Am I A Gigolo Chapter 1505-1506

Chapter 1505

“Think about it, an aristocratic private hospital usually has patients and families, right? But today there was none, there was only that one patient in the whole hospital.”


Leng Gang continued, “The Jin family definitely admitted that person a long time ago, and perhaps, these public opinions today have something to do with them.”


“What the hell does that Jin Yunxi want?” Leng Bing said indignantly.


“I’m afraid it’s not Jin Yunxi who has struck this time.” Leng Gang deduced, “I’ve done some research, and I’m afraid that Kim Yunxi’s father, Kim Jae Hee, is directly controlling the situation.”


“Why would Kim Jae Hee do that?” Leng Bing asked in dismay.


“Isn’t that hard to understand?” Leng Gang said seriously, “Night’s in turmoil now, it’s a good opportunity to strike.”


“That’s true.” Leng Bing frowned, “Now that the outside world is eyeing the Night’s, they all want to take advantage of the turmoil to make a profit, but I didn’t expect the Jin family to have this in mind as well.”


“The Jin family has never been a good type.” Leng Gang said, “Kim Jae Hee originally got to where he is today by annexing his relatives’ a*sets, and although he’s washed his hands of it over the years, it’s not hard to get to the bottom of it!”


“Brother Steel, do you mean that Kim Jae Hee is manipulating this series of events behind the scenes just to seek to seize the a*sets of the Night’s?” Leng Bing asked, puzzled –


“But how can he manipulate Chief Night? Even if Chief Night is sick, he is not easy to be controlled, could it be that there is some handle in Kim Jae Hee’s hands?”


“I don’t think he may be the real Chief Night!”


Leng Gang voiced out this bold speculation.


“No way?” Leng Bing sucked in a breath of cold air, “That’s clearly the Night Chief, who else is it if not him?”


“Maybe, just someone who looks alike?” Leng Gang looked deeply at Leng Qianxue, “Didn’t A Hai say that before? On the day of the accident, an attendant found a person whose figure resembled that of Chief Night appearing in the garden ……”


“The more you talk, the more bizarre it gets.”


Leng Bing felt creeped out.


At once, the air temperature in the car suddenly dropped, as if it was in an ice cellar ……


Leng Bing did not dare to speak, just looked at Leng Qianxue from the rearview mirror.


At this moment, Leng Qianxue lowered her head, her expression was unusually grave, and her usually lively eyes had become dull ……


Leng Bing knew that this was bad news for Leng Qianxue, if this person was not Night Zhen Ting, then I’m afraid the real Night Zhen Ting is no longer there!!!


No matter what kind of conspiracy and trickery and shocking waves she has to face, Leng Qianxue is not afraid ……


However, if Night Zhen Ting was really dead, then it would be like she had suddenly had her bones taken out and would lose all her strength and motivation ……


“Of course, yes or no, you need to be the one to discern.” Leng Gang added softly, “After all, you and he are the one who are married, you are the one who knows him best.”


“Leng Gang ……” Leng Qianxue finally spoke up, “These words, brother told you, right?”


“Uh ……,” Leng Gang was stunned, his eyes flickering a little.


“You are indeed smart and have a torch-like gaze, but to be able to find out the details of the Jin family, deduce the identity of the person behind the curtain and surmise where the key issues lie in such a short period of time, I’m afraid it’s a bit difficult unless ……”


Leng Qianxue raised her eyes to look at Leng Gang, “It is brother who is guiding behind the scenes.”


Leng Bing and Leng Steel looked at each other, not daring to speak.


“Even you know about it?” Leng Qianxue glared at Leng Bing unhappily, “You got in touch with brother a long time ago, but you didn’t tell me?”


“Don’t be angry Miss Leng ……,” Leng Bing hurriedly explained, “Sir has always been concerned about you, but he didn’t want you to know, so I ……”


“That’s right, it was sir who sent me here.” Leng Gang simply told the truth, “I have been synchronized to report to sir about what happened today, sir saw the problem at a glance and immediately had someone check out the Jin family, then asked me to tell you his judgment as my speculation.”


