The Real Dragon Chapter 3928

At this time, Jasmine, who was at the auction, announced aloud, “The next lot that will take to the stage is the third Spring Return Pill of the night! There are not many chances for the Spring Return Pill, so please make sure you all make good use of it and don’t leave yourself with any regrets.”

                Hearing these words, the spirits of everyone in the audience were once again lifted.

                It was because Todd had just taken the second serving of the Spring Return Pill, allowing the crowd to see with their own eyes the even more miraculous side of the Spring Return Pill.

                Many people had already started to shake their fists at this moment, deciding that they would take the third Spring Return Pill regardless of the cost.

                The staff once again brought up a copy of the Spring Return Pill on a silver tray, while Jasmine smiled and said, “The starting price for the third Spring Return Pill remains unchanged at US$100 million, with each bid being increased by 10 million.

                As soon as the words were spoken, someone immediately shouted, “Five billion!”

                As soon as that person’s words fell, someone else spoke up, “What time is it, still 5 billion, I’ll bid 10!”

                Everyone knew that it was impossible to sell the third Spring Return Pill for less than ten billion, and it was not surprising that the bid was ten billion in two bids.

                So, although the bidding for the third Spring Return Pill started at US$100 million, before ten seconds had pa*sed, it had already been pushed to US$10 billion.

                The bid of US$10 billion was placed by the same tycoon who had wanted to let Todd off the hook first so that he could pick up a bargain on the third Elixir.

                He had originally thought that he would be able to take this Spring Rejuvenation Pill for himself at almost US$9 billion, but who would have thought that there were quite a few people who were so impressed by the changes in Todd after taking the Spring Rejuvenation Pill that those who had withdrawn from the competition early in the previous round were almost all clenching their teeth in this round.

                So, when that tycoon quoted a price of US$10 billion, someone immediately added another US$100 million to his offer.

                Immediately afterwards, the price continued to go up.

                It was soon pushed to a new high of US$12 billion by several other bidders.

                The tycoon was already regretting the price, but there was nothing he could do about it. If he didn’t put up a fight, he was afraid that there would be more variables when he reached the fourth copy of the Spring Return Pill.

                So, he gritted his teeth, raised his hand and said in a trembling voice, “I bid 13 billion!”

                As soon as the words left his mouth, someone else immediately raised their hand, “13.5 billion!”

                No one had expected that when the price reached 13.5 billion, there would still be many people unwilling to give up.

                So, the price went higher and higher as the crowd kept bidding.

                Fourteen billion, fifteen billion, sixteen billion ……

                The price was so strong that it broke through the billion-dollar barrier one after another, and without even stopping, it went straight through the 18.7 billion mark.

                As the price continued to rise, one after another, people fell out of line.

                It was not that they did not want to get the Spring Return Pill, but the price was too high, so high that it was beyond their affordability.

                Even if some people were willing to pay that much money, they could not immediately come up with US$10 or 20 billion in cash tonight.

                For that much money, they would have to sell at least some of their a*sets, or even pledge or reduce some of their shares, in order to come up with it.

                So many people gave up bidding with tears streaming down their faces, while regretting in their hearts that they had not insisted on bidding for the first US$2 billion and the second US$10 billion, and had missed the opportunity to own the Spring Return Pill, and now they could only watch the opportunity slip away from their eyes.

                Even the tycoon who thought he could take the Pill for nine billion dollars cried out in pain and gave up bidding for no other reason than he had no money or because the current price was beyond his ability to pay.

                In the end, the elixir was sold to a Jewish businessman in his seventies for eighteen and a half billion dollars.

                The Jewish businessman had been suffering from diabetes, hypertension and coronary heart disease, among other chronic illnesses, and his health was declining.