His Secret Lover Chapter 1123-1124

Chapter 1123

This housekeeper, in order to defend Jing Qin, actually put all the fault on Huo Sicheng.

Jing Qin’s entire expression immediately went cold and stern.

“What kind of fart are you putting out? Get the hell out of here!”

“Young master-”


In the end, Jing Tianming didn’t make another move.

Only, when he reached the living room and took a look at the closed door of the room upstairs, his face turned very ugly.

“I won’t bother with you about this matter, but, you send her away for me today.”

“What do you mean?”

Jing Qin, who was still hunched over his stomach, immediately raised his head when he heard these words, “Send her away where? She’s not well enough to go now!”

“Then you don’t have to worry, when I came, her brother already said that he had already purchased a property here as well in the past two days, after I come over, I will call him directly and he will arrange for someone to come and pick her up, so you don’t have to worry about it.”

When Jing Tianming finished speaking, he directly grabbed the phone on the corner table next to him.

He was just about to dial the number, but at that moment, a figure scurried over and with a loud “pop”, the phone, together with the microphone in Jing Tianming’s hand, was slammed to the ground.

The phone, along with the microphone in Jing Tianming’s hand, was slammed to the ground!

“Who are you to decide things for me? Have you forgotten your own identity?”

“What did you say?”

A rage was about to flare up again.

This was indeed how this father and son usually got along.

Because Jing Qin was an illegitimate child, since he was young, he had grown up amidst the ridicule and blank stares of others, and although he would visit him from time to time, in actuality, his kind of performance, in his eyes, was no different from a handout.

So, he actually had a very strong hatred in his heart.

The butler, seeing that it was going to be bad again, had to act as a peacemaker once again and talk the father and son away.

“Master, why do you need to quarrel with the young master over such a trivial matter? It’s not like you don’t know that he likes nothing better than to go against you, and if you ask him to send that woman away in such a commanding way, he won’t obediently listen to you even if he wants to.”


With that sentence, Jing Tianming, who had been pulled out, then came to a realization.

“So what do you mean ……?”

“When he’s not around, just send him away, he won’t say anything when he comes back.”

The butler said with certainty.

In fact, Jing Qin was like this, several times in the past when he messed with this father, the butler secretly got things done, and when he came back and saw it, he would turn a blind eye.

Jing Tianming’s face eased up and he agreed to the suggestion.

He wasn’t really doing it for anything else.

The Divine Family he would have had to pull in now, after all, there was still use for them in the future.

However, that woman looked too crazy, and he was afraid that if this continued, it would really bring him, his son, some kind of calamity, so it was better to send her away before it was too late.

The night.

Huo Si Xing had actually stayed obediently in her bedroom this day.

She heard the commotion downstairs and the sound of Jing Qin being beaten, and after listening to it, she, who had all wanted to sneak away, stayed patiently in her bedroom for a rare moment.

She intended to wait for him to return and say something before she left.

But this night, instead of waiting for Jing Qin, she waited for the housekeeper in this villa instead.

“Young Lady God, haven’t you always wanted to go to Z to find your husband? We have a car going there now, do you want to go?”


Huo Si Xing was standing in this bedroom, staring at this housekeeper with an expressionless face.

After her recent recuperation here, probably because of the medication, her mind was not as muddled as it had been when she first arrived, and she would start to think about things when she encountered them.

So, late at night, he asked her to go to Z?

Huo Si Xing probably pondered for half a minute or so, after which she turned around decisively, grabbed some of the finery, and followed the housekeeper out of the villa garden where she had been living for almost ten days.

It was a late autumn night, and the wind was chilly everywhere.

The sky was also too dark to see.

Huo Si Xing drove on the road in this sedan, not saying a word all the way until, after the car got on the highway, it suddenly turned around and wanted to drive from the other side.

“Turn around!”

Just one icy sentence.

A sharp eyebrow-trimming knife, with a bone-chilling coldness, had been placed against this driver’s neck.

The driver’s soul was about to be scared out of his mind.

Immediately, the car came to a halt at the entrance of the highway with a creak.

In the blink of an eye, the car sped off in the direction of Z.

It was already the next morning when Jing Qin learned of this incident.

He had been at the nightclub last night, he hadn’t been here for two days, lots of things to take care of, plus, that annoying father of his had come and he didn’t want to see him at all.

Once he came back and heard about it, his whole body froze in place for a few seconds.

“Who did you say took her away?”

“Master, ah, he took her back to the capital and was going to tell you about it, but the young master didn’t come back last night, so he just took her away.”

The butler said again with a tongue in cheek.

