Am I A Gigolo Chapter 1289-1290

Chapter 1289

That old man was just relying on the fact that Leng was down and out, and she was alone with several children and a group of female bodyguards, so she was deliberately making things difficult for her.


If it was in her previous temper, Leng Qianxue would have fought him to the end.


But now it’s different, Leng is in turmoil, her brother’s life and death are still unknown, and she has the responsibility to protect her children, so if she goes to the mall now and fights someone, I’m afraid she will invite trouble.


It would be a great sin for her if the children were to be involved.


Besides, she didn’t want to continue to fight with the Louis family, no matter what, she still felt that she owed Louis ……


The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the public.


In case, in the future, brother wants to rise again, it will also affect his reputation ……


When she initially invested in this project, it was under the banner of Leng’s.


If she was really kicked out now, coupled with the fanfare of people with an agenda, the media would definitely point the finger at Leng.


Now that her brother’s life and death were uncertain and his whereabouts unknown, there were already many bad rumours about him in the outside world, she could not add to his burden.


Thinking of this, Leng Qianxue twisted her head and asked, “What do you have to suggest?”


“Such a simple thing, do you still need to ask?” Night Zhen Ting raised his eyebrows slightly, “The key to the matter now is me, as long as I don’t sign, they can’t kick you out, so ……”


He ambiguously moved closer to Leng Qianxue and murmured in her ear, “You should please me now and coax me to be happy, maybe ……”


“Is this a subterfuge, Mr. Night?” Leng Qianxue coldly interrupted him, “We, the Leng family, have not fallen to that level yet!!!”


“That’s meaningless.” Night Zhen Ting raised his eyebrows unhappily, “Have you submarined me less? In order to force me to pay my debts, you forced me to work at Night for two months.”




Leng Qianxue was surprisingly speechless for a moment.


“A person should be able to bend and stretch.” Night Zhen Ting said in a well-guided manner, “Besides, it’s all your own people, fat water won’t flow to the outside world.”


“You underestimate me too much.” Leng Qianxue was dissatisfied with his attitude, “I can solve the problem just as well by myself.”


“Is that so?” Night Zhen Ting raised his eyebrows disdainfully, “We’ll see!”


Leng Qianxue gave him a blank look and turned her head to look out of the window, not bothering to talk to him.


Night Zhen Ting looked at her back, his lips curled up in a shallow arc ……


The three hour drive finally arrived at the small suburban compound where Dr. Hua was located.


After returning to Haicheng, Dr. Hua found this quiet little courtyard to stay in, this is the house of one of his students, the student is working in the city, this house has been vacant, learned that the teacher is coming, specially cleaned out to entertain Dr. Hua.


When the car drove into the courtyard, Little Flower hurriedly came out to check it out. She was still defensive, but when she saw Leng Qianxue, she immediately raised her smiling face to welcome her: “Sister Qianxue!”


“Little Flower!” Leng Qianxue hugged Little Flower and smiled happily, “How is it? Are you guys okay?”


“Quite well, but Master he ……” Little Flower spoke of Dr. Hua’s health and couldn’t help but feel a little sad, “He fell ill not long after he came back, he’s been taking medicine and not getting better, and he’s been even more confused these last few days. ”


“How could this happen?” Leng Qianxue’s face changed greatly and immediately questioned Leng Bing, “How come you didn’t tell me?”


“Miss Leng ……”


“Sister Qianxue don’t be angry, it was Master who didn’t let me tell Sister Bing Bing.” Little Flower hurriedly explained, “Master misses you very much, go in and take a look.”


“Okay.” Leng Qianxue hurriedly headed for the house, with Leng Bing following closely behind.


Night Zhen Ting didn’t follow, just khao smoking at the side of the car.


Night Hui waited by the side and did not follow him in either.


