Am I A Gigolo Chapter 1443-1444

Chapter 1443

Hearing these words, Leng Qianxue couldn’t help but think of her brother Leng Difeng, who also liked to raise such fierce beasts, no wonder he befriended the Buddha Hand ……


“Is there anything else?” Leng Qianxue asked again.


“There’s really nothing else.” Little Flower shook her head seriously, “Actually, the night before yesterday, brother Jun also called and asked about these things, I’ve been thinking about it for a long time, but I didn’t remember these two things at the time.”


“It’s okay, I’ll tell him.”


Leng Qianxue hurriedly called to tell Night Jun the clue Xiaohua had provided, and then continued to rummage through Dr. Hua’s study for information.


Suddenly, Leng Qianxue suddenly found an old photograph of a figure crouching beside an injured coyote.


The photo was taken from the side from a distance, a bit far away, and it seemed to have been soaked with water, the photo was somewhat yellowed and discoloured, causing the already not very clear photo to become even more blurred ……


But you can still see that the figure is somewhat slim and petite, looking like a teenager, wearing camouflage trousers, an army green short-sleeved T-shirt, black rubber shoes, short hair, and a straw hat ……


“Who is this?” Leng Qianxue hurriedly pulled Xiaohua to inquire.


“This is the Buddha’s Hand.” Little Flower said joyfully, “How did you find it, sister Qianxue?”


“He’s the Buddha’s Hand?” Leng Qianxue hurriedly brought the photo to the light to see for herself, it was too blurry to make out anything but a slim back.


“Yes.” Little Flower nodded, “I had this photo in the study when I first arrived, but then I don’t know where it went when I moved the books and the medicinal wine, how did you find it?”


“Are there any other photos?”


Leng Qianxue was a little excited and immediately used her mobile phone to take photos of the photos and send them to Night Jun and Night Hui, so that they could follow the clues.


“No more, just this one.” Little Flower was very sure, “Master said that a group of college students inadvertently took the photo of him when they were pa*sing by, and later sent it over, adding that Buddha Hand doesn’t like taking photos.”


“How come you guys call him Buddha Hands and not senior brother?” Leng Qianxue asked while sending a message to Night Army.


“Master wouldn’t let me.” Xiaohua said, “At that time, he came down from the mountain to study western medicine, master was very upset, he thought it would be fine if he took Chinese medicine to its essence, he didn’t listen, for this reason the two had a big conflict ……”


“Yeah, and then the master didn’t even acknowledge the apprentice.” The young apprentice came over to get his things and added, “All these years, the master never even mentioned him, if it wasn’t for Chief Night ……”


Halfway through the sentence, the young apprentice hastily closed it, fearing that he might have missed his mouth.


Leng Qianxue knew they were still trying to hide it for Night Zhen Ting, sighed and said, “I’ve come to find Buddha’s Hand, do you think I still don’t know?”


“Uh, yes oh.”


Little Flower and the young apprentice looked at each other and came to a sudden realization.


The two of them were untouched by the world and their thought patterns were still at a rather simple and childish stage, so they couldn’t consider many things.


“By the way.” Leng Qianxue changed the subject, “Do you two have any plans next?”


“I don’t have any other plans for now, I’m just going to fix up this house.” The young apprentice said, “It keeps leaking on rainy days, and I’m afraid I’ll get the books Master left behind wet.”


“I would like to ask you to come down with me.” Leng Qianxue said sadly, “Night Zhen Ting’s illness is getting worse and worse, and we haven’t found the Buddha’s Hand, I’m afraid that in case he ……”


“Sister Qianxue, you need us, of course we are obliged to do so.” The young apprentice said in a hurry, “But I still want to fix the house before I leave, it may take a few days, is that okay?”


“Yes, of course.” Leng Qianxue nodded hastily, “Then I’ll send someone to pick you up then, today I’ll bring a few medical books back first, as well as this photo.”


