Am I A Gigolo Chapter 1341-1342

Chapter 1341

Night Fai looked aggrieved, deflated, and didn’t dare to speak.


“You don’t give him a hard time.” Night Zhen Ting said indifferently, “In fact, it’s because I have an incurable disease and I don’t know how long I will live, so I made this will just in case.”


“What?” Night Sen’s entire body was stunned and it took him a while to react, questioning excitedly, “What incurable disease? Are you joking with me, young master? Don’t you scare me, I’m, I’m too old to stand the scare.”


“I’m not scaring you.” Night Zhen Ting was very calm, “Do you still remember Ling Yun?”


“That eldest daughter of Ling Fengye, I remember, but, at this time, what are you mentioning her for ……” Night Sen was anxious.


“That day I exposed her trickery in front of grandpa, she failed to defend herself and poured poison on Leng Qianxue, which I blocked ……”


Night Zhen Ting calmly recounted the whole incident, and after finishing, sighed –


“Before she was taken away by the police, she stared at me with an extremely sinister look and gestured to me, saying that I would soon go down to accompany her.


I didn’t think anything of it at the time, and it wasn’t until later that I realised the meaning of that remark.


I could never have imagined that that poison could be so vicious that just a little splash into the eye could have gotten me into such a mess ……”


“How could that happen? That woman is too vicious.” Night Sen was mad with anger, and then anxiously pursued, “Did you find Dr. Hua? Isn’t he very good at detoxifying poisons? She detoxified Feng Qianxue and also Yue Yue, she must be able to do the same for you ……”


“It’s too late.” Night Zhen Ting interrupted him and said indifferently, “Doctor Hua has pa*sed away.”


“。。。。” Night Sen’s entire body was stunned and it took him a long time to react, “Pa*sed away? When did that happen?”


“Just a few days ago, Leng Qianxue and I organized his old man’s funeral and sent him off for the last time.” Night Zhen Ting said indifferently, “So, now my poison, there is no medicine to cure it at all!”


“How is it possible ……” Night Sen still didn’t dare to believe it, “There must still be a divine doctor, there must still be a way.”


“There’s also a disciple of Doctor Hua called Buddha’s Hand, we’ve been looking for him, but unfortunately there’s no clue.” Night Fai interjected.


“As long as there is still hope, don’t give up.” Night Sen was very excited, “Buddha Hand I know, he is a good friend of Leng Di Feng, if we find Leng Di Feng, we will be able to find Buddha Hand.”


“Leng Di Feng is also missing now, we’re all looking for it.” Night Fai said in a low voice.


“How are you guys doing your job? Can’t even find a person?” Night Sen was so angry that he hit Night Fai with his cane, “You and Night Jun are the ones I taught, and that’s all you’re capable of?”


“I’m sorry, teacher.”


Night Fai lowered his head in shame.


He had rarely called Night Sen teacher since he had followed Night Zhen Ting, but he was really ashamed to be scolded by Night Sen like that tonight, and he hated himself for being incompetent and unable to find the Buddha’s Hand.


If he had been able to find it, he would have solved the matter long ago, why would he have to do so?


Night Sen glared at Night Fai indignantly, and then asked Night Zhen Ting, “By the way, were you in treatment when you disappeared for two months before? Didn’t Dr. Hua come up with a solution?”


“The other medical team was sought at the time, and Dr. Hua followed Miss Leng to E ……”


Night Fai blurted out.


“Shut up!” Night Zhen Ting interrupted him and glared at him coldly, “You’ve grown up now? I’m talking to Uncle Sen and you can just interrupt?”


“My subordinate deserves to die.” Night Hui scrambled back to the side, not daring to say any more.


“You should have sought treatment from Dr. Hua at that time, why ……” Night Sen was anxious, “Does Leng Qianxue know about your poisoning?”


“She doesn’t know.” Night Zhen Ting immediately explained, “At that time Yue Yue was also suffering from severe poisoning and needed Dr. Hua, I couldn’t possibly delay her and her mother’s treatment for my own condition.”

