Am I A Gigolo Chapter 1509-1510

Chapter 1509

There is some kind of tacit understanding between Chen Chen and Leng Qianxue, they don’t need to say anything more, nor do they need to ask much, they already understand each other’s meaning.


Hanging up the phone, Chen Chen twisted his head to look at the aggrieved three little ones, and then looked at the painful-looking Night Zhen Ting, and did not rush forward to relieve the situation ……


“Auntie is mean!”


“Auntie is not cute anymore! Hmph!!!”


“Aunt father is nasty nasty nasty!!!”


“Don’t like auntie anymore, hmmmmmmmm!!!!”


“I’m going to tell auntie …… you’re bullying us!!!”


“I’m going to tell daddy, woo woo ……”


“And I’m going to tell Mummy, wooing wooing wooing ……”


The three little ones were accusing Night Zhen Ting in a aggressive manner, talking and crying.


Night Zhen Ting closed his eyes, took a deep breath, then softened his tone and said, “Okay, I was wrong, I shouldn’t have yelled at you guys earlier, I just don’t like being climbed on your shoulders and having your hair scratched ……”


“We’ve all been like that before and you don’t even get mad and are happy.”


Ichi beamed, accusing him indignantly.


“You used to bend down and let us sit on your shoulders and say that if you were afraid of falling off, you’d grab it yourself and we’d grab your hair, your ears, your collar, and you onion come without getting angry ……”


Two two eyes tearful looking at the night Zhen Ting.


“Today actually yelled at us, and said to spank us, my fierce daddy is not so fierce!”


“Yes, my bad daddy has never even hit us.”


Zero clenched his little fist and said with a face of indignation, “It’s a shame we even asked daddy and mommy to save you, you big, bad, bad man!”


The corners of Night Zhen Ting’s mouth twitched a few times, wanting to say something but then stopping, his expression as painful as a dumb man eating a yellow straw.


“Daddy, this time it’s your fault.” Long Long finally couldn’t help himself and spoke quietly, “You used to love the three of them, no matter how much they messed up or how naughty they were, you would never get angry, what’s wrong today?”


“Yes, daddy.” The three of them are uncle’s children, uncle has not touched a finger, if you really hit them, uncle may come to fight with you.”


Night Zhen Ting tightly closed his eyes, seems to be forcing himself to control his emotions, hands grabbed the lapel, in his heart said to himself, bear, to bear, must bear ……


“Daddy, what’s wrong with you?” Long Long looked at his daddy with a pained look on his face and was distressed, “You never used to hit children, is it because you are particularly unwell lately that you get angry easily?”


“Probably.” Night Zhen Ting’s expression relaxed slightly and raised his eyes to look at Long Long, “Daddy is sick and it’s getting harder and harder to control his emotions ……”


“Daddy don’t worry.” Long Long stretched out his little arms and hugged Night Zhen Ting tightly, “Mommy is trying to find a doctor to cure you, you will definitely get better.”


Hearing these words, the wariness and hostility in Chen Chen’s eyes wavered a little, and then fell into deep thought ……


It suddenly occurred to him that people who were sick seemed to be somewhat disordered and uncontrollable in nature.


Daddy has had symptoms of forgetfulness before, and after the fire, his condition may have worsened, even if he forgot his former interactions with the little ones, which is normal ……


This includes disliking Longlong, which could also be due to being sick.


Maybe Daddy is really just sick and tired and that’s why he’s like this?


“Thank you Erbao ……” Night Zhen Ting patted Long Long’s back and tenderly apologized, “I’m sorry, Daddy’s brain has been getting worse and worse lately, he often does some perverse actions, you guys must be very disappointed, right?


Daddy will cure his illness properly, when daddy is well, he can play with you guys.”


Chapter 1510

“Daddy ……” Long Long’s voice choked up, “I blame Erbao for being too naughty and making you worry, from now on Erbao will be good and take care of his sisters, and you will get well if you are well treated. ”


Hearing these words, Night Zhen Ting’s eyes slightly changed ……


“Woooooooooo ……”


The three little ones also felt a little guilty and bowed their heads in apology, “Auntie I’m sorry, you’re sick and hurt, we shouldn’t have fought with you.”


“Mmmmmm, we were wrong, we won’t be like that in the future.”


“Later when you are well, we will play horse riding again.”


“Don’t be angry, Auntie, we won’t tell Auntie.”


“I won’t get Daddy to beat up the mud either.”


All three children apologized as Tenzin looked on with some mixed feelings.


“Oh ……”


Night Zhen Ting smiled, reaching out to touch the three of their little heads, wanting to say something, but seemingly not knowing what to say.


“Okay, Long Long, one one two two zero zero, let’s go out, don’t disturb Daddy’s rest.” Tatsu finally spoke up to relieve himself, “Daddy is sick and needs peace and quiet.”


“Mm hmm.” Long Long hurriedly let go of Night Zhen Ting and carefully stepped back, “Daddy, you take a good rest, I’ll keep an eye on my sisters and won’t disturb you again.”


“We don’t want you to watch, we’re very good.”


One2O was a little disgruntled.


“Uh ……”


“Tatsumasaurus, one one two two zero zero!” At that moment, cold indifference shouted from outside, “Grandpa Sen is coming to pick you up, come out.”


“Why is Grandpa Sen coming to pick us up?”


The three little ones immediately ran out.


“Grandpa Sen wants to pick you up and take you to live with him, so that Auntie can recuperate properly at home.” Leng Mo explained with a smile, “Sister has already packed your bags for you, come on, let’s go have a little snack and then we’ll leave.”


“Are the brothers going too?”


“Go on, me and Longlong are going.” Chen Chen replied and also said to Night Zhen Ting, “Daddy, we’re going to stay at Grandpa Sen’s place for a few days, you stay home and recuperate oh.”


“Okay, you guys have fun.”


Night Zhen Ting was really begging for it, his joy was about to spill out.


“Daddy, don’t worry, we’ll be back in a few days.” Longlong reluctantly said goodbye to him.


“You can play for a few more days ……,” Night Zhen Ting almost blurted out, and then changed his tone after saying it, “Stay with Grandpa Sen more.”


“Mmmmmm, daddy bye!”




“See you in auntie debt!”




The children waved goodbye to Night Thunder and then followed Leng Mo downstairs for a snack.


Xiao Cui and the girls carried the five children’s luggage down and had the bodyguard put it in the car first.


Night Zhen Ting stood in the corridor on the first floor, watching the children leave, and let out a really long breath.


“Young master!”


At this moment, Night Sen was pushed up by his attendant with a wheelchair and said with concern, “I’ll take the children over for a few days, so you can recuperate properly, plus you can also spend time alone with Miss Leng, she’s been working too hard these days, you can spend more time with her.”


“Okay, that’s natural.” Night Zhen Ting was very happy, “Uncle Sen, thank you for your hard work!”


“You’re welcome, you should, young master, about the company ……”


“Let’s talk about the company tomorrow, I’m very tired, I’ll go back to my room to rest first.”


“Alright then, you have a good rest.”


Night Sen felt as if he was deliberately avoiding something, and felt a little strange in his heart, in the past, Night Zhen Ting would always have his heart set on the company, even if the sky was falling, he would always deal with business matters first.


But now, he seemed to have no desire to take care of ……


However, he was already in poor health, and experienced a fire, just crawled back from the ghost gate, now he does not want to ask about anything, just want to clear his mind, it is also understandable ……


Night Sen didn’t think much about it and took the children away, before leaving he urged Rong Ma and Night Jun and the others to take good care of Night Zhen Ting ……