The Real Dragon Chapter 4043

With this statement, Charlie wade directly froze Andre and Guo Lei’s group.

                Guo Lei couldn’t help but think: “It doesn’t matter if the one called What’s Broken Army has lost his mind, has this guy surnamed Wade also lost his mind along with him?”

                As he was wondering, Wan Bajun respectfully arched his hand to Charlie wade, then looked at Guo Lei and Andre and the others and said indifferently, “Introduce yourself, my surname is Wan, my name is Wan Bajun.”

                “Wan Broken Jun?!” When Guo Lei heard this name, he was first stunned, he always felt that this name seemed particularly familiar, but he couldn’t remember exactly who it was at once.

                At this time, Andre subconsciously said, “Your name is Wan Bajun? D*mn, no wonder you’re so arrogant, so you have the same name as the famous Hall Master of the Ten Thousand Dragons!”

                It was only then that the crowd suddenly realized!

                No wonder that name sounded familiar!

                The famous Ten Thousand Dragons Hall Master, Wan Bajun, is a legendary god-like figure!

                However, at this moment, no one believed that this Wan Breaking Army in front of them was the same Wan Breaking Army, the Hall Master of the Hall of Ten Thousand Dragons.

                Therefore, Guo Lei came back to his senses and said in a cold voice, “You think that just because you have the same name as the Lord of the Hall of Ten Thousand Dragons, I won’t dare to touch you? Of the 1.4 billion Chinese people, there are an unknown number of people called Wan Bajun, but there is only one Wan Bajun who is truly capable! What the f*ck are you?”

                Wan Bajun smiled faintly and said, “I am the Wan Bajun you are talking about!”

                Guo Lei was exasperated by him and was about to say something when Wan Bajun was no longer in the mood to continue playing with them, so he faintly said two words, “Do it!”

                As soon as the words left his mouth, dozens of black-clad soldiers with a*sault rifles immediately poured in from outside the C*ckpit.

                Immediately afterwards, dozens of soldiers with a*sault rifles also rushed in from the bottom staircase!

                Andre’s group was partly blocked inside the C*ckpit, and partly completely blocked inside the multi-storey staircase.

                They were all scared out of their wits when they saw so many soldiers with loaded guns.

                Of all the people in the Italian group, not many really had guns, and those that did were only a few pistols, so their firepower was not on the same level as that of the soldiers of the Dragon Palace.

                Andre was almost frightened silly because he was holding a gun in his hand and was pointing it at Wan Breaking Army, so there were a dozen a*sault rifles pointing at him at the moment.

                Guo Lei instantly came back to his senses and immediately put his hands on his head and shouted, “Don’t shoot, don’t shoot! I surrender!”

                He really didn’t expect Guo Lei to fall so quickly at this critical moment!

                At this moment, he was still holding on, his right hand trembling as he pointed his gun at Wan Bajun and said through clenched teeth, “D*mn it, if you don’t let them put their guns down, we’ll all die together!”

                Wan Bajun laughed contemptuously and suddenly reached out his hand, snatching the Beretta pistol out of his hand with great speed.

                Before Andre could react, his beloved pistol was already in Wan Bajun’s hand.

                Wan Bajun looked at the pistol, shook his head disdainfully, grabbed the handle with one hand and the barrel with the other, and with a little force, twisted the steel pistol into a twist!

                When Andre saw this scene, he almost P*ssed himself in fear!

                He had heard that the Ten Thousand Dragon Hall were all top experts in certain fields, but he had never thought that Wan Bajun’s body function would be so strong that he could easily twist even a pistol made of steel, such strength was simply not possessed by normal humans!

                At this moment, he was also firmly convinced that the man in front of him was the famous Master of the Hall of Ten Thousand Dragons, Wan Bajun!

                When the others saw this scene, they were all trembling with fear, knowing that their side had absolutely no chance of winning, and that if they still dared to step forward at such a time, it would basically be a death sentence.

                So a whole bunch of people crouched on the ground with their hands on their heads, even those who were still crowded on the stairs, and they all fell down in a heap.

                Andre was also frightened with a pale face, looked at Charlie wade, shivering and asked, “Wade …… Mr. Wade …… this …… what is going on here …… is there some misunderstanding here ……”

                Charlie wade faintly smiled: “There is no misunderstanding, didn’t you win a boat from me? I will give you this boat now.”

                Even if Andre was stupid, at this time he knew that Charlie wade was actually pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

                Even the famous Hall Master of the Ten Thousand Dragons Hall was calling himself a subordinate in front of him, so I was afraid that the strength of this man had long since far exceeded his own imagination.