His Secret Lover Chapter 1237-1238

Chapter 1237

Shen Yu left the capital.

When he left, he gave Jing Qin a hand, asking him to come and help out if anything happened at the Observatory, after all, Huo Si Xing still had a child less than a year old with him.

Jing Qin was quick to agree.

So the two brothers of the God family, set off again to the northwest to begin their plan to rescue Wen Shuxu.

It was early summer and many cities in the country were already starting to heat up.

This included the West Country.

“Auntie, how do you sell this tender cucumber? It looks quite fresh.”

“That’s for sure, I’ve just picked them from the vegetable garden.”

On the noisy streets of the city and countryside, simple villagers come up early with their home-grown fruits and vegetables to sell, and at a glance, it’s a lively scene.

An older woman who came to sell tender cucumbers today was among them.

When she saw a man trying to buy her cucumbers, she tried her best to sell them.

However, this person stood in front of her bamboo basket and after picking it for a while, he actually didn’t want it anymore.

“I’ll buy quite a few if I want them, you’re so expensive, I can’t buy them.”


The old lady was a bit anxious even when she saw that it was a big deal.

“Then how much do you want? If it’s more, I can give it to you cheaper.”

“Two dollars a catty, I’ll take it all, send it over for me.” The person, who actually looked like a middle-aged woman about her age, threw down a sentence very sharply.

The tender cucumbers that had just hit the market at 2 yuan a catty were indeed a bit cheap.

But the older woman, seeing that she wanted them all, finally, agreed.

So a few minutes later, the older lady picked this load of tender cucumbers and followed her, turning around seven times and walking for about ten or twenty minutes, when she saw that they had come to a dilapidated house.

“This isn’t it?”

She was very surprised.

Because, as a local, she was very familiar with all the surroundings here, and this house in front of her, she knew then that it was none other than the Pei house that had been with the deserted for many years.

The Pei family, that was a big family here in the past.

However, when the middle-aged woman who brought her here heard her ask this question, she became very unhappy: “Why do you ask so many questions? You’re here to sell cucumbers, not to do anything, and this house is unoccupied, so you don’t allow homeless people to settle down for a while?”

“That’s right, that’s right.”

Only then did the old lady dare not ask.

Then, picking up her stretcher, she followed her inside.

But when they came in, they saw that the old house, which had been abandoned for decades, was still ramshackle outside at first and was also covered in cobwebs.

It wasn’t until they got inside that they saw that the original courtyard had been tidied up just a little to reveal a place to stay.

“Why did you even bring someone here today? ”

Immediately after seeing the older woman enter, a man, almost forty or fifty years old, came out, wearing a black vest, and when he saw the older woman, he asked with an unkind face.

The older woman could not help but rise up in a hint of fear.

“Yes …… I asked her to bring in the food, she has this fresh cucumber, we have many brothers here, so you can have a good taste.”

The middle-aged woman hurriedly explained.

Only then did the man withdraw that intimidating beam of gaze from the older woman.

“In future, don’t bring anyone in without my order, do you understand?” It was a completely commanding tone.

The middle-aged woman was again obsequious, indicating that she remembered.

After that, the older woman came out from inside.

Only, as she crossed the courtyard, she glanced inside, but found as if there was still space inside, in all directions, revealing an opening as large as a well.

At that moment, there was a slender figure that seemed to be walking slowly inside.

Was it an illusion on her part?

“What are you looking at? Don’t go yet, do you want to kill me with it?”

The middle-aged woman saw that she still didn’t want to go and gradually scolded behind her.

Only then did the older woman have to go out.

This old house of the Pei family was, in fact, very famous in this area back in its heyday, the family was also a doctor and a martial artist, and the foundation inherited from their ancestors was all very deep.

Therefore, the house, even now, is a large area.

The elder lady eventually left the place because she did not want to be nosy.

As soon as she left, someone went inside the deserted mansion, the wellhead-like place she had just glimpsed, and kicked the door open with a bang!

“What were you doing? Did you think that someone would come to your rescue?”

It was the man who had just scolded the middle-aged woman. He kicked in the door, saw the person who was locked in the patio and scolded viciously.

The person in the patio was still standing in front of the only fish tank here, looking at the fish swimming around inside.

Suddenly seeing this person kick in the door and scold her, she looked over with two beams of clear, cold eyes: “How can there be none? Just wait, they will surely come to save me.”

“You’re dreaming! Do you know where they’ve gone now?”

The man suddenly sneered.

The man on the patio then looked at him and gestured for him to continue.

