Am I A Gigolo Chapter 1381-1382

Chapter 1381

Knowing that something had happened to Night Shocking, Jin Yunxi had arrived in half an hour when it was supposed to be an hour’s drive.


Getting out of the car, Dr. Helen covered her heart with a dry heave and almost vomited.


“What’s wrong with Dr. Helen?” Lei Yu asked in dismay.


“Motion sickness.” Kim Yunxi said calmly, “Prepare a cup of hot coffee for her, drink it and she’ll be fine.”


“Fine, fine.”


Lei Yu immediately sent someone to prepare hot coffee.


She knew that Jin Yunxi’s driver must have driven furiously all the way to reach Mid-levels South so quickly.


The coiled road at Mount Qiu Ming was already winding, and with such a rush, Dr Helen must have experienced a roller coaster ride.


Dr Helen had her coffee and before her butt was even warmed up, she was urged by Jin Yunxi to go upstairs to check on Night Zhen Ting.


She had to put down her coffee cup and take her a*sistant upstairs.


“Miss Kim, Dr. Helen.” Night Fai quickly greeted her, “Thank you for your trouble!”


“Night Fai, this is Dr. Helen ……,” Jin Yunxi introduced Night Fai and Dr. Helen to each other, then asked, “How is Mr. Night?”


“Still in a coma.” Night Fai frowned and said in English, “Dr. Helen, please!”


“I’ll go check first.” True to his reputation as a doctor who does practical work, Dr Helen walked straight in, “Someone come and talk to me about the situation.”


“Coming.” Lei Yu immediately followed.


Jin Yunxi also wanted to go in, but was stopped by Night Fai, “Miss Jin, you’ve worked hard, why don’t you rest in the guest room first.”


“I want to go in and see Mr. Night.”


Jin Yunxi’s eyes crossed over Night Fai’s arm and looked towards the room, Lei Yu went in and closed the door behind him, with two attendants guarding the outside.


It was a very strict formation.


“Chief Night is in treatment right now, it’s not appropriate for anyone other than the doctor to enter.” Night Fai explained, “I know you are worried, I have arranged a guest room for you, you can rest here tonight, and when the Night King wakes up tomorrow morning, he will be able to see you.”


“It’s good.” Jin Yunxi thought about being able to stay, it was also a good opportunity, there was no rush for this moment, “Then I’ll trouble you!”


“You’re welcome, I’ll show you to the guest room.” Night Fai led Jin Yunxi to the guest room upstairs, “I’ve arranged rooms for your men as well, you can rest a*sured.”


“Thank you.”


With that, both Jin Yunxi and her two men stayed at the Night Family.


Night Fai even had Rong Ma cook dinner for them, and only after everything had settled down did she go over to Night Zhen Ting’s side.


Jin Yunxi found two maids guarding the outside of her room, under the beautiful name of being at her disposal at all times.


But she knew that Night Fai had sent someone to keep an eye on her, for fear that she might wander off.


All this cautious behaviour made Jin Yunxi even more uneasy, and her expression was very grave.


“I’ve long heard that the Night Family has many rules, but I never thought it would be so strict.” The attendant whispered, “One bodyguard at three steps, and two servants guarding the entrance to each room, it’s simply stricter than the palace.”


“Could it be that we are afraid of sneaking up on the Night Chief?” Another attendant guessed.


“It shouldn’t be ……” Jin Yunxi walked back and forth in the room, “I’m afraid that something has happened to Chief Night’s health in a major way and they are afraid that the news will get out, after all, his safety and security affects the fate of the whole family and the group, if the outside world knows that something has happened to Chief Night If the outside world knew that something had happened to the Chief, Night’s shares would definitely plummet.”


“That’s right, when I saw Mr. Night this morning, he was still in good spirits, how come he’s …… now?”


“Is that vase smashed so badly?”


“Smashed down on the head, you try?” Jin Yunxi bellowed angrily.


“Yes.” The attendant lowered his head in a panic, not daring to breathe.