As a result, just as his words fell, a scarlet red instantly came up in the young master’s eyes before him, and the next second, he kicked him straight out!


That was definitely a kick that didn’t give any chance of survival.

Because, when this butler came down heavily from mid-air, there was no reaction directly.


Huo Si Xing hadn’t slept all night.

She just drove that car and kept on running wildly in the dark, except for pa*sing by a petrol station midway and filling up a little bit of fuel, she almost didn’t stop for the whole night.

After dawn, her car, at last, arrived at the border crossing.

“Get your papers out quickly, you’ll be going through later.”

“Got it.”

Her car slowed down and at a glance she saw a short queue of cars at the entrance to this border crossing, and the nearest pickup truck, the young couple inside, was preparing their documents.

This was the border, to get past other countries, so of course there were documents.

The woman who had been driving all night, her brows furrowed before her bloodshot eyes stared ahead and she had to pull over first.

No papers, so how was one to get them?

After rummaging through the car and finding no driving licence or other documents at all, she looked up and stared at the pickup!

“I found them all, here they are, look, honey, the papers are here.”

“Good, take them then, we ……”

The male driver’s voice came to a raw halt.

For, he saw a young woman suddenly appear next to their pickup truck, and she grabbed their rolled down window, her eyes fixed on the papers in their hands like a wolf.

“Is there any way to take me with you? If it works out, there’s half a million in this card, and it’s all yours!”

After pulling out a golden card from his body, Huo Sixing raised it in front of the young couple.

The young couple was frozen.

Bring it over and it’s half a million?!

Did they hear it wrong? This woman did not look like she had any money, her face was pale, her hair was messy, and the only thing she was wearing that could be called neat was the ordinary domestic style.

So there’s half a million dollars in this little card?

The young couple did not believe it.

When Huo Si Xing saw this, he lost a bit of patience: “If you don’t believe me, you can bring me there and then give it to these border guards, what does it matter?”

The young couple: “……”

In the end, they let Huo Si Xing get into the car, tempted by the huge windfall.

Ten minutes or so later, as the pickup truck drove off towards the port, Huo Sixing was in the back compartment and had turned into a woman lying in a futon going to Z for medical treatment.

“Mr. Officer, we two are taking our sister to Z for treatment, she has cancer and they have helped her find donor resources over there, look, here are her medical records and our papers.”

The young wife explained to the border guard while taking out various documents and medical records from her body as she pa*sed through the border crossing.

This was true.

Huo Sixing hadn’t expected that the young couple had really prepared an extra ID card either.

Only, they weren’t sending someone over for treatment, but bringing someone back from within the Z country.

So, when the border police officer came over to check, he lifted the canvas of the carriage at the back and saw at a glance the woman who was huddled in the blanket inside.

“All right, let’s go.”

The border guard didn’t see the flaw.

Because, Huo Si Xing’s make-up skills were also very high. In the past, in city A, she was called a devil-like woman because of her exaggerated make-up.

The pickup truck soon drove out of the crossing.

Stopping again, it was hundreds of kilometres away from this port, and they had arrived at the first city in the country of Z.

“Okay, you guys just put me down here, this card, up ahead is the domestic banking institution, you can go and get it now, I’ll wait for you here.”

Huo Si Xing jumped out of the car and promised to wait for them here after throwing the card to the young couple.

The young couple took a look at her and dared to make such a promise, where would they not believe it?

“Miss misunderstood, we don’t disbelieve you. By the way, then you don’t have any documents, it will still be a lot of inconvenience when you arrive here. If you believe us, you can talk to us or you can help us.”


Standing like this next to this pickup truck, this woman stared at this other couple with her arms wrapped around her for a while before finally, she said, “I’m going to Beisan.”

“Huh?” The young couple was taken aback.

North Swatow?

Wasn’t that the most dangerous place in this country? It was also located at the border, and although there was very much trade to and from there, it was once the most war-torn place in this country as well.

It remains so to this day.

Not long ago, I even heard that a very high-ranking military commander in the country had died there while hunting down the murderous bandits.

The young couple was worried: “You’re going there, that place is not very peaceful oh, it’s dangerous for you to go there alone.”

“It’s okay!”

Huo Si Xing was already a bit impatient, after throwing down this sentence coldly, she lifted her feet and left.

The young couple were still relatively enthusiastic people, and after seeing this scene, that husband chased after them again, “In that case, then we’ll give you this pickup truck, you have no papers and it’s troublesome to get a car here.”

He handed over the car keys straight away.

Huo Si Xing looked at it twice, but in the end, he took the keys and got into the car.