The man then became more and more smug: “They’ve gone to the northwest, hahahahaha …… Still saying how powerful your God’s family is, and your husband Huo Sijiu is even rumoured to be a god, look, what’s left of him but madness?”

Chapter 1238

The Man on the Patio: “……”

It actually went to the northwest?

She withdrew her gaze and fell back on the two fish in the tank.

“He’s got a lot of stuff left, like, if you don’t put me out now for a chance to redeem yourself, I can hardly guarantee he won’t lynch you.”

She actually didn’t change half a bit, and after she finished that indifferently, she threw in another fish feed.

The man heard that and laughed completely maniacally.

“Just dream on, and lynch you to death, let me tell you, our chairman is about to start moving out when they arrive in the northwest and pounce, the identity of Situ Jingxuan’s granddaughter is a good one.”

He finally smiled smugly and left.

Wen Shuxu.

That’s right, she was the Wen Shuxu who had been missing for many people.

Watching this man leave, Wen Shuxu patted the remnants of the fish feed in her hands and also went to sit down in that chair not far away.

This was the first time since she had been brought here that she had heard news of the God family outside, and her man.

To the North West?

That was impossible, how could her man, who was incredibly intelligent, go to that hellhole?

So the only possibility was that he was making a sound bite, with the aim, I suppose, of getting the old things here to let their guard down so that he could venture out on his own accord.

However, if he came forward, if he was involved in her identity, which had not yet been announced to the public, there was no telling what kind of a conspiracy it might be.

“Knock, knock, knock–”

When Wen Shuxu was sitting inside, she was a bit annoyed with her thoughts.

Suddenly, the door knocked again outside.

Wen Shuxu lifted her eyes and coldly said, “Who is it?”

“Sister-in-law, it’s me.”

Unexpectedly, outside was actually a young and gentle-sounding teenager’s voice.


When Wen Shuxu heard that, her pretty face immediately sank, that anger was far stronger than the middle-aged man who had just kicked in the door to see her.

“What are you doing here? Didn’t I tell you? Don’t come over to me again.”

“…… I know, I just …… just got a little bit of food over, sister-in-law, you haven’t eaten properly for many days, I made crystal elbows that you love, just take a bite. ”

The teenager outside said again with a plea.

Wen Shuxu did not make a sound anymore.

A few moments later, only to hear the creak of the wooden door being pushed open, a tall and thin teenager wearing a white t-shirt appeared at the door with a tray.


The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the market.

Wen Shuxu just kept looking at it coldly.

And what do you want from me?”

“No…… not.”

The teenager hastily denied it again, stammering and straining to clarify.

“No, sister-in-law, I really just …… want to take something for you to eat this time, I won’t harm you again.”


Wen Shuxu gave a cold laugh.

But in the end, she did not scold again.

Probably, it was because after so many days, she was also tired of cursing, and there was also the fact that she hadn’t eaten properly for a long time, and she really didn’t have much stamina.

She grabbed the steamed bun that had been placed next to her for a long time and began to slowly nibble on it there.

Teenager: “……”

For just a moment, his head lowered and in his eyes, a slight flush appeared.

He actually still felt guilty?

A person who was so cold-blooded even for his own mother, and who ended up letting her die alive at the hands of these people, he would still feel guilty?

When Wen Shuxu saw this expression on his face, she finally couldn’t hold it back and she sneered: “Shen Yuanling, who are you showing this look to now? Do you think you can erase everything you’ve done all this time just by being like this?”


There was no way to answer.

The teenager’s head hung even lower.

Wen Shuxu saw that, and suddenly, she felt a thrill of revenge, so she continued, “Do you know what your mother said to us when we let her go from the Sea Watch?”

“She ended up begging God Zongou, that she was willing to become a pawn of the God family and bring back what we wanted at any cost, but on the condition that God Zongou find you and bring you back.”


The body that stood there, just shuddered hard, and finally, the teenager’s face was so white that there was no more than half a shade of blood.

“I …… I don’t know.”

“Of course you don’t know, do you think you’re your mother’s pawn too? Your mother married your father for the purpose of seeking revenge on Bai Zhenghao, did you think that you had become her tool as well? So, you actually always hated her in your heart, especially after your father died, this hatred became even stronger, didn’t it?”

Wen Shuxu analyzed his state of mind at that time bit by bit.

She is a doctor, before, when treating Huo Sijiu’s mental disorder, and followed some psychology, is and, at this time, she can more easily dig into the teenager’s heart.

The teenager was getting flustered.

He immediately denied it, “No, it’s not like that, she’s my mother, how could I be like this?”