Little Flower made a pot of tea and came out, greeted him, and went in ……

Chapter 1290

When Leng Qianxue walked into the inner room, she smelled a strong smell of medicine and heard the voice of her young apprentice, “Master, it’s sister Qianxue who is here, don’t worry, I’m going to call her ……”


The young apprentice was in a hurry to run outside and accidentally collided with Leng Qianxue, and a bowl of hot Chinese medicine was splashed on Leng Qianxue.


Fortunately, the weather was cold and Leng Qianxue was dressed enough to not be scalded.


Only the back of her hand still spilled some of the medicine stains, which instantly turned red ……


“Why are you taking the risk?” Xiaohua chided.


“I’m sorry, sister Qianxue ……” The young apprentice quickly apologized, “Are you okay? I’ll go get you the burn cream.”


“It’s fine.” Leng Qianxue put her hand on her back to keep it out of sight, “Where’s Dr. Hua?”


“Lying in bed.” The young apprentice said, “I’ll take you in.”


“Mhm.” Leng Qianxue lifted her steps into the room and saw Dr. Hua lying on the large wooden bed, squinting in confusion, looking blearily at the door, his pale face full of expectation ……


Leng Qianxue could not hold back and wet her eyes all of a sudden.


“Master, sister Qianxue has come to see you.” Little Flower called out softly.


“Good, good.” Doctor Hua braced himself to sit up, but was weak and feeble.


Little Apprentice and Little Flower hurriedly helped him lean on the bed and fed him a bowl of medicine before he eased over ……


Leng Qianxue sat on the edge of the bed, wiped the medicine stains around his mouth with a cotton handkerchief and said guiltily, “Doctor Hua, I’m sorry, if you hadn’t followed me around, you wouldn’t have fallen ill.”


“Silly boy, it’s none of your business.” Dr Hua smiled, “I’m 99 years old, I’ve lived to this age, I’ve already lived a long life, people get old, their body functions will age, there will be another day.”


“If you hadn’t followed me abroad, you would have lived to be two hundred years old.” Leng Qianxue’s voice choked up.


“Haha ……” Dr. Hua couldn’t help but laugh, “Silly child, two hundred years old, wouldn’t that be an old goblin?”


“Not at all ……,” Leng Qianxue was instantly amused by him as well.


“Don’t think nonsense.” Dr. Hua patted the back of her hand and said soothingly, “Although I suffered many setbacks and hardships in the first half of my life, the second half of my life was very pleasant. That’s because I met your father, a forgotten friend, who helped me a lot and made this divine life possible.


When something happened to him, I was very remorseful and hated myself for not being able to do something for him, and then when you came to me, I was very happy in my heart, thinking that I could finally pay back some of the kindness I owed your father, so I was happy to be able to do something for you.”


“Thank you ……,” Leng Qianxue choked out these three words, tears welling up in her eyes.


“The good thing is that both you and Yue Yue are getting better, and now I don’t have anything to worry about, so I’m relieved that you’re doing well in the future.” Dr Hua was very emotional, “If you can, bring the children to meet me, I’m afraid I won’t be able to see them for a while longer.”


“Tomorrow, tomorrow I will let the children come to meet you.” Leng Qianxue immediately arranged, “Do you have any more wishes?”


“One more wish, I want to return to my roots, go back to Phoenix and spend my last days in peace and quiet ……” Dr. Hua sighed, “but this body doesn’t fight, I’m afraid I can’t even fly. ”


“Leave this matter to me, I’ll make the arrangements.”


As soon as Leng Qianxue finished speaking, Leng Bing immediately went to arrange for a special medical plane.


“There’s another thing, I need to ask you too.”


Dr. Hua breathlessly pointed at Little Flower and his young apprentice.


“They have been with me since they were in their twenties, they have studied Chinese medicine with one eye on the world, they haven’t read much and don’t know much about the outside world, I am afraid that after I go, they will have no one to rely on and will be in an atmosphere ……”


“You don’t worry, I will take care of them in your place in the future.” Leng Qianxue immediately a*sured, “With me around, no one has bullied them.”