His Secret Lover Chapter 1133-1134

Chapter 1133

Little Ruo Ruo’s eyes lit up again as soon as she heard that.

“Yes, yes, but my surname is Huo, not God Oh.” She corrected solemnly.

As a result, the two little girls didn’t even listen.

After they heard that she was the God child that Mum and Dad had been talking about at home for the last few days just to get angry, a flash of hatred pa*sed through the two sisters’ eyes and they began to calculate.

“Are you trying to get us to play?”

“Yes, yes, sister, let’s play hide-and-seek together, it’s fun.”

Little Ruo Ruo was so simple that once she heard that her two sisters wanted to play with her, she became very happy again.

The little girl really didn’t have a bad voice this time either.

However, she made one condition.

“Yes, as long as you learn how to play this piano, we will play with you.”


Little Ruo Ruo’s big gla*s-pearl-like eyes looked at the two sisters, bewildered again.

She had to play the piano?

She didn’t know how to play.

When she was little, her mummy had sent her to learn to play the piano and dance, but she didn’t know how to do that, she didn’t have any artistic ability, except for eating and combing her Barbie doll’s hair.

She couldn’t do anything.

Little RuoRuo had a difficult look on her face.

But soon the two little girls handed her one of theirs.

“Here, you don’t have to play a tune, just a few notes, and I’ll teach you here.” The girl with the violin, said to her.

So simple oh.

Little Ruo Ruo finally agreed.

At that moment, after those chubby little hands took this violin, she started to look at this young lady and learned it seriously.

“Do ……”


Little RuoRuo pulled it out very accurately.

She really didn’t love learning this, but back then, when Wen Shu Shu was teaching Mo Bao and Huo Yin, she didn’t force her much.

So, a few simple notes, she still knew.

The little girl’s face changed when she heard the tone.

This little girl, she actually knew it?!!!

Then why did she lie to her just now? Saying that she didn’t know it? Was this to slap her in the face?

The little girl became even more angry, and immediately, the zither in her hand, came to a very complicated tone in her hand, so complicated that it was changing notes.

Little Ruo Ruo froze.

This didn’t seem to be a note oh.

“Sister, you this ……”

“What? Can’t pull it off? Let me tell you, these are very simple notes, and if you can’t pull them out, then we won’t play with you, and besides, we’ll tell the kids around us that you don’t know how to do anything!”


Little Ruo Ruo’s black grape-like eyes immediately went all round.

How could this little girl be so bad? How dare she tell the children that she can’t do anything?

Little Ruo Ruo was a little angry and her eyes were red.

“Just pull, I will.”

She said with a puff of anger.

Then, after adjusting her grip, she began to pull in earnest.


But unexpectedly, this one was very hard to hear.

“Hahahahahaha ……” The two little girls heard it and burst out laughing until they fell backwards and forwards, just short of running in immediately to tell their mothers how stupid this little God family girl was.

So, some of the evil in human nature really has nothing to do with age, it’s just innate.

Little Ruo Ruo’s round, dark eyes were already filled with water, and her little red, moist mouth was deflated.

No, she mustn’t let them tell Mummy that she was a little fool and wouldn’t pull these.

She couldn’t let Mummy lose face here!

The little girl sniffled her little nose and immediately, she adjusted her position again and continued pulling.

“Gacha ……”

“Gah bared-”



“Rafa shiver-”

As the tiny hand was adjusted again and again, and laughed at again and again by the two little girls in front of her, finally, little RuoRuo managed to pull those notes out.

When the little girl heard that, all of a sudden, her face stank again.

This little idiot had pulled them out again?

They were angry and furious, and were about to make more outrageous demands to spite them, but then the little girl in front of them, who had been spurned twice, sent the instrument back.

“I won’t play anymore, sister, you go on, I won’t ask you to play anymore.”

Her big eyes were all red.

Yet, when she returned the violin, she was still polite, and after giving it to the little girl, she turned around and ran away.

The two little girls: “Oh, it’s good that you know what you’re doing!”

Then these two went back to playing the violin.

And over here, little Ruo Ruo, after running away from here, immediately went to look for her two brothers, still holding her little hands.

Until, finally, she saw her Yin brother.

“Brother, wow ……”

Seeing her brother, this time, the little girl could no longer hold back, ran over and then held her little hand and cried out.

Huo Yin will be bored to look at the boy in front of him a big cut, selling his Rubik’s cube, suddenly saw the sister ran over crying, immediately, his face changed.

“What’s wrong? Who’s bullying you?”

What a second, just like his daddy, this little guy had a particularly frighteningly cold aura all around him.

Little RuoRuo then brought his little hand to his brother with a sniffle and a tear: “It’s bleeding, wow ~~~~”

Chapter 1134

The loud cries with snotty bubbles coming out made hearts break.