“No problem!”

Chapter 1444

In the evening, Leng Qianxue found a few medical books on antidotes to poison, took the old photo with her and left Phoenix Mountain ……


The setting sun was like blood, shining in warm colours on the way down the mountain.


Leng Qianxue watched the figures of Little Flower and her young apprentice fade away in the rearview mirror, finally withdrawing her gaze and looking at the old photo in her hand.


She had already sent the photos and the relevant information she obtained today to the night army, hoping to provide to some clues to find the Buddha’s hand as soon as possible ……


Time waits for no man, now, there are only 14 days left.


Leng Qianxue gripped her heart and anxiously urged, “Drive faster and go back earlier!”


“Yes, young madam.”




Night Zhen Ting slept at home all day and only reluctantly got up in the evening to take a shower and come downstairs to dine with the children.


He thought that he had regained his strength by now, but when he went downstairs, his legs went weak and he almost fell over, but luckily Night Fai helped him in time.


“Night King, something to report ……”


Night Fai pretended to report the situation to Night Zhen Ting as he spoke while descending the stairs.


In fact, he was using his own strength to hold him up.


The other attendants and servants did not see the problem.


Just after he came downstairs, a group of children gathered around ……


“Daddy daddy!”


“Auntie Auntie!”


“Good boy!” Night Zhen Ting gently pushed Night Hui away and bent down to hug the children, but just as he squatted down, a wave of dizziness came to his head.


“Night King ……,” Night Fai said, very worried.


“You guys are making a lot of noise.” Tatsu suddenly shouted, “All go back to your seats and sit down, quickly!”


The children froze for a moment, each deflating their little mouths in resignation, but they obediently returned to their seats.


Taking advantage of the fact that a few short-legged children were climbing up to the chairs, Night Fai smoothly helped Night Zhen Ting to sit in his seat, and then smiled and chatted with the children, “Babies, did you have fun at school today?”




“We had our exams today, and I got full marks in all my subjects.”


“Me too.”


“Even we learnt to sing today ……”


“And learnt to draw ……”


The children chatted with Night Fai about school, only Chen Chen did not speak, but silently brought a cup of warm boiled water to Night Zhen Ting: “Daddy, drink some water!”


“Thank you, Dabao.”


Night Zhen Ting was in a very bad state of mind right now, even talking to the children was out of shape.


That was why Night Fai deliberately chatted with the children to divert their attention.


And all of this was in the eyes of Chen Chen.


When he saw his daddy’s weak and tired look, he was very heartbroken, but he didn’t dare to show it, so he could only find an excuse to ask, “Daddy, are you too tired?”


“Fine.” Night Zhen Ting stroked his little head, “It’s ready for dinner, go sit down.”


“Mhm.” Chen Chen returned to his seat and sat down.


Rong Ma and the maids brought up the last dish and everyone started to eat.


Night Zhen Ting didn’t have much of an appetite and barely tasted a few bites before he was ready to go upstairs, but just as he got up, he instantly fell down ……


“Night King !!!!”


This time, although Night Hui still went to help Night Zhen Ting in time, but it was already too late, Night Zhen Ting collapsed directly on the edge of the dining table ……


“Daddy —-”


This was the first time that Night Zhen Ting collapsed uncontrollably and defenselessly in front of the children.


At once, a roomful of people panicked.


Night Fai immediately sent Night Zhen Ting back to his bedroom and called for Lei Yu to attend to him.


Longlong and Yueyue gathered around the bed, crying and shaking, but covering their mouths and not daring to make a sound.


Chen Chen stood in the corner, not daring to get close, but tears kept flowing down ……


Rong Ma and the maids were in a mess.


Only the three children, as if they didn’t understand anything, were still eating at the dining table ……


“Is auntie sick?”


“It seems to be.”




“Auntie seems to be so sick.”


“How stupid, why doesn’t Auntie ask Mummy to come and cure him?”