Am I A Gigolo Chapter 1265-1266

Chapter 1265

The two pa*sionate and forgetful people were completely unaware that Leng Qianxue on the sofa pressed her watch ……


The two of them were just coming back to the house.


At this moment, the old duke and the duchess just happened to come upstairs, the two of them talking while walking, both looking a bit tired and helpless.


Xiao Cui quickly greeted them and said anxiously, “Duchess, our Miss Leng has been suffering from abdominal pains today, could Madam ask a doctor to come and have a look?”


“How can you have a stomachache for good reason?” The duchess had an impatient face, “I see that she is usually in good health.”


“Our Miss Leng has never had a good stomach, so maybe she’s a bit uncomfortable after eating a cold French meal today.” Ai explained softly.


“How can French food be uncomfortable?” The duchess said in an unpleasant voice, “We eat it every day, isn’t it always fine?”


“But ……”


“It’s so late in the day, where can we call a doctor? Let’s talk tomorrow.” The Duchess didn’t even want to pay any attention to the two men.


“Madam you ……”


“You stink of temper.” The old duke scolded in a low voice, “I told you, we can’t turn the other cheek now, so hurry up and see.”


“Tch.” The duchess was annoyed, but seeing the old duke’s wink, she still reluctantly walked towards Leng Qianxue’s room.


“Madam!” Two female attendants were waiting outside the door, and when they saw the duchess, they hurriedly saluted.


The Duchess gave a wink and the maidservant was about to knock on the door when Xiao Cui suddenly said, “There’s no need to knock, Miss Leng is in too much pain and has fallen asleep, just go straight in.”


With that, Xiao Cui pushed open the door of the room ……


On the bed, the two people were hot and entwined, when the door was suddenly pushed open, both of them were startled, especially the female, and screamed.


“Oops!” The Duchess immediately realised what the two men were doing and turned around in a hurry, “Shut the door quickly.”


The waitress scrambled to close the door again.


“How unseemly, didn’t you say your stomach hurt? Why now ……”


The duchess was shaken before she could finish her words, she suddenly realized that the woman on the bed just now, didn’t seem to be Leng Qianxue ……


The duchess’ face changed dramatically and she immediately kicked open the door of the room and barged in.


And at that moment, the bed Demiurge was panicking and putting on her clothes ……


Unfortunately, before she could get dressed, the duchess turned on the light and everyone was stunned to see the scene in front of them.


“Ah !!!! Sister Miel.”


Several of the waitresses were stunned to the point of dumbfounded.


The duchess’s eyes were wide open in disbelief as she looked at the scene before her, her whole body stunned ……


“Demielle ????”


At this moment, Louis also saw that the half-naked woman beside him was Demielle, and his whole body fell off the bed in shock.


“Cousin ……” Demielle hurried to help Louis, but Louis pushed Demielle away as if he had seen a ghost and roared in agitation, “What’s going on? How did this happen?”


“Cousin, I ……”


“Close the door and dismiss all the idle people outside.”


The duchess’s face clouded over like the weather before a violent storm.


The maid hurriedly closed the door, and at that moment, cold ice and cold indifference had already squeezed in.


The two of them walked quickly to the sofa and gently patted Leng Qianxue: “Miss Leng, Miss Leng, wake up ……”


“What’s going on? How come you didn’t wake up even after all the commotion?” Leng Bing asked anxiously.


“Could it be that someone has drugged her?” Leng Mo made some water and sprinkled it on Leng Qianxue’s face.


Leng Qianxue gradually woke up ……


The duchess glanced at Leng Qianxue and turned her eyes to stare at Demiurge: “Give me a clear explanation, what is going on?”


“I, I ……” Demire was so flustered that she couldn’t say a word.


“My head hurts ……,” Leng Qianxue covered her forehead and sat up, finding so many people in the room, she asked suspiciously, “What’s going on?”

Chapter 1266

“Miss Leng ……,” Leng Bing winked backwards.


Leng Qianxue turned around and looked at the messy king-size bed, the unclothed Louis and Demielle ……


couldn’t help but freeze.


“What, what’s going on here?” Leng Qianxue was instantly confused, “Louis, how did you ……”


“Qianxue, listen to my explanation.” Louis panicked, wrapped in his bathrobe and came over to Leng Qianxue, “I, I thought she was you, I took you for you.”


“That means you two ……” Leng Qianxue looked at Demielle half naked with an expression of dawning realization, “Could it be that those two times before were also ……”


“No, it’s not like that.” Louis shook his head in a panic, “It was me and you before ……”


“It’s not.” Leng Qianxue covered her head, which was about to crack, and thought back carefully, “Every time the two of us were together, I would somehow fall asleep, completely unaware of what was happening, and when I woke up you were ……”


She paused for a moment and looked at Demielle in shock, “I drank what she gave me every time, could it be ……”


“There’s no problem, just check it out.” Leng Bing picked up the cup with the fruit tea and immediately took out the test paper and tested it on the spot, “Luckily I had it with me.”


“Check this again.” Leng Qianxue pointed to the cup of sober tea that Louis had.


“Yes.” Leng Mo immediately checked.


“There’s no need to check.” The duchess immediately shouted coldly and turned her head to Demielle, “Come here!”


Demielle crawled to her on her knees and cried, “Auntie, I ……”


“Pah!” The Duchess slapped her hard across the face and snarled through gritted teeth, “Do you want me to find out, or do you want to give yourself up?”


“I ……” Demielle was shaking with tears, but she knew that the matter could no longer be covered up and had to get down on the floor and say, “It was my fault, I have always loved my cousin and I wanted to be his woman, that’s why ……”


“No, it can’t be.” Louis shook his head excitedly, “It’s obviously Chisetsu, it’s Chisetsu ……”


“You cheapskate, to do such a nasty thing.” The duchess threw Demielle another slap, “You think we’ll accept you just because you slept with Louis once? You’re still just a cheapskate, Louis can’t marry you.”


Demielle didn’t dare to speak, she just fell on the ground and kept crying.


But Leng Qianxue heard clearly that the duchess was trying to get Demielle to deny the previous two times and only admit to being caught this one time ……


“Qianxue, this b*tch, I will clean it up properly.” The duchess turned her head to Leng Qianxue and said, “Men, always make mistakes, what’s more, Louis was backstabbed by that b*tch, he didn’t do it of his own free will, so you can forgive him.”


“I don’t blame Louis, but ……” Leng Qianxue narrowed her eyes and looked at Demiya, “The first two times, it wasn’t me either, it should have been her.”


“How is that possible?” The duchess immediately denied, “That night in Bordeaux, I saw you and Louis with my own eyes at ……”


“I have proof.” Leng Qianxue interrupted the duchess and slightly curled her lips, “Does madam want to see it?”


“No, it can’t be, it can’t be ……” Louis shook his head excitedly, “It’s never possible, Qianxue, I was clearly with you ……”


Leng Qianxue made a wink, and Leng Bing immediately took out his computer and played the video.


“Madam you also know, I was once poisoned and almost died, it was because I was scared of being poisoned, so I would install monitors in my room before I went to bed, I didn’t expect to unintentionally capture something that shouldn’t be captured, my eyes are not good, I can’t see clearly, why don’t you take a look ……”


As Leng Qianxue spoke, the video was already open, it was the last time in Louie’s room, Demielle drugged Leng Qianxue and then impersonated Leng Qianxue to sleep with Louie ……