Huo Yin’s pretty pupils shrank!

He stared towards his sister’s fleshy little finger, and his whole cold little face grew even more ghastly after he realised that there was actually a bright red, bright red gash on it.

“Who did this?”

He immediately pulled off the small butterfly around his neck to wrap his sister’s wound, and then asked in a stern voice.

Little RuoRuo: “……”

Never seen her brother like this before, and all of a sudden, she was a little scared.

“Brother ……”

“Are those two playing the piano? This is the zither string injury isn’t it?”

Huo Yin is what kind of smart person, sister does not answer, he hard from this wound alone already see out.

So soon, those two little girls were about to go and brag about it to their mother, but suddenly, the air around them seemed to suddenly drop.

They paused to see the little girl who had just been scared away.

She was pulled over again by a young boy who was about her age, but with extremely beautiful and cold features.

“Were you two the ones who hurt my sister just now?”

Huo Yin didn’t talk nonsense to these two, and when he arrived, the first question that came out of his teeth was this.

The two little girls heard that it was asking this and immediately, sneered again.

“Yeah, so you’re running so fast because you’re injured, I say, why don’t you just continue.”


A word that scared the still teary-eyed little RuoRuo again was hiding behind her brother.

Even the last trace of warmth in Huo Yin’s eyes had disappeared.

“Continue what?”

“Oh, nothing, it’s just that when she wanted to play with us just now, we said that if she could take our zither and play a few notes, then we would play with her.”

“As a result, she couldn’t do anything and ended up showing off and cutting her hand off, hahahahaha ……”

With that last sentence, the two little girls, even laughed again on the spot.

Little Ruo Ruo’s humiliated tears instantly fell down again.

“So that’s it, then why don’t we have a competition too, I’ll play a tune, and if you learn it, I’ll give you this, okay?”

A cold little child’s voice sounded.

Huo Yin, surprisingly, took out a phone watch from his body.

“Wow, isn’t that a watch from Q Bao? It’s a big international brand, not many of us here have gotten one.”

“Yes, yes, yes!!!”

When the two little girls saw it, they instantly revealed an extremely greedy look in their eyes.

This watch was, indeed, worth a lot of money.

They immediately agreed: “Yes, yes, what do you want to pull?”

Huo Yin looked at them indifferently, “You don’t have to care about this, as long as you can pull it out, however, I also have a condition, if you don’t pull it out, then you will have to pay the corresponding punishment!”

“What punishment?”

“How she was injured, and you all do the same!”

Huo Yin said this out almost without a ripple.

Was he a fool?

The two little girls heard it and felt as if they were hearing the words of an idiot.

Because, little Ruo Ruo’s injury was only caused when they were giving her a hard time and she went to insist on pressing the strings with her finger adjustments over and over again.

But the two of them were already very advanced violinists, ah, and he actually wanted to give them such punishment? Was this little boy capable of such a thing?

Could he play?

The two didn’t even take that to heart.

When Huo Yin saw that, he put the violin skillfully on his shoulder as they brought it over and he started to play the strings.

“Lemisuo miremisuo-”

It was definitely one of those tunes that starts off with the first note, and it’s enough to shake people to their core!

He opened with an extremely cheerful and high-pitched note, like a pearl falling from a plate, and after the extremely light rhythm had pa*sed, his little hand gave another pull and the notes continued to come out from under his strings, so lilting that it was like a lark, and instantly, the whole garden was drawn to it, including the two little girls.

My God, he could actually play the piano!

And, he played it so well!

These two little girls were dumbfounded, and Huo Yin, who was playing the zither, gave them a cold stare and continued to play another note that was even more difficult and skillful.

It was terrifying!

With such strength, only their teacher might not have this ability, ah.

The two little girls’ faces finally went completely white.

Two minutes later, finally, Huo Yin finished the piece and he put down his violin, staring at these two like the little Satan.



There was no answer at all.

After these two little girls’ bodies shivered for a moment, they turned around and tried to leave.

Huo Yin: “……”

“Don’t rush, what’s the point of leaving? The losing bets haven’t even been taken out yet.” Another small figure arrived with the wind.

Only, along with such playful laughter, the two little girls stopped and saw to their horror that in front of them, a little boy who looked exactly the same stopped them.

“Brother Mo-”

Little Ruo Ruo saw behind Brother Yin and clapped her little hands happily and shouted.

Mo Bao then curled his moon like eyes towards his sister: “Don’t be in a hurry haha, brother is taking revenge for you.”

Little Ruoruo: “Okay!”

As soon as the brittle little child’s voice fell, her brother Mo grabbed each of the two little girls’ hands and then, before either of them could react.


This time, the strings were really making that unpleasant harsh sound.

And with this sound, the two little girls’ miserable screams also sounded out at the same time.