Chapter 1506

After a long silence, Leng Qianxue couldn’t help but sigh, “Alas, brother is so judgmental, so it must be right ……”


“Miss Leng, you found out a long time ago?” Leng Bing asked in dismay.


“Although the look is identical, the appearance, the body shape, the temperament, they are all the same, but the eyes and the feeling can’t fool anyone.”


Leng Qianxue’s brow furrowed –


“At first I was conflicted, thinking I was being paranoid, until I saw him disliking Long Long’s snotty nose and not daring to meet Tenzin’s gaze, I was sure there was something wrong with this man.”


“Could he really not be the Night Chief? Then who is he?” Leng Bing found it unbelievable, “How can there be two people who look so much alike?”


“Strange indeed ……,” Leng Gang reminded, “Shall I take the person down and interrogate him carefully?”


“No.” Leng Qianxue immediately shook her head, “To make sure that nothing is wrong, it is better to make sure further clearly.


Before Zhen Ting’s accident, he already had symptoms of amnesia, so it’s not impossible that this person was really him and then his consciousness was manipulated.”


“This ……” Leng Gang was speechless for a moment, from a medical point of view, although it was somewhat metaphysical, there was indeed a possibility.


What’s more, Night Zhen Ting’s previous condition was already strange, and it was not surprising that such metaphysical things happened to him.


“Although all the evidence now proves that this person is suspicious, I still hold on to a sliver of hope, I hope he is ZhenTing, at least, it means he is still alive.”


Leng Qianxue was in a very conflicted mood, with reason and emotion pulling at her.


“Then you should make sure as early as possible.” Leng Gang reminded, “In case that person is really not the Night Chief, but a double manipulated by the Jin family, then you are leading the wolf into the house.”


“Yeah.” Leng Bing thought about it and felt a pang of fear, “There are still children at home, what if something happens?”


“Why don’t I take my men back and station them now, with me around, he won’t dare to mess around.” Leng Gang hurriedly said.


“No need.” Leng Qianxue immediately denied, “If he really isn’t Zhen Ting, then all the more we can’t alert the snake, instead we have to draw it out.”


“You mean ……,” Leng Gang dawned on him.


“There is certainly nothing wrong with brother’s speculation, but I suspect that someone other than Kim Jae Hee is conspiring with them.” Leng Qianxue deduced.


“After all, the Jin family has limited knowledge of the Night family, of Zhen Ting, of me and the child, but this man in front of me, knows me and the child and this family, obviously very well.


If he is not Zhen Ting, then it will never be as simple as an ordinary stand-in!”


“Could it really be the person you suspected before?” Leng Bing asked hastily.


“It’s still not clear yet, so it’s better not to suspect people casually.” Leng Qianxue didn’t pick up the topic, “Anyway, I’ll check the real body first, if he’s not Zhen Ting, we’ll have to lure the snake out of the hole and make Kim Jae Hee reveal his fox’s tail.”


“But won’t that be too risky?” Leng Gang was a bit uneasy, “A hungry wolf kept around could bite you at any time and also bite the child ……”


“The child is not to be left at home.” Leng Qianxue frowned, “Leng Bing, adjust the direction in front, go to the Chinese garden side.”


“Yes.” Leng Bing immediately adjusted his direction.


“Leng Gang, you guys get off at the intersection and focus on protecting the hospital.” Leng Qianxue ordered, “Now the other side also knows that Night Fai and Yue Yue are the most important witnesses, once they wake up, that person’s true identity will be exposed, I am worried that they will go after Night Fai and Yue Yue.”


“Understood, I’ll take care of it right away.” Leng Gang nodded, “But, those three little princesses ……”


“I will arrange it, don’t worry.” Leng Qianxue took out her phone and called Night Sen, “Uncle Sen, there’s something I need to discuss with you, I’ll be there in twenty minutes.”


“Fine, fine, I’ll meet you at the door.”