bar yesterday and then ran to your brother’s place to cause trouble, and then I sent you home.”


“My brother? Shallow Water Bay?”

Huo Si Xing’s face immediately changed.

She thought she had run off to get drunk with Huo Sijiu, over that man.

But Shen Yizhi denied it.

“No, it’s a flat, have you forgotten? You ran over to him and beat him up.”


When Shen Yizhi was talking about this, she remembered the image of this woman’s pugnacity yesterday, and was still a bit distraught to this day.

However, it did not affect the impression she had in his mind.

Only then did Huo Si Xing let out a sigh of relief.

After rubbing her aching head again, she lifted the covers and got off the bed, only then did she realise that this was not somewhere else in the first place, it was her bedroom in the old Huo family residence.

This bean-sprout had actually sent her here?

She slipped on her two slippers and came to the table, picking up the cold water on top and preparing to take a couple of sips first.

“Miss Huo, you can’t drink cold water, it’s so early in the morning and the weather is cold, I’ve stewed you a wake-up soup, wash up first and I’ll bring it over to you right away.”


No one expected that this second generation official would actually come over and stop her after seeing that she was about to drink cold water.

A drink of wine soup?

He was a big man and he was actually making this stuff early in the morning?

Huo Si Xing sidled up, that look, just like looking at a monster, looked at this official second generation from head to toe.

“How …… what’s wrong?”

“No, I just want to ask, why do you still make this? Did you make this yourself?” Huosi Xing asked, holding back the weirdness and squirm in her heart and frowning.

She really hadn’t seen a man who would still do this.

The men she had come into contact with were either like her brother Huo Sijiu, who only knew how to give orders, or like Shen Yu, who defended his family and stood tall against the sky.

When had a man ever circled around the kitchen?

The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the market.

“Yeah, I made it, you drank so much yesterday, I guess you’ll have a headache when you get up this morning, so I went to the supermarket last night and bought these ingredients back, then boiled it for you first thing this morning.”



“Oh yes, I also made dessert, all to warm your stomach, I’ll get it for you later when you’ve finished your sober soup.”


Shen Yizhi gushed about her masterpiece.

In this world, there is such a person, who has little ambition and prefers to tinker with some food, or flowers and plants, his focus, usually, is around his family.

Such a person is a family man.

And it was clear that this second generation official in front of him was it.

Huo Si Xing ended up not drinking this bowl of wake-up soup, not to mention ignoring this person, she who never likes mother-in-law men, went out with a straightforward gloomy face.

Shen Yizhi: “……”

Surprisingly, without hesitation, he went out directly after her a*s.

“Miss Huo, wait for me, Miss Huo-”

“What are you doing? Don’t keep following me, you’re not needed here, you hurry home.”

Huo Si Xing was furious as soon as she saw that this bean sprout actually dared to follow her.

However, the bean sprout listened and followed her with great aggression.

“Miss Huo, I can’t go home.”



“I snuck back, you forgot, last time that friend of yours threatened my parents, my parents sent me out of the country, this time, I snuck back.”


He was like an innocent little white rabbit, actually said at the end, so aggrieved that he even lowered his head in front of Huo Si Xing, one hand kept rubbing in tension.

Huo Si Xing: “……”

I want to put two feet in him.

Is he a man or not? Can he behave like a man in front of her?

The first thing you need to do is to get rid of the problem.

The first thing that happened was that Shen Yizhi saw it and followed it nimbly, getting into her car in no time.

Only, no one noticed that once he got into her car, he sat in the back and a winning smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, which pa*sed away in a flash.

Huo Si Xing decided to make another trip to the Berlin flat.

It was true that she had been drunk yesterday, but she still remembered some of that message that Wen Shuxu had sent her, so she wanted to go back to settle the matter.

That scum, who gave him permission to do that?

Shallow Water Bay.

The villa manor in the early morning is emitting a faint fragrance everywhere, the morning light is bright, and the dewdrops sprinkled on the green gra*s are so crystal clear, like a jewel dotted up.