Am I A Gigolo Chapter 1269-1270

Chapter 1269

“Especially Duke Louis has always been clean and so obsessed with his feelings.” Leng Bing also felt sorry for him, “He must be desperate and miserable now, alas ……”


“Am I wrong to do this?”


Leng Qianxue felt very guilty when she thought of Louis breaking down.


“I think it’s right.” Leng Mo immediately said, “You can’t be blamed for this, you should blame the duchess and Demielle, one who thought she was planning and scheming, and the other who was bold and nasty.”


“Yes.” Leng Bing agreed with her in a rare moment, “What’s more, this matter can’t be hidden, sooner or later it will be revealed, we can’t keep taking the blame.”


“Ugh ……” Leng Qianxue sighed, “I hope Louis can think about it and let it go sooner, otherwise, I don’t even know how to face him.”


“Now that you both don’t know how to face each other, separating is the best option.” Apathy said, “I hope the old duke lets go sooner rather than later.”


“I guess it will take another night of tossing and turning, we should be able to let us go tomorrow.” Leng Qianxue looked at her watch, “But I’m worried that Louis might not be able to think straight tonight.




“You two, now go out and find out what’s going on.” Leng Bing ordered.


“Okay.” Xiao Cui and Ai hurriedly went out to check.


It was already past one in the morning, the servants’ entourage had all gone to bed and the castle was quiet, but because of a drama between Demiurge and Louis, the lights were now as bright as day.


The servants were on edge, fearing that something might happen.


Some of the older servants, such as Evie, were busy, but Tricia and Ai had no idea what they were up to.


The two tried to go over to the master bedroom to have a look, but they were stopped and had to turn back.


All they could hear was two female servants whispering, “The old duke and the duchess are arguing, we must be careful not to get into trouble.”


“The young duke has locked himself in his room and refuses to open the door to anyone who knocks, so we are worried, will something happen?”


“Alas, the matter is made …… of it.”


“Little Duke, little Duke, open the door, let us serve you to bathe and dress.” Evie was knocking carefully on Louis’ door.


There was no response from inside.


On the other side, in the master bedroom, there was a loud bang.


The old duke was furious, slamming his gla*s out of his hand and shouting, “You’re being ridiculous!”


“What’s wrong with me?” The duchess was still righteous, “I was thinking of Louis and the greater good, and I wanted to make this marriage happen as soon as possible, so I planned and planned it.


The first time I saw her, she was so angry that she gritted her teeth, “I didn’t expect to have such a b*tch around me.”


“And it’s not all your good relatives?” The old duke was so angry that his face turned blue, “Your so-called planning and scheming is now not only not facilitating the marriage, but is helping backwards, you are harming our son, do you know that?”


“I regret …… it too,” the Duchess was distressed at the thought of her son, “The boy is just too dead-eyed, it’s not like a man loses out in such matters.”


“Don’t you know that your son is a great lover?” The old duke said in an unpleasant voice, “Now what do you say?”


“I’ll go and console and comfort him.” The duchess got up and was about to go out.


“I’ve just been there, he’s locked himself in his room and won’t come out, I’m afraid he doesn’t want to face anyone.” The old duke was furious, “You’re not good enough, I’ve told you not to make a scene, but you won’t stop.”


“What’s the use of scolding me now?” The Duchess looked aggrieved, “Why don’t you think about how to solve the problem first?”


“You made things happen and now you’re asking me to fix them?” The old duke said with bitter hatred, “Tell me yourself, what should be done to solve the problem?”

Chapter 1270

The Duchess thought for a moment and said, “That vicious little b*tch, Leng Qianxue, is now pointing at us to let her go, and we must not do so.


Once she steps out of this door, we won’t be able to find anyone, and then the marriage will be ruined, we will be laughed at by the world, and Louis will be very sad too.


As I see it, let’s keep Leng Qianxue elsewhere for now, until we’ve pacified Louis.”


“You really know how to plan.” The old duke hated his teeth, “Are you treating Leng Qianxue like a slave? You can do whatever you want?


Let alone the fact that Mr. L’s whereabouts is unknown, even if something did happen to him, he still has so many of his men, there is more than enough to deal with us.


Don’t forget, that Leng Gang is still waiting for Leng Qianxue in Paris.


If he is able to turn over a new leaf after this battle, we will not be able to take advantage of the situation.


If we had a legitimate reason to keep her here, it would still make sense, but if you go too far, you’re asking for death.”


“So what do you mean? Are you really going to let her go?” The Duchess asked unhappily.


The old duke’s brow was furrowed and he looked grave, he too was now worried and in a dilemma ……


Continued house arrest was not an option, and sending her away was not an option either.


What in the end should be done?


“Knock knock knock!” At this time, there was a sudden knock on the door outside, followed by Ivy’s urgent voice, “Lord Duke, Duchess, the young Duke has locked himself in his room, he doesn’t respond to any of my knocks, will something happen to him?”


As soon as the old duke and duchess heard this, they immediately walked out quickly, “Go and see.”


The couple arrived outside Louis’ room and knocked anxiously on the door: “Louis, Louis, open the door, don’t scare mummy and daddy, open the door first and let’s talk.”


There was no response from inside.


“Louis, open the door!” The old duke was also shouting at the door, still no response.


“What should we do? Will he think twice?” The duchess was terrified.


“Break the door down.” The old duke ordered decisively.


“Yes.” Two soldiers came forward and banged hard on the door of the room for several minutes, finally breaking it open ……


“Louis!” The duchess rushed in anxiously and froze when she saw the scene before her.


Louis was sitting on the carpet hugging his knees and burying his head in his lap, like a snail, hiding himself in his shell, not wanting anyone to see his breakdown.


“Louis, are you all right?” The duchess approached him cautiously, “If you have any emotions, you can let them out, don’t keep them inside ……”


“All out.” The old duke ordered in a low voice.


“Yes.” Everyone retreated, closing the door of the room behind them in the process.


“Louis ……” The old duke came over, heartbroken at seeing his son in this state, but as a father, he still ordered seriously, “Stand up, a man, to get like this over such a trifle. What a disgrace!”


“Oh, you don’t say anything about him.” The Duchess bellowed in exasperation.


“You shut up.” The old Duke glared at her angrily, “It’s all your fault, you’ve been favouring him since he was a child, you’ve been holding him in your hands all day, not letting him suffer any setbacks, so now he’s weak and doesn’t look like a man at all.”


“You ……”


“You’re right.” Louis spoke suddenly, “I do not act like a man.”


The words poked him, and after this blow he felt the despair of his former self ……


The world had gone dark, and he felt that his life was a joke.


He was a man of his age, he had achieved nothing, and his love was a failure.


“Louis ……” the old duke, seeing his son hurt by the words, was still a bit upset, and hastened to soothe him, “this matter is no big deal, every man will have many women in his life, you just think of it as a coming of age initiation will be fine, don’t take it too much to heart.”