Chapter 1342

“The family could have been treated together.” Night Sen was furious, “They shouldn’t have gone to E at that time, the family stayed in Mid-levels and let Dr. Hua treat them properly, so that no one would be delayed.”


“Dr. Hua is too old to survive.” Night Zhen Ting explained, “He held on to his last breath, and after treating the two of them, he collapsed, and if another one of me was added, I’m afraid all three of them would have to be delayed.”


“But ……”


“Well, Uncle Sen.” Night Zhen Ting interrupted Night Sen and said soothingly, “The wood has been laid to rest, there is no need to pursue any cause now.”


“Yes.” Night Sen lowered his head, not daring to say more, although he still had some resentment against Leng Qianxue in his heart, he didn’t dare to say any more.


He didn’t believe that Dr. Hua would collapse early if he treated one more person, and he still felt in his heart that it was Leng Qianxue who had delayed the treatment of Night Zhen Ting.


“I asked you to come because I want to entrust the entire Night Family to you.” Night Zhen Ting said solemnly, “Night Hui and Night Jun have followed me for many years and are considered brave and resourceful, but they are still far behind you.


You have enough ability to take charge of the big picture, but due to the issue of your identity, you may lack some convincing power, so I will find an opportunity to establish an identity for you.”


“Understood.” Night Sen didn’t object again, but followed Night Zhen Ting’s meaning and said, “I will cooperate with you fully, and as long as I am still alive, I will definitely guard the Night Family!”


“That’s right.” Night ZhenTing was very pleased and urged, “You take more care of your health, you must not fall down before the children grow up.”


“Mm.” Night Sen nodded, his eyes a little red.


“Alright, go back, I have to see Chiang later.” Night Zhen Ting raised the corners of his lips, “Take good care of your health, I’ll let you know when I’ve made the arrangements.”


“Good.” Night Sen looked at Night ZhenTing, wanting to say something.


“Send Uncle Sen out.” Night Zhen Ting instructed Night Hui.


“Yes.” Night Fai pushed Night Sen to leave.


“Old Jiang hasn’t come yet, push me to go around the courtyard.” Night Sen looked outside at the familiar garden and couldn’t help but feel a little emotional, “Old master used to, like to sit in the garden and gaze around.”


“Good, it’s raining, I’ll have someone get an umbrella, you wait a moment.”


Night Fai had the user bring a large black umbrella, and with one hand, he pushed Night Sen to the garden.


The garden was tended by a professional gardener and was very beautiful, but Night Sen had no time to admire the beauty, but asked in a grave manner, “Tell me, is the young master’s illness, really that serious?”


“From the time the problem was discovered until now, more than three months, before that it was only occasional blurred vision and dizziness, but last night, blindness for a few hours, according to the doctor, it was toxicity into the brain, affecting the sensory nerves ……”


Night Fai frankly confesses what happened, and finally says sentimentally –


“Not long ago, we went to see Dr. Hua with a ray of hope, when his old man could no longer hold on, he kept the Night King’s condition in mind, and felt very sorry in his heart.


Before he went, with his last strength, he wrote a prescription for medicine, but unfortunately, he died before he could finish it.


But before he left, he told us that his disciple, Buddha’s Hand, would definitely be able to understand the prescription and find a solution to save him.


So, we have been trying to find Buddha’s hand, but unfortunately, we have not heard from him yet.”


“I’ll think of something too.” Night Sen frowned, “As long as there is a chance of survival, we can’t give up.”


“Yes.” Night Hui nodded, “We haven’t given up, we’ve been trying to think of a way.”


“The Night Family is down to the young master, if he falls, then the whole family will collapse and the Night Family’s hundred year old foundation will be ruined ……”


Night Sen said and his eyes turned red, “I promised the old master that I would guard the young master well, if anything happens to him, how can I face the old master under the nine springs!”