His Secret Lover Chapter 1183-1184

Chapter 1183

Huo Si Xing’s face immediately changed.

She was a little shocked that this man would tell her all about his current situation… Could it be that he wasn’t wary of her? She had already tricked him once in that mountain forest.

If it wasn’t for her being the bait, he wouldn’t have gotten to this point.

“Don’t worry about that, the man who came for me he will surely get me out of here safely.” She thought of the man who would surely come to her rescue, and finally, told him with great confidence.

But to his surprise, the man sneered as soon as the words left his mouth.

“You’re thinking too much, do you know why he fell under the sniper gun in that mountain forest in Northern Shantung? That’s because those weapons were the latest nuclear wave ammunition developed by arms smugglers, do you know how many of those are buried in this place I’m in now?”


In the garage, there was finally silence.

And God Yu, who had already gotten his gear outside and was ready to sneak in silently to remove that mercury bomb before saving the others, stopped once more in his tracks after hearing those words.

Nuclear wave munitions, of course he knew how powerful it was.

Back then, he had almost been dissolved by that bullet!

So now, with all this stuff buried under the ground, could he still just venture in like that?

Once again, he had to stop moving, and his scarlet eyes stared inside, while revealing an unprecedented hostility, like a tiger that was completely enraged!

Inside the garage, after Huo Si Xing had digested this information, finally, she sat there and also asked, word by word, “Why? Why did you turn out like this?”

Become like this?

Shen Yizhi suddenly wanted to laugh a little as she listened to this sentence that had clearly dropped her IQ by half.

Was he like this?

No, he had always been like this, it had only been a year since they had met, since her aunt had introduced them last year.

How could she still be so confused that he was turning out to be like this?

Shen Yizhi held back the slightest hint of a foggy smile for a long time.

“I’ve always been like this.”


“I said, I was like this before I met you, when, I was 18 years old, after the college entrance exams, I was accepted to a famous university in the capital, and when I was full of longing to take my luggage to school, I was robbed.”



Huo Si Xing looked at this person’s bland expression and finally showed a hint of surprise.

This person in front of her, was just two or three years younger than her, that was also in his early thirties, and at the age of 18, it was the time when the country was cracking down, how could a college student still be robbed alive like this?

Moreover, he disappeared, his parents are not even anxious?

“And …… what happened afterwards?”

“Afterwards, nothing happened to me, but I was locked up in a hellish training camp for three whole years, and after three years, I came out and became a shadow over at the teahouse.”

As Shen Yizhi spoke of these past events, he was, perhaps, evoking the grey days that had completely ruined his life.

Finally, his eyes, hidden behind the lenses, revealed the resentment and gloom that he had seen that night in the mountains!

Yes, no one gets bad for no reason, and to have come this far, he must have gone through a sea change that covered the sky to force him to become like this.

And this, for him, who was only 18 years old at the time, had not the slightest power to resist.

Hossein was frozen too!

But it was not just because she had heard of this tragic experience of his, but, rather, she caught the fact that he had actually mentioned in these words that he had not originally been the owner of the teahouse at all.

And what about the original one?

Her heart was rolling over again like a wave of shock ……

“Then …… why are they arresting you? I heard that the people in this teahouse of yours are all from martial arts practitioners who have a reputation in the jianghu, you are only an 18 year old student, what are they arresting you for?”

“Yes, I couldn’t understand it at the time, why?”

Shen Yizhi also sat there and laughed to himself.

However, soon, his pupils shrank behind his lenses again, and that resentful to the core look showed once more.

“But then I found out.”


“Because of my father!”

He snorted coldly, “They pushed him to the pinnacle of power, and in order to control him, so, they got me, and later, my half-brother as well.”

Huo Si Xing: “……”

It was like a thunderstorm, at this moment, she looked at this man dumbfounded, finally her brain “buzzed” and then no longer responded.

His father?

Still at the pinnacle of power?

That’s not …… not ……?

“Are you ……? Are you ……?”

“Yes. Did you always think I was in your brother’s hands? Even your brother thinks so, right? Otherwise, he wouldn’t have kept that God Rong in Shu Jing Zhai!”

He suddenly sneered then, and, this time, his gaze also looked over once again.

Huo Si Xing was completely speechless!

Chapter 1184

This secret has always been the most confidential matter of the Observatory.

Because when Bai Zhenghao went to see him once after his downfall, Huo Siji went to the White Palace and when he mentioned his illegitimate son, Bai Zhenghao was in a state of disarray and Huo Siji had this illegitimate son in his sights.

