Am I A Gigolo Chapter 1403-1404

Chapter 1403

Jin Yunxi took her men and left in anger.


Leng Qianxue looked at her back, her heart aching, originally Jin Yunxi had always treated her with courtesy and she didn’t want to make things too difficult for her, but today she actually took over her nest and openly made things difficult for her.


She wasn’t going to be polite with her.


However, this woman was also powerful, it had only been a few days and she had already gained the approval of the night family.


Luckily, she had three children to protect her body, otherwise, Leng Qianxue would have had the upper hand.


Thinking of this, Leng Qianxue asked Kai in a low voice, “How did you think of bringing the three babies over?”


“Brother Hui reminded me that you might be given a hard time going home alone, so he asked me to bring someone to pick up the young master and the young princess.” Kai whispered, “I drove a car over there right at the halfway point.”


“Clever.” Leng Qianxue whispered in admiration.


“Mummy, you go upstairs to see Daddy.” Chen Chen also looked like the master of the house and began to make arrangements, “Second treasure and third treasure, you guys go upstairs to play first, be quiet and don’t make any noise to daddy.”


“Yes, yes.” Longlong and Yueyue nodded their heads repeatedly, then went upstairs in a good manner.


“Grandpa Sen, let’s talk?” Tenzin turned his eyes to look at Night Sen.


“Cough ……,” Night Sen coughed in fright but dared not refuse, “Yes, yes.”


“Granny Rong, please help Grandpa Sen prepare good cooked poo.” Chen Chen barked at Rong Ma, and looked at Night Sen with a smile, “I remember Grandpa Sen likes to drink, right?”


“Yes, yes, yes, I’ll go and prepare it now.” Mama Yung scrambled to go and prepare.


“Yes, it’s rare that you still remember.”


Night Sen had always been a little timid of this child, because as soon as Chen Chen opened his mouth, he had that innate domineering aura of the Night family, and at a young age, his eyes were very sharp.


Moreover, soft and hard, roundabout tactics, he played all of them very smoothly ……


The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you are getting into.


When Leng Qianxue saw that Chen Chen had already taken care of Night Sen and arranged for the second and third treasures, she was doubly relieved and took a big step upstairs to find Night Zhenting.


Outside the master bedroom waited four bodyguards and two maids, all already aware of what had happened downstairs in the square, and when they saw Leng Qianxue, they immediately bowed low and let her in.


“Night Zhen ……”


Leng Qianxue excitedly shouted Night Zhen Ting’s name, but as soon as she opened her mouth, she was stunned ……


Night Zhen Ting was lying on the bed, motionless, Dr. Helen was treating his while back wounds next to him, Lei Yu and another medical nurse were playing next to him.


Seeing Leng Qianxue enter, Dr. Helen glanced at her and reminded in English, “Quiet!”


Leng Qianxue lightened her footsteps and stood by the door, not daring to breathe.


After a while, the wound was finally treated.


Dr Helen let out a tired breath and, in English, solemnly confided in Lei Yu, “At last, you have saved your life, now you have to stay in bed for at least three days before you can get off the ground, no more stimulation, no more moving around, otherwise don’t call me either, my ability is limited ……”


“I know, thank you, Dr. Helen.” Lei Yu thanked softly, “I’ll walk you out.”


“No need, I’ll go down by myself.”


Helen went to the bathroom to wash her hands and left with her a*sistant, when she pa*sed by Leng Qianxue, she gave her a deep look and didn’t say anything ……


Leng Qianxue felt a little strange, but on second thought, Dr Helen probably thought she was the culprit and that’s why she reacted like that.


With everyone gone, the room quieted down.


Lei Yu scrambled up to greet Leng Qianxue, “Miss Leng, you’re finally back, the Night King he, after he was smashed last time, we all thought he was fine, but we didn’t think he had smashed a vital part, that’s why ……”


“I know.”


Leng Qianxue understood that Lei Yu was afraid that she would know about Night Zhen Ting’s poisoning, so she panicked and found an excuse to hide it, Leng Qianxue did not break her down and just pretended that she knew nothing ……


Maybe this way, everyone would be more relaxed.

