Am I A Gigolo Chapter 1349-1350

Chapter 1349

The words were spoken in a fierce tone, but with the commitment and responsibility of a man.


Leng Qianxue said “thank you” again, and then didn’t know what to say.


“Why are you so useless?” Night Zhen Ting frowned at her, “Aren’t you arrogant and C*cky in front of me? How come you’re such a wimp in front of others?”


“。。。。” Leng Qianxue froze, “Where am I being a coward? I even dislike him.”


“Dislike him? You should have thrown that agreement in his face.” Night Zhen Ting was furious, “He has bullied you, can’t you have some backbone?”


“。。。。” Leng Qianxue was speechless.


“Just a nester!”


Night Zhen Ting glared at her indignantly and turned to leave.


Leng Qianxue looked at his back, and for a moment, was actually speechless.


A nest?


Could it be that the two of them were still considered to be in the same nest now?


This thought flashed by, and a strange feeling surged in Leng Qianxue’s heart ……


Night Zhen Ting got into the car and directly instructed Night Hui: “Gather all the shareholders of the stadium project and meet me after three days.”


“Yes.” Night Hui immediately informed to go down.


Meanwhile, Night Zhen Ting’s mobile phone kept vibrating, all from the old duke, he directly hung up the phone and blacked out the number.


“It’s all notified.” Night Hui finished the call and said to Night Zhen Ting, “Night King, what are you, planning to do?”


“The old duke is bullying people too much, knowing that Leng Qianxue is one of my people, and still bullying her.” Night Zhen Ting said angrily, “He must be given some credit!”


“Understood.” Night Hui knew the nature of Night Zhen Ting, he was the most protective, no matter what his relationship with Leng Qianxue had become, he could not allow anyone to bully Leng Qianxue.


Especially since he had already warned the old Duke, but the old Duke still bullied Leng Qianxue, Night ZhenTing was even more furious!


If it was before, Night Fai would have advised Night Zhending not to be impulsive, but now, instead, he did not advise.


It didn’t matter what Night ZhenTing wanted to do or how he wanted to do it, as long as he was happy.


“It’s still early, do you still want to go and see Miss Jin?” Night Hui asked cautiously.


Night Zhen Ting thought for a moment and replied indifferently, “Another time.”


“Alright.” Night Fai took out his phone, “Then I’ll return a message to her, she even sent a message asking about it just now.”


“Just say that we’ll invite her again some other time.”




Halfway up the mountain, by the roadside.


Jin Yunxi was still looking at the road down the mountain, hoping that Night Zhen Ting would pa*s by after his business and maybe meet up.


But after waiting for a long time, she waited for news from Night Fai that Night Zhen Ting was not coming down the mountain, so she could not meet him today.


She felt very lost, every time she had her hopes raised, only to be interrupted in the middle, again and again like this, the originally calm, she was now a little sullen ……


She felt that she had to do something about it.


“Miss Jin, they’re here.”


The attendant reminded in a low voice.


Jin Yunxi raised her eyes to look at the white Bentley that was coming down the hill head-on, the Louis family’s car.


Sure enough, the car slowly stopped as it got a good look at Jin Yunxi at the roadside, and the old duke got out with his attendant and slowly approached, asking politely, “Miss Jin, what are you doing here?”


“If the Duke hadn’t come, I would be on the Night Chief’s yacht at this time.”


Jin Yunxi said it politely, but also meaningfully.


The old duke froze for a moment and quickly responded, “It seems I have inadvertently ruined your date with Mr. Night, sorry about that!”


“Lord Duke, are you here to see Miss Leng?” Jin Yunxi inquired with a smile.


“Yes.” The old duke said bluntly, “About the gymnasium project, I wanted her to withdraw voluntarily, but she didn’t agree, and coupled with Mr. Night’s imposed interference, there’s some trouble now.”

Chapter 1350

“I suggest you don’t look for trouble with Miss Leng.” Jin Yunxi said bluntly, “Although Mr. Night has separated from her, the friendship is still there, so if someone bullies her, Mr. Night will definitely step in!”


“It shouldn’t be.” The old duke was full of doubts, “Mr. Night and Leng Qianxue have an intricate feud, moreover, Mr. Night already has you as his confidante now, why does he still want to protect Leng Qianxue?”


“You’ll have to ask Chief Night about that, and I’d love to know the answer.” Jin Yunxi smiled faintly, “I’m just kindly reminding Lord Duke not to get himself into trouble, after all, Chief Night can’t afford to be offended!”


“What is Miss Jin’s instruction?” The old duke looked deeply at Jin Yunxi.


“If I’m right, Lord Duke should have hit a nail in the coffin with Chief Night just now, right?” Jin Yunxi said meaningfully, “Seeing that you are still calm now, it means that General Night has not yet put down his harsh words, but from what I know about him, he should take measures soon.”


“。。。。。” The old duke was slightly stunned, “What Miss Kim means is ……”


“It’s not yours, you shouldn’t keep it by force, I suggest you return the investment money and get down to business, there might be a way out ……”


Jin Yunxi said more directly, “I know that your side of the financial situation is not good, now it all depends on this project to turn around, if you are not careful to be kicked out, then it really is not worth the loss!”


“Are you saying that Night Zhen Ting is kicking me out?” The old duke was shocked, “No way?”


“Why wouldn’t it?” Jin Yunxi smiled coldly, “You probably forgot that his business manoeuvres in the old days never showed any mercy.


What’s more, your son took someone’s love first, you forced him to do it later, and now he disobeys the warning and bullies him.


Even if you beat a dog, you have to look at the master. Even if Leng Qianxue is in a bad shape, she is still the mother of his child, and you have challenged his patience three times, and now you have offended his scales, and he will never show you any mercy.”


Hearing these words, the old duke was greatly shocked and hastily thanked, “Thank you, Miss Jin, for mentioning this, I will definitely thank you again when I have the chance in the future!”


As soon as the car door closed, he called his lawyer, “Return Leng Qianxue’s twenty billion investment funds to her, no more nonsense, do it now!”


The car started up and drove out, the old duke even opened the window and waved his hand to Jin Yunxi to thank her.


Jin Yunxi nodded slightly as a greeting in return.


After seeing the old duke’s car leave, Jin Yunxi also got into the car and slowly descended the hill with her entourage.


“Miss Jin, I don’t understand, why are you mentioning him?” The attendant asked in disbelief.


“If he keeps finding trouble with Leng Qianxue, Chief Night will have to protect Leng Qianxue all the time, and I won’t have a chance to get close to him ……”


Jin Yunxi said indifferently-


“Give him a mention, mainly because I want him to hurry up and take his son and get the hell back to France, don’t delay me here, and secondly, send him a favor by the way, it might be useful in the future.”


“So it is.” The attendant nodded repeatedly, “But won’t this inadvertently help Leng Qianxue now?”


“That’s the third benefit.” Jin Yunxi hooked her lips in a smile, “Sooner or later, she will know that it was me who helped her, then, she will even owe me a favour.”


“But, if you don’t help, Chief Night will also step in.” The attendant asked cautiously, “The problem can always be solved.”


“Leng Qianxue may not agree with Chief Night doing this, moreover, if Chief Night really strikes, his wrist will be too ruthless, it will definitely sensationalise the business circle and tarnish the reputation of Night, she will not want him to do this, of course, neither do I!”


Jin Yunxi looked out of the window, the villa in Mid-levels South, and raised her eyebrows slightly, “I’m doing this, it’s kind of killing three birds with one stone, Leng Qianxue will thank me!”