And this b*****d son, none other than Shu Jing Zai Shen Zong Nian’s youngest son Shen Rong.

Why did Shen Rong turn out to be Bai Zhenghao’s illegitimate son?

No one knows how Huo Sijiu made his judgement at the time, but if it wasn’t for the accident in the middle, this “Shen Rong” would have been the illegitimate son!

“If I hadn’t been switched when I was little, indeed, the God Rong I am now would be me, but soon, from the very beginning, I became someone else’s pawn, so I was sent to the Shen family, and then, at the age of 18, I was robbed to that training camp and became an a*sa*sin in a teahouse, and this, that ridiculous scum of a father, didn’t know anything about it. ”

The man with the clear eyebrows finally burst out laughing as he said this.

It was as if he was watching the most absurd joke in this world, laughing until he couldn’t stop, laughing until even tears came out of his eyes, his facial expression, moreover, was all a bit distorted.

Huo Si Xing simply didn’t know what to say.

This should be the most outrageous and sensational thing she had ever heard in her life.

It was supposed to be a son.

But in the end, it wasn’t a son, the real son, but a sharp blade that stabbed at her!

So, by the way things turned out later, it was actually all understandable.

“So, you ended up killing the real owner of that teahouse?”


“Then who exactly did you help? You became the owner of the teahouse, if it was for the Bai family, your father, your brother, all dead, but if you did it for revenge, and you helped the people behind you and killed so many people, what exactly were you doing?”

Huo Si Xing finished digesting all of this with difficulty, and finally looked at this person who was all a bit mad, and asked just that.

Shen Yizhi was stunned!

Yes, what did he want to do?

He had become the owner of the teahouse, but the Bai family was gone, so what was he doing staying there to help the tiger? Did he really listen to those people’s nonsense?

After they took power, would he also be able to live a life of glory and prosperity?

Shen Yixin was at a loss.

Until, not long after, the mobile phone on his person rang and he took it out and put it to his ear, “Hello?”

“Yizhi, Yizhi where are you? Your father and I are hanging from the mast of the ship, Yizhi, can you come and save us?”

The terrified and distressed cries of the woman came over the phone, and in an instant, Huo Si Xing, who was sitting next to him, saw the man’s face change dramatically before he stood up from his chair with a start!

“Stop it, you guys! Let them go! Let them go now!!!”

He shouted hysterically from the garage.

At this moment, his defenses finally broke, and the indifferent eyes behind his lenses finally shifted sharply and abruptly, flooding with a thick layer of blood.

This, I think, is the answer.

As she watched him, she knew he would leave immediately to save his adoptive parents, so she carefully began to move towards the table in front of her the moment he stepped out of the garage door.

There was a remote control for this mercury bomb she was carrying.

But at that very moment, under the ground, suddenly there was electricity running up.


She screamed.

The sound fell, Shen Yizhi, who had already run to the door of the garage, suddenly stopped, then, he turned back, after seeing this scene behind him, this surprisingly was not even thinking, then quickly turned back again.


The bomb was activated!!!

Almost at the same time, Shen Yu also broke through the window from above the garage, and he wore a pair of special gloves to rip the bomb off Huo Si Xing from behind.

But how fast was the bomb, with the reaction of the nuclear waves under the ground, it jumped from thirty seconds to seven seconds in an instant!


In the nick of time, a hand yanked all the several sensing wires that had sprung out from under the ground.

Huo Si Xing was completely frozen!

What kind of a picture was that? A pair of flesh and blood hands had now snagged the sensing wires, which were running with terrifying currents.

The time on the bomb was slowed down by the choke.

Huo Si Xing looked at the man.

“Quickly …… go!”

The person who was electrocuted by the powerful electric current was basically unable to maintain his normal posture anymore.

But at this moment, he couldn’t stop looking at her, and the two words that came out with difficulty from those lips that kept turning purple were only this.


He made her!

Huo Si Xing began to tremble, she didn’t know how to describe the feeling, but at this moment, as she watched him being swallowed alive little by little by these powerful nuclear currents, it was as if something had been heavily blocked in her chest.

Just like, that time when they went to get their license and it didn’t work out in the end, he knelt down in front of her and cried.

Huo Si Xing was eventually taken out.

After Shen Yu had yanked the bomb off her with those special gloves during this slow down, he wrapped his arms around her and took her out at speed.


That was the sound of the bomb finally exploding.

As soon as the bomb exploded, so did all the nuclear munitions buried in the ground, a deafening roar burst behind them, a huge wave of heat that almost sent both of them flying.

It was more than ten metres before they landed!