“Order it down, take down the perpetrator and all those involved.” Jin Yunxi ordered blatantly.


“Yes.” The attendant immediately called to inform.


“And that Leng Qianxue, if it wasn’t for her, how could Chief Night turn out like this?” Jin Yunxi gritted her teeth in hatred, “She’s a scourge!”


“So, should we fix her?” The attendant asked cautiously.


“No, she can’t be touched.” Jin Yunxi frowned, “Although she’s hateful, she is after all someone that Chief Night cares about, if anything happens to her, Chief Night will be uneasy too.”


“Alright.” The attendant didn’t dare to say any more.


“I wonder how Chief Night is doing.”


Jin Yunxi was apprehensive and wanted to go down and take a look, but thinking that if she did, Night Fai might not let her see Night Zhen Ting, she could only give up.


She repeatedly reminded herself that she must be calm ……


The actual fact is that you have to have the ability to be able to sit in the position of the mistress of the night household without changing her face.


Otherwise, even the bodyguard maids will not look up to her.


But Jin Yunxi was still uneasy, so she opened the door to her room and said to the maids outside, “Please, remember to let me know if Mr. Night wakes up.”


“Yes, don’t worry, I will definitely come to report to you immediately if there is any situation.”


The maid said respectfully.


“Okay, thanks.”


Jin Yunxi glanced downstairs, which was calm and should still be healing.


“Well?” Night Fai came to Night Zhen Ting’s room.


“Shhh~” Lei Yu reminded him to be quiet.


Night Fai didn’t dare to speak and stood honestly waiting.


Dr Helen looked at all of Night Zhen Ting’s examination reports and also examined his wounds and current condition, and looked very grave: “You guys overestimate my medical skills, I’m afraid there’s nothing I can do about this.”


“Doctor Helen, think of something, you must be able to do it.” Lei Yu was anxious.


“The most I can do is to stabilise Chief Night’s current condition, for a short period of time, and not allow it to continue to deteriorate, but a cure is out of the question.” Dr. Helen was very straightforward in what she said, “You need to hire someone else, however, there may not be much hope ……”


Hearing these words, Night Fai’s heart was half cold, he still had his heart in his mouth, thinking that there would be a miracle, but he didn’t expect Dr. Helen to extinguish his hope straight away.


“Let’s stabilize the condition first.” Lei Yu said gruffly, “I’ll trouble you, Dr Helen.”


“I need some equipment, you go and prepare it for me.” Dr Helen said decisively to Lei Yu, “I’m going to do a small operation on Chief Night, if it works well, it should stabilise it for a while!”


“Fine, fine, I’ll go and prepare it right away ……”


This night, the atmosphere of the night family was unprecedentedly gloomy, all the bodyguards and servants were on tenterhooks, waiting to spend this long and difficult night.


The night Hui Lei Yu and A Hai and others stayed up all night, keeping watch over Night Zhen Ting in his room.


At 1.30am, Dr Helen performed a minor operation on Night Zhen Ting and some other treatments, and finally instructed Lei Yu –


“This minor surgery will only temporarily ease the spread of the toxicity, you must take care of him carefully and never let him get hurt again, otherwise Jesus won’t be able to save him.”


“Understood.” Lei Yu nodded heavily.


“During this period of time, you must recuperate, it is best not to use too much physical strength, so that the toxicity does not continue to spread.” Dr. Helen continued to admonish, “For the medication, just take it as before, there is no particular medicine that has also used now anyway.”


“Okay, got it.”


Lei Yu listened even more heavily, Dr. Helen’s words were not optimistic about Night Zhen Ting’s condition.


“With all due respect ……” Dr. Helen thought about it and finally said, “I can only stabilize this operation for a month at most without a seizure, but after that it is not clear, I suggest that within this month, all the things that should be handed over, the will is also ……”


Before Dr. Helen could finish her words, seeing the ironic faces of Night Fai and several bodyguards, she stopped again, “Forget I said that!”


“Dr. Helen, I’ll send you to the guest room to rest.” Lei Yu hurriedly sent Dr. Helen away.