Am I A Gigolo Chapter 1275-1276

Chapter 1275

Soon, the car’s tyres were hit and a loud “bang” came from the car.


Before Coldwell had a chance to crash through the blocking cars, he was surrounded heavily by a group of people.


“Get out of the car!” The soldiers came around with guns.


This time, even the car had a flat tyre and there was no escape.


Leng Miao had no room to exert himself, and looked at Leng Qianxue in despair.


“Fight with them.” Leng Bing clenched his fist and said, “Leng Mo, the three of us will stop them, you take Miss Leng and go first.”


“Okay.” Leng Mo nodded his head in a hurry.


“If I go first, you guys will really not have a life.” Leng Qianxue frowned, “If I stay, everyone will still have a chance of survival.”


“But ……” Leng Bing was about to speak when a soldier came directly to pull the car door.


Just then, there was a sound of a car not far away, and the blinding lights shot directly this way.


Those soldiers all froze and turned their heads to look, only to see a dozen George Battons, like beasts of prey, were charging this way.


The soldiers rushed to defend themselves, but were still rammed by the George Battons with their cars.


At once, a melee ensued.


The soldiers were no match for the black-clad men in George Barton.


Soon, they were beaten back one after another.


At that moment, Leng Bing Leng Mo and the others also escorted Leng Qian Xue out of the car and prepared to flee the scene, but they were stopped by a George Batten.


Leng Mo clenched her fists and was about to confront it when the person driving the car probed out and shouted her name, she saw the person driving and couldn’t help but rejoice: “Ah Hai!!!”


“Get in.” Night Fai opened the car door and got several people into the car.


“How come it’s you guys?” Leng Qianxue was very shocked, “How did you guys know about ……”


“The Night King has always been concerned about your well-being.” Night Fai stated, “Specially sent us to rescue you.”


Leng Qianxue turned her head to look outside, the Night Family’s caravan had withdrawn peacefully and the Louis Family’s troops had all turned back ……


“What else does Night Zhen Ting know?” Leng Qianxue asked with a twist of her head.


“Something has happened to Mr. L.” Night Fai said cautiously, “You are in danger now.”


“Where is he?”


Leng Qianxue looked out the window, several other cars were following behind, Night Zhen Ting shouldn’t have come.


“Waiting for you at the airport.” Night Hui said respectfully, “Suggest you inform Leng Gang and bring the children to the airport to rendezvous, don’t worry, our Night Family’s special plane, no one dares to stop it.”


Leng Qianxue lowered her eyes, thought for a moment, and instructed Leng Bing, “Call Leng Gang.”


“Yes.” Leng Bing immediately called Leng Gang to inform him.


There was chaos on the other end of the line. Sure enough, Leng Gang had also been ambushed, but he was confident that he could break through the siege and bring the children to the airport to meet up with Leng Qianxue.


Leng Bing reported the situation to Leng Qianxue.


Leng Qianxue hurriedly said to Night Fai, “Night Fai, can you come with us to meet Leng Gang?”


“Leng Gang should be fine, he has enough men under him ……”


“Go if you’re told to.” Leng Bing was anxious.


Night Hui’s words were interrupted, and after a weak glance at her, he changed his tone and said, “Okay, we’ll go together.”


It was already three in the morning, and this night was not destined to be peaceful.


But because of the added support of the Night Family, Leng Qianxue quickly and smoothly picked up Leng Gang and took them with her to the airport.


The three little ones were still asleep, sleeping soundly, unaware of what was going on.


At the airport, they got out of the car.


Leng Qianxue saw Night Thunder standing by the car, smoking.


The night breeze blew his hair, his slim figure looked a bit lonely and cold, but still carried the same domineering aura as before!


Things had changed, and Leng Qianxue thought that she would no longer rely on Night Zhenting as she had become stronger, but she did not expect him to come to her rescue at the critical moment.


She walked up to him and wanted to say “thank you”, but she could not open her mouth.

Chapter 1276

“No word of thanks?”