Chapter 1404

“The main thing is that the wound is a*sociated with some important nerves, so the situation is a bit dangerous.”


Lei Yu was also afraid that Leng Qianxue would not know the importance of the situation and hurt Night Zhen Ting, so he repeatedly admonished, “You heard what Dr. Helen said just now, we are all being extra careful in these days.”


“I understand.” Leng Qianxue nodded, “Don’t worry, I’ll pay attention.”


“And ……” Lei Yu said a little awkwardly, “The situation is special these days, the medical nurse and I have to keep a close watch 24 hours a day.”




Leng Qianxue knew that Lei Yu was still relieved and afraid of making mistakes, after all, human lives were at stake.


“That’s good.” Lei Yu finally let out a sigh of relief, “You go and see the Night King, I’ll pack up.”




Leng Qianxue walked to the bedside and saw the unconscious Night Zhen Ting, she couldn’t help but feel very remorseful ……


If she could have found out the problem earlier and forgiven him earlier, he wouldn’t have gotten into this mess at all.


He did so much for her behind the scenes, suffering so much pain alone in silence, but never letting her know.


She had always thought that he was just overbearing and strong, wanting to keep her by his side forcibly, but now she realized that his intentions were good ……


Night Fai was right, all the past grudges and feuds were over, those past people were gone, it was time to let go.


“Miss Leng, have some tea.” Lei Yu poured a cup of hot tea for Leng Qianxue, “Have you just returned? No injuries?”


“No.” Leng Qianxue nodded and asked, “When will he wake up?”


“Dr Helen said maybe tonight, maybe tomorrow morning, it’s impossible to say.” Lei Yu’s voice was very small, afraid of disturbing Night Zhen Ting, “The Night King is really dangerous this time, I almost thought ……”


Halfway through the sentence, Lei Yu paused again and hurriedly changed his words, “Alas, that vase just hit the vitals, if it wasn’t for Dr. Helen’s presence, the consequences would have been unthinkable.”


“It’s all my fault ……”


Leng Qianxue was very guilty, originally Night Zhen Ting had an old illness, this time when he was hit by the vase, it was like a fuse that touched a nerve in his brain, and it became dangerous at once.


“Don’t you say that.” Lei Yu soothed gently, “It was an accident, you can’t be blamed.”


“I came straight here after I got off the plane, I didn’t have time to change my clothes yet.” Leng Qianxue remembered that she was like this and would easily bring germs to Night Zhen Ting, “I’ll go to the guest room and wash up before coming over.”


“Okay.” Lei Yu asked the user to take Leng Qianxue to the guest room.


Leng Qianxue arrived at the guest room, did not rush to wash up, but tried to call Leng Gang Leng Xiao, both of their calls could not be connected, she was anxious, and tried to contact Leng Di Feng’s other men.


None of them could be contacted ……


The first thing I did was to call Leng Moxue and tell her to find a way to continue to contact someone close to Leng Di Feng, even a small attendant, and that she had to get in touch with someone there as soon as possible.


When Leng Mo asked what was happening, Leng Bing told her not to ask too many questions and to just do as she was told.


Leng Mo rarely saw her in such a hurry and immediately went to deal with it.


Leng Qianxue took a shower, changed into comfortable clothes and came to Night Zhen Ting’s room.


At this moment, Lei Yu and a few medical nurses had already packed up all the medical supplies and were holding a hot towel to wipe Night Zhending’s body, Leng Qianxue went forward and said, “I’ll do it.”


Lei Yu handed the hot towel to her and gently admonished, “Be careful not to touch his head.”


“I know.” Leng Qianxue carefully avoided Night Shocking’s head and wiped his body, but when she reached his hand, she couldn’t help but pause ……


The back of his hand was covered with needle holes and bruises from the needles, and even his wrist had a number of needle marks ……


And she never noticed.


Leng Qianxue’s heart was incomparably guilty, she couldn’t help but have a sour nose and her eyes turned red. She untied his collar and tried to wipe his body, but found that there was also a patch of bruises on his chest ……