It was Night Shocking who opened his mouth first, raising an eyebrow with a C*cky look.


“Where are the children?” Leng Qianxue looked at the car behind him, the three children were nowhere to be seen.


“Already boarded.” Night Zhen Ting exhaled a smoke ring and issued a formal invitation, “Come back to Hai Cheng with me, it’s safe there.”


Leng Qianxue looked at him through the smoke and then at the dozens of people behind her, instantly feeling the weight on her shoulders, she said icily, “I won’t bother you, Mr. Night!”


This address, as if back to two years ago, when she was working in his company ……


cold, and distant.


“The children all miss their mommy.” Night Zhen Ting flicked his cigarette ash, his tone seemed casual, “I’ll give you one more chance!”


“I have my responsibilities.” Leng Qianxue was reluctant in her heart, but was still exceptionally firm, “But thank you, I’m very relieved that Big Boy, Two Boy and Three Boy are following you.”


“No more snatching?” Night Zhen Ting looked at her with raised eyebrows.


“No more snatching.” Leng Qianxue lowered her eyes and tried to calm down, “I’m not capable of protecting them now.”


She suddenly felt that she had fought with Night Zhen Ting for so many years, but in the end, she had still lost to him.


No matter what she did, she was always his defeated enemy.


“Alright, know your place.” Without further ado, Night ZhenTing turned to board the plane and instructed the Night Army, “Escort them back to the country.”


“Yes.” Night Army came forward to calm Leng Qianxue, “Miss Leng, that special plane was arranged for you, you don’t want to go back to Hai Cheng, it’s fine to go to the surrounding cities, but you must go back to your country because it’s the only place that’s safe.”


“Thank you.” Leng Qianxue turned and led her people to board the plane, “Go to Rain City.”


“Okay.” Night Jun immediately made the arrangements and brought his men to accompany them on the plane and escort them to safety.


Before walking into the cabin, Night Zhen Ting looked back, Leng Qian Xue also looked back at him, the two gazed at each other, there were a thousand words in each other’s eyes ……


The two men looked at each other with a thousand words in their eyes, but always, both chose to remain silent.


There are many things that they don’t have to say, they both understand in their hearts.


The two planes flew back home at the same time, one back to Haicheng and one to Yucheng.


Leng Qianxue sat by the window, looking out at the fading Parisian night scene in a daze ……


The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you are getting into. And when did he start to know her whereabouts like the back of his hand?


“Miss Leng.” Leng Gang walked over and said in a low voice, “I want to talk to you.”


“Sit.” Leng Qianxue gestured to the seat opposite.


“I’m sorry that I wasn’t of any help this time when you were stranded.” Leng Gang was very ashamed, “I was also besieged halfway and almost couldn’t make it to the airport, if it wasn’t for the Night Family’s help, the consequences would have been unthinkable.”


“I don’t blame you.” Leng Qianxue soothed gently, “Brother has so many enemies, it’s not easy enough for you to protect the children safely.”


“The country is safe, there shouldn’t be any more major problems, I think ……”


Leng Gang thought for a moment, but finally mustered up the courage to say


“I want to go back to E to find Mr., all of us, we are all trained by him, our lives are given by him, now that something is wrong with him, we can’t just sit back and do nothing ……”


Speaking of this, Leng Gang’s mood was very low, the fact that something had happened to Leng Di Feng was terrible news to them.


Their lifelong faith was to serve Leng Di Feng, and now that they had suddenly lost their faith, they felt that their lives had no direction.


“I have just such an intention.” Leng Qianxue was very firm, “I have a premonition that my brother is still alive, he will be fine, but I don’t know why there is such news coming out, it’s good for you to go back and take a look, but be safe.”


“Understood.” Leng Gang nodded repeatedly, “I’ll leave four people to protect the child, I’ll take three back to E.”


“No need.” Leng Qianxue was very insistent, “Take them all away, I have eighteen female bodyguards with me, I can’